May 02, 2006

Have some mob images! I will try to update tomorrow, if not, don't be hatin' me! *giggle* Update for sure on Thursday, well unless I blow my final and I am hold up in my room! ROFL

Updated Mobs: Wushoolay ; Falrin Treeshaper ; Alenndaar Lapidaar ; Lesser Felguard ; Sprite Darter Hatchling ; Grawmug ; Vilebranch Wolf Pup ; Frostmane Headhunter ; Frostmane Snowstrider ; Frostmane Seer ; Lord Valthalak ; Narm Faulk ; Monnos the Elder ; Regthar Deathgate ; Rotting Behemoth ; Hitah'ya the Keeper ; Windcaller Kaldon ; Vyral the Vile ; Tortured Druid ; Trigore the Lasher ; Felinni ; Privateer Bloads ; Verog the Dervish ; Twilight Marauder Morna ; Obsidian Destroyer ; Kernobee ; Gornek ; Zulian Tiger ; Undertaker Mordo ; Caretaker Caice ; Venya Marthand ; Deathguard Saltain ; Deathguard Randolph ; Deathguard Bartrand ; Rattlecage Skeleton ; Archibald Kava ; Kayla Smithe ; Novice Elreth ; Claire Willower ; Executor Arren ; Shadow Priest Sarvis ; Young Night Web Spider ; Mangy Duskbat ; Duskbat ; Wretched Zombie ; Mindless Zombie ; Deathguard Phillip ; Maximillion ; Maquell Ebonwood ; Isabella ; Dark Cleric Duesten ; David Trias ; Dannal Stern ; Blacksmith Rand ; Harold Raims ; Joshua Kien ; Night Web Spider ; Sunscale Lashtail ; Fizzles ; Giant Eye Tentacle

Updated Items:
Jangdor's Handcrafted Tunic ; Cured Leather Belt ; Legionnaire's Plate Armor ; Feral Harness ; Arena Master ; Highborne Cloak ; Spiked Club ; Interlaced Bracers ; Warstrike Shoulder Pads ; Shredder Operating Manual - Page 6 ; Stormbringer Belt ; Nightscape Headband ; Mana Citrine ; Captain Rackmore's Tiller ; Mercurial Cloak ; Embossed Plate Shield ; Sentry's Shoulderguards ; Deep Fried Plantains ; Dark Leather Tunic ; Whipvine Cord ; Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 4) ; Silksand Bracers ; Runecloth Pants ; Tender Wolf Steak ; Plainstrider Talon ; Hawkeye's Breeches ; Radiant Belt ; Gnomish Shrink Ray ; Flax Gloves ; Zombie Skin Leggings ; Flax Vest ; Old Leather Belt ; Simple Wildflowers ; Skycaller ; Rune of Metamorphosis ; Mighty Leggings ; Laced Mail Belt ; Hyperion Greaves ; Giantstalker's Gloves ; Embossed Plate Armor ; Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas ; Glowing Lizardscale Cloak ; Empowered Leggings ; Jade Deflector ; Demonic Figurine ; Elemental Earth ; Red Linen Robe ; Scorpashi Wristbands ; Bloodscalp Channeling Staff ; Energetic Rod ; Wicked Leather Bracers ; Infantry Gauntlets ; Eyestalk Cord ; Leaded Vial ; Ebonhold Cloak ; Wolf Rider's Padded Armor ; Nightshade Boots ; Zandalar Confessor's Mantle ; Calico Gloves ; Outrunner's Pauldrons ; Watcher's Mantle ; Mistscape Bracers ; Flame Walkers ; Heathen's Brand ; Imposing Boots ; Abyssal Leather Belt ; Boots of the Fallen Hero ; Rough Stone ; Spirewind Fetter ; Lord's Cape ; Helm of the Lifegiver ; Nat Pagle's Guide to Extreme Anglin' ; Anastari Heirloom ; Cloud Stone ; Elemental Water ; Gryphon Mail Greaves ; Barbaric Shoulders ; Stonesplinter Rags ; Darkmist Pants ; Crochet Vest ; Mantle of Honor ; Hand Axe ; Ogremind Ring ; Bloodlust Gauntlets ; Cragplate Greaves ; Knightly Longsword ; Pridelord Gloves ; Lightforge Bracers ; Clay Scarab ; Barbaric Harness ; Plans: Light Obsidian Belt ; Crocolisk Steak ; Scarlet Belt ; Recipe: Mystery Stew ; Light Crossbow ; Armswake Cloak ; Cloak of the People's Militia ; Recipe: Elixir of Shadow Power ; Durable Robe ; Scarlet Boots ; Ferine Leggings ; Serpentskin Gloves ; Watcher's Cap ; Gaea's Circlet ; Sedgeweed Britches ; Band of Flesh ; Blanchard's Stout ; Jin'do's Judgement ; Hulking Chestguard ; Marauder's Bracers ; Legionnaire's Mail Chestpiece ; Orb of the Darkmoon ; Ivycloth Bracelets ; Vis'kag the Bloodletter ; Heavy Mithril Boots ; Arcanist Bindings ; Arcanist Leggings ; Shadowcraft Belt ; Beaststalker's Cap ; Magus Long Staff ; Traveler's Backpack ; Mooncloth Leggings ; Wizardweave Leggings ; Painweaver Band ; Sword of Corruption ; Acrobatic Staff ; Basalt Ring ; Carrot on a Stick ; Worn Hide Cloak ; Dazzling Longsword ; Darkmoon Ring ; Twill Vest ; Longsword ; Thick-shelled Clam ; Overlord's Girdle ; Ceremonial Cloak ; Clarice's Pendant ; Gutgore Ripper ; Forest Leather Bracers ; Notched Shortsword ; Abyssal Cloth Slippers ; Combat Cloak

