October 25, 2007

Updated Items: Plagueheart RingTalonguard GreavesWolfskin BracersTainted Wraith EssenceWraith EssenceLight Silk RobeBand of the UndercityGreen Chain Gauntlets ;  Silver-thread SashBasalt NecklaceUnadorned Chain VestUnadorned Chain LeggingsUnadorned Chain GlovesUnadorned Chain BracersUnadorned Chain BootsEye of ArachnidaBig Bad PauldronsSlagplate GauntletsMagician StaffShimmering RobeGlowing Lizardscale CloakInsignia of the HordeConjurer's CloakArmor of the FangOrb of PowerBattle KnifeVenomstrikeKaleidoscope ChainLeggings of the FangRagged Leather GlovesViridian BandBright PantsWarbringer's ChestguardSacred Burial TrousersNightsky MantleMagefist GlovesSilver-thread CuffsBejeweled LegguardsDaylight CloakVigorous BracersLight QuiverMarble CircleWizard's BeltNightsky CloakShriveled HeartBloodbone BandElder's HatChrome RingScraggy Leather BootsUnkempt BeltWyrm SashLynxskin GlovesSunrise BracersSunstrider StaffSunstrider DaggerStinging ViperBristlebark BindingsProspector's SashSkull RingLight Chain GlovesLight Chain BracersLight Chain BootsLight Chain LeggingsLight Chain BeltLight Chain ArmorKhan's CloakGloves of the FangFootpads of the FangSunspire CordBonechewerLey-Keeper's WandArcane Forged ShortswordSeer's Padded ArmorBattleworn ClaymoreRough ArrowVanguard SabatonsStiff ShortbowInitiate's BootsInitiate's PantsGreen Chain VestLight Cloth BracersLight Cloth ShoesLarge ShieldSunstrider SwordTail SpikeArcane Forged DirkSoft Leather VestScraggy Leather BracersStriding PantsScraggy Leather GlovesScraggy Leather PantsScraggy Leather VestFormula: Enchant Cloak - SubtletyFormula: Enchant Gloves - Superior AgilityFormula: Enchant Gloves - Frost PowerFormula: Enchant Gloves - Shadow PowerFormula: Enchant Gloves - ThreatMalignant FootguardsBelt of the Dark BogBoots of the Endless MoorPattern: Sandstalker BreastplatePattern: Sandstalker GauntletsPattern: Sandstalker BracersPattern: Spitfire BreastplatePattern: Spitfire GauntletsPattern: Spitfire BracersPattern: Dreamscale BreastplateFiery RetributerHazza'rah's Charm of MagicWushoolay's Charm of SpiritsGri'lek's Charm of ValorOverlord's EmbraceFormula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty IntellectFormula: Enchant Weapon - Mighty SpiritPattern: Molten BeltPattern: Corehound BeltPattern: Chromatic GauntletsPattern: Lava BeltNightfallCold Forged BladeHorn of the Swift Brown WolfPattern: Shifting CloakPattern: Hide of the WildPattern: Chromatic CloakPattern: Swift Flight BracersPattern: Mongoose BootsPattern: Girdle of InsightKreeg's MugGordok Inner Door KeyGordok Courtyard KeyFormula: Enchant Weapon - Spell PowerPattern: Core Armor KitRed Skeletal WarhorseWhistle of the Black War RaptorReins of the Black War TigerCharged Scale of OnyxiaPattern: Black Dragonscale BootsTome of Tranquilizing ShotFormula: Enchant Shield - Superior SpiritFormula: Enchant Gloves - Greater AgilityEternal RodElunarian SphereWindreaperPattern: Runic Leather ShouldersPattern: Runic Leather ArmorPattern: Living BreastplatePattern: Onyxia Scale CloakPattern: Wicked Leather BeltPattern: Wicked Leather PantsPattern: Runic Leather HeadbandPattern: Warbear WooliesPattern: Stormshroud ArmorPattern: Red Dragonscale BreastplateJoseph's KeyTeal KodoGreen KodoLady Maye's PendantPumpkin BagFlimsy Male Orc MaskCloak of Draconic MightOrb of the DarkmoonFiremaw's ClutchDeath's ClutchLifegiving GemSun Cured BootsHighborne CrownFelcloth ShouldersHigh Warlord's Street SweeperFireproof CloakCore Hound ToothBone Slicing HatchetMaster Dragonslayer's MedallionDawn TreadersPeacemakerShivery HandwrapsSergeant's CloakWand of Arcane PotencyHoney BreadTorn Wyrm ScaleGloves of the GreatfatherLight Cloth BeltAcolyte's DaggerWarder's ShortbowPenelope's RoseSun Cured VestSun Cured PantsSun Cured GlovesSun Cured BracersUnadorned Chain BeltFormula: Enchant Bracer - Superior StrengthWarder's BootsWarder's PantsApprentice's PantsApprentice's RobeAcolyte's RobeFormula: Enchant Cloak - Superior DefensePattern: Green Dragonscale BreastplateFormula: Enchant Bracer - Superior SpiritFormula: Enchant Cloak - Greater ResistanceFaintly Glowing EyeSmashed PetalFrayed Tender VineLynx ToothTattered PeltLynx CollarFormula: Wizard OilHeavy Scorpid BeltFrostsaber BootsDark Iron RifleThorium ShellsFlimsy Female Undead MaskFlimsy Male Undead MaskFlimsy Male Tauren MaskFlimsy Female Tauren MaskFlimsy Female Orc MaskFlimsy Male Troll MaskFlimsy Female Troll MaskFlimsy Female Human MaskFlimsy Male Nightelf MaskFlimsy Female Nightelf MaskFlimsy Male Dwarf MaskTruesilver Skeleton KeySilver Skeleton KeyLight Cloth PantsBlue Dragonscale LeggingsWindtalker's WristguardsSenior Sergeant's InsigniaUnkempt PantsFlimsy Female Dwarf MaskSpitfire BracersPattern: Runic Leather BeltFlimsy Female Gnome MaskFlimsy Male Gnome MaskPattern: Heavy Scorpid BracersRugged Armor KitChimeric LeggingsFrostsaber LeatherHeavy Scorpid ScaleHighlander's Plate GreavesGeneral's Plate LeggingsGeneral's Silk HandguardsField Marshal's Leather MaskGray KodoEarthfury VestmentsEarthfury BracersEarthfury BootsNightslayer GlovesNightslayer PantsArcanist RobesUnkempt RobeUnkempt BracersBlue Dragonscale ShouldersShoddy Chain PantsGeneral's Plate BootsLava CoreBlack Dragonscale BootsUnkempt ShoesGreen Chain BootsNemesis SkullcapNetherwind MantleNetherwind RobesNetherwind GlovesStormrage LegguardsGolden Skeleton KeