June 17, 1007

New Items: Bands of the Coming StormQuickstrider Moccasins

New Quests: Sage's Pledge

Updated Items: Incendic BracersSupreme ShouldersBroken Balanced Throwing DaggerGressil, Dawn of RuinMarshcreeper LeggingsVibro ShankerPattern: Star BeltSimple ParchmentCloak of FlamesShifting Sash of MidnightRed Skeletal WarhorseGordon's CrateSapphiron DrapeTotem of the PlainsGold Pickup ScheduleWar StaffBent StaffWar MaulMorning StarWar HammerTruncheonCrescent AxeLong Bastard SwordBattle StaffBullovaApprentice's RobeSnapped Spider LimbSmall Spider LegBurnt Leather BracersFaerleia's ShieldBoar Hunter's CapeApprentice's PantsField Plate GauntletsDefiler's Cloth GirdleStable BootsDriftmire ShieldCrimson Silk BeltHeavy Iron KnucklesThe Green TowerBrigade BracersRageclaw GlovesChampion's Dreadweave CowlEncarmine BootsBroken ArrowHighlander's Chain GreavesJazeraint BracersGreenweave GlovesRushridge BootsLord's LegguardsDokebi BootsSilksand BracersRuned Copper GauntletsFlimsy Chain BracersTwilight MantleEmbossed Leather CloakInfantry BracersWarped CloakKindling StaveCarnelian LoopTemplar ChestplateWitch's FingerShadowskin GlovesGlorious BreastplateDeviate Scale CloakLionheart HelmBarbaric Cloth BracersGilded GauntletsSacred Burial TrousersAcidproof CloakTwilight GlovesBrigade CloakPolished Walking StaffVenomshroud MittsStronghorn GirdleMail Combat BootsPapa's ArmbandsCobalt BucklerFigurine - Truesilver CrabArachnidian CircletImperial Red RobeMug O' HurtArcanist BootsMerciless EpauletsHacking CleaverSplitting HatchetSunscale HelmetWild Leather LeggingsFranciscaSlavehandler PantsVenom Web FangSavage Gladiator GreavesElemental Attuned BladeRing of the UnlivingFlimsy Female Nightelf MaskHazza'rah's Charm of HealingWushoolay's Charm of SpiritsGri'lek's Charm of MightJeklik's CrusherWarblade of the HakkariWarblade of the HakkariZin'rokh, Destroyer of WorldsKezan's Unstoppable TaintLookout's TunicElemental Focus BandEarthen GuardHibernation CrystalHazza'rah's Charm of DestructionRenataki's Charm of TrickeryRenataki's Charm of BeastsBloodlord's DefenderBloodcallerMaelstrom's WrathNative HandwrapsWind Rider StaffSmall Scorpid ClawMalfurion's Signet RingDried Scorpid CarapaceEmpty Venom SacDeadly Poison VThekal's GraspStaff of Rampant GrowthOwlbeard BracersMindtear BandDestroyer ShoulderbladesLightforge BootsMercurial LegguardsBonecaster's ShroudTome of Frost Ward VMagnificent ShouldersHigh Chief's ShieldThe FanatikVital TunicInstant Poison IIDestroyer GreavesBelt of the Grand CrusaderDestroyer BreastplateBrown Linen PantsBloodfist VambracesTalonguard EpauletsTalhide ChestpieceSash of the WindreaverSunroc GlovesSylvan CloakThick Leather BeltExpert's BowRicochet BlunderbussSabatons of MightThistlefur CloakNightmare BladeBloodforged GauntletsCorpselight GreavesGothic SabatonsHalberd of SmitingFormidable CircletThistlefur RobeRigid BucklerLaminated Scale BeltBone Ring HelmInterlaced VestFine ShortbowRawhide BracersKingly AxePioneer CloakSerpentlord ClaymorePneumatic War HammerDevout GlovesFinely Wrought Scale LeggingsIronhide GreavesBonelink BracersWrathfin WaistbandNetherstalker HelmetMagister's BootsTrickster's BindingsHeadhunter's SlippersEbony Flame GlovesIllusionary RodGeomancer's SpauldersWitherseed GlovesLightforge BracersLinen BeltHeroic SkullcapDraenethyst WandPotent ArmorAngo'rosh BreastplateBrutish BootsBlue Linen VestArachnidian CapeQueen's InsigniaSpleenripper ClawsRiversong MaceFormidable ChestpieceBonelink HelmetSundered GauntletsBoneshredder ShoulderguardsOpulent BracersGaea's LeggingsHeavy Linen GlovesHeirloom Signet of ConvalescenceDirty BlunderbussReinforced Linen CapeGreat AxeBejeweled LegguardsCanvas VestBogslayer BracersGrimscale VambracesLumberjack AxeSymbolic LegplatesRavager's ShieldLaughing Skull BootAntiquated Nobleman's TunicWushoolay's Charm of NatureArlokk's GraspZandalarian Shadow Mastery TalismanWristguards of StabilitySalamander Scale PantsPeerless BeltSubterranean CapeCrystalline CuffsSkyguard Silver CrossDestroyer Battle-HelmDestroyer GauntletsLight Plate PantsFirewalker BootsSea Dog BritchesCharred WandChipped WoodchopperJagged BroadaxeSeasoned Fighter's CloakHickory ShortbowWarphorn SpearCrown of the Sea WitchGhostwalker LegguardsLeggings of the Seventh CircleSkyguard TabardBrooch of the Immortal KingCelestial SlippersCharred Razormane WandSaltstone SabatonsTattered Leather HoodHoney BreadTome of Arcane BrillianceHeroic LegplatesBloodwoven JerkinShadewood CloakTome of KnowledgeIronhide ShieldAirman's Ribbon of GallantryGladiator's Plate Legguards

Updated Quests: Marvon's WorkshopZapper FuelCleansing FelwoodThe Darkmoon FaireLost!The Green DrakeHaze of EvilSeeking Spiritual AidYou Scream, I Scream...An Imp's RequestA Donation of WoolTrouble in Winterspring!Little PamelaAre We There, Yeti?Toxic TestMagecraftOgre Head On A Stick = PartyUrsius of the ShardtoothA Strange OneA Donation of WoolVolcanic ActivityThe Scourge CauldronsVerifying the CorruptionSpeak to NafienClear the WayThe Sovereign ImperativeGor'tesh the Brute LordFurther CorruptionA Donation of SilkA Donation of WoolAll Along the WatchtowersChasing A-Me 01Bone-Bladed WeaponsThe Mighty U'chaBarov Family FortuneThe Hunter's CharmSuper StickyForging the MightstoneTarget: Dalson's TearsThe Sunken TempleSecret of the CircleInto the DepthsReturn to TinkeeHigh Chief WinterfallWild GuardiansToxic HorrorsJammal'an the ProphetAre We There, Yeti?Dousing the Flames of ProtectionRelease ThemBetrayedWinterfall RunnersHarpy RaidersThe Good StuffMaterial AssistanceTorwa PathfinderExtinguish the FiregutAncient SpiritA Plague Upon TheeFIFTY! YEP!Target: Felstone FieldOvermaster PyronA Final BlowDragonkin MenaceSalve via HuntingThe Battle of AlteracFallen Sky LordsProving GroundsBeren's PerilMichael GarrettReturn to PodrigJourney to Hillsbrad FoothillsArugal's FollyAltered BeingsTowers and BunkersRise and Be RecognizedCapture a MineAlterac Valley GraveyardsArmor ScrapsChen's Empty KegMarauders of DarrowshireHarpy LieutenantsA Little Slime Goes a Long Way


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