Updated Quests: The Tower of Althalaxx ; Therylune's Escape ; The Absent Minded Prospector ; The Absent Minded Prospector ; The Tower of Althalaxx ; Southshore ; The Ashenvale Hunt ; The Tower of Althalaxx ; The Absent Minded Prospector ; A Lost Master ; Buzzbox 525 ; Mura Runetotem ; Serena Bloodfeather ; Harpy Lieutenants ; Hamuul Runetotem ; Free From the Hold ; Chen's Empty Keg ; The Missing Shipment ; Chen's Empty Keg ; Harpy Raiders ; The Missing Shipment ; Smart Drinks ; Ziz Fizziks ; Weapons of Choice ; The Guns of Northwatch ; Tribes at War ; Consumed by Hatred ; Kill Grundig Darkcloud ; Egg Hunt ; Raptor Horns ; Apothecary Zamah ; Report to Kadrak ; Lost in Battle ; Deepmoss Spider Eggs ; Miner's Fortune ; Prowlers of the Barrens ; Southsea Freebooters ; Supplies for the Crossroads ; Slaying the Beast ; Blueleaf Tubers ; Avenge My Village ; Goblin Invaders ; The Disruption Ends ; The Stagnant Oasis ; Stolen Booty ; Stolen Silver ; The Angry Scytheclaws ; Fungal Spores ; Gaffer Jacks ; The Touch of Zanzil ; Mountaineer Stormpike's Task ; Speak with Shoni ; Oh Brother. . . ; The Hermit ; Blackrock Bounty ; The Night Watch ; How Big a Threat? ; Tharnariun's Hope ; The Champion of the Banshee Queen ; Rude Awakening ; Marla's Last Wish ; Night Web's Hollow ; The Damned ; The Mindless Ones ; Arathor Basic Care Package ; How Big a Threat? ; The Fall of Ameth'Aran ; Grove of the Ancients ; Cleansing of the Infected ; Buzzbox 323 ; Ursal the Mauler ; Cave Mushrooms ; Crown of the Earth ; Thundris Windweaver ; Sathrah's Sacrifice ; Bashal'Aran ; Buzzbox 411 ; The Family and the Fishing Pole ; The Cliffspring River ; Bashal'Aran ; The Red Crystal ; Tools of the Highborne ; Bashal'Aran ; Bashal'Aran ; The Enchanted Glade ; Tears of the Moon ; Teldrassil ; Plagued Lands ; Crown of the Earth ; Resupplying the Excavation ; Report to Mountaineer Rockgar


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# May 04 2006 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
3,152 posts
Darqflame! Save us from IGE!
Rehuhu of Kujata
# May 03 2006 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
[...] unless I blow my final [...]

Good luck.
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