October 2, 2007

Updated Items: Black Bark WristbandsPattern: Boots of the Crimson HawkLarval AcidJudgement SabatonsDesign: Bright Living RubyJudgement Breastplate ; Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior StrengthBrutal Earthstorm DiamondSteel LockboxWristguards of StabilityBlazefury MedallionMagical Crawdad BoxManslayer of the QirajiArcanite DragonlingGnoll Skin BandolierZulian Stone AxeHarpy Hide QuiverParrot Cage (Cockatiel)Parrot Cage (Senegal)Bronze Battle AxeFormula: Enchant Weapon - Minor BeastslayerGolden Skeleton KeyUnkempt PantsScraggy Leather BeltThe Untamed BladeBronze GreatswordSilver Skeleton KeyDraenei Fishing NetRuned Mithril HammerBracers of Arcane AccuracyCore LeatherStormpike Battle ChargerWristguards of VengeanceMana Gathering StaffFormula: Enchant Cloak - Greater ResistanceMagma Tempered BootsThorium LockboxBlood Knight DefenderTiny Emerald WhelplingIron Shield SpikeFormula: Enchant Chest - Major ResiliencePlans: Bracers of the Green FortressCold SnapSunstrider StaffSunstrider AxeErona's PackageFelendren's HeadShoddy Chain VestShoddy Chain BeltArcane SliverGreen Chain GauntletsLight Cloth PantsNeophyte's MaceShoddy Chain PantsSmashed PetalFrayed Tender VineSchematic: Snake Burst FireworkSacred ProtectorAncient Hakkari ManslayerBarbaric Iron BreastplateFormula: Enchant Cloak - Spell PenetrationFormula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Arcane ResistanceEarthshakerMassive MojoFormula: Enchant Weapon - AgilityPlans: Obsidian Mail TunicFormula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature ResistanceDeeprock BracersHammer of Bestial FuryFormula: Enchant Bracer - HealingThe Eye of DivinityArcane Forged MaceCloak of Draconic MightSouldariteForce Reactive DiskLight Cloth ArmorLight Cloth ShoesAvalanchion's Stony HideFelheart PantsWhite Moth EggSwiftstrike ShouldersHeavy Timbermaw BeltPlans: Blue Glittering AxeNolkai's BoxLight Cloth BeltWeather Beaten BucklerBattered ShieldSolid WeightstoneZandalarian Hero MedallionRabbit Crate (Snowshoe)Formula: Enchant Bracer - Mana RegenerationFel WeightstonePlans: Gloves of the DawnPlans: Girdle of the DawnArlokk's Hoodoo StickLeggings of the Fallen ChampionHelm of the Fallen ChampionGloves of the Fallen ChampionChestguard of the Fallen ChampionEmpyrean DemolisherFang of the MysticsTyphoonSlayer's LegguardsPlans: Khorium BootsHoodoo Hunting BowPanther Hide SackAngelista's GraspElementium Threaded CloakRune of MetamorphosisFlayed Doomguard BeltObsidian Edged BladeSublime Mystic DawnstoneResplendent Fire OpalVis'kag the BloodletterBreastplate of Ten StormsReins of the Purple Netherwing DrakeChampion's Fire OpalBonecaster's StarHigh Councillor's ScepterAegis of PreservationPlans: Iceguard LeggingsWushoolay's Charm of NatureNightmare BladeDiagnostic ResultsWorg Hide QuiverOlaf's All Purpose ShieldFormula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Superior ImpactWushoolay's PokerSceptre of SmitingZulian Ceremonial StaffMark of the IllidariA Jubling's Tiny HomeNetherwind RobesZulian HackerIceguard HelmRingo's Blizzard BootsFive of PortalsGirdle of the DawnArcanite Skeleton KeyTruesilver Skeleton KeyShimmering GetaPlans: Dark Iron HelmPlans: Dark Iron ReaverLynx CollarFaintly Glowing EyePlans: Dark Iron BracersDark Iron BracersTattered PeltTorn Wyrm ScaleSolanian's Scrying OrbScroll of Scourge MagicSolanian's JournalPlans: Dark Iron DestroyerPlans: Fiery Chain GirdleParrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)Plans: Runed Mithril HammerPlans: Barbaric Iron BreastplateBoots of FrightNetherwhelp's CollarElegant ScepterPlans: Darkrune HelmPlans: Golden Scale GauntletsCirclet of FaithSulfuron HammerPlans: Mithril Scale ShouldersPlans: Khorium PantsPointed AxeFormula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser SpiritZulian SlicerFiery Chain GirdleSpineshatterSorcerous DaggerFormula: Enchant Gloves - Greater AgilityGauntlets of Ten StormsEpaulets of Ten StormsBracers of Ten StormsPlans: Iridescent HammerStiff ShortbowDraconic AvengerDrillborer DiskBlessed Qiraji BulwarkDragonbone WristguardsUnmelting Ice GirdleThe Plague BearerPlans: Blessed BracersPlans: Darkrune BreastplatePumpkin BagNaturewarden's TreadsPlans: Barbaric Iron ShouldersRed Moth EggBrown Rabbit CrateTrance StoneGri'lek's Charm of MightTome of SacrificeBlack War RamMonstrous GlaiveAzure Snapdragon BulbSkittering Crawler MeatRoot Trapper VineMoongraze Buck HideRed SnapperExodar DaggerSulfuron IngotGlowing Black OrbNat Pagle's Fish TerminatorMaster Dragonslayer's MedallionEssence of the Pure FlameBlack AmnestyStark Blood GarnetMolten BeltContest Winner's TabardCorehound BootsFormula: Enchant Chest - Greater StatsDraenei Orphan WhistlePitchwood WandFormula: Enchant Weapon - BattlemasterWastewalker HelmRoyal Shadowsong AmethystFormula: Enchant Boots - Cat's SwiftnessPolished Ironwood CrossbowPattern: Belt of the Black EagleLightbringer BreastplatePlans: Steel Weapon ChainJin'do's HexxerBrightly Glowing StoneShard of the FlameRing of Emperor Vek'lorPolar TunicGreaves of Ten StormsDelivery to MathiasShimmering CloakKnothide LeatherAnkhCarnelian LoopRing of the RecalcitrantDevout BeltElemental FragmentWarpstalker HelmBreastplate of ValorShadowcraft TunicShadowcraft BeltShadowcraft GlovesShadowcraft BootsDreadmist WrapsDreadmist SandalsDreadmist MantleDreadmist RobeDreadmist LeggingsDevout MantleDevout SkirtDevout CrownDevout SandalsDevout RobeBeaststalker's BeltGreaves of the BloodwarderRobe of Hateful EchoesMantle of the Elven KingsFel-Steel WarhelmSwiftsteel BludgeonThundering GreathelmThick HideKnight's PauldronsPhalanx ShieldCowl of Beastly RageInsignia BeltKnothide Leather ScrapsSharp ClawSoft Banana BreadPotent Sha'tari PendantFurious Gizmatic GogglesA'dal's Recovery NecklaceBelt of the TrackerBoots of SavageryFaceguard of DeterminationCrunchy Spider LegCrystalweave CapeMote of AirLambent Scale BootsMana-Binders CowlMask of the DeceiverShattrath Choker of Power


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Pink Elekks on Parade - Brewfest
# Oct 03 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
Is there some trick to zapping the Pink Elekks? I found them, used the charger. It worked, but failed to slay the elekks. You only have 12 charges to slay 9 elekks (Stormwind, Teldrassil, and in Azuremyst). Out of the 12 charges, only one elekk was slain. WTH?!
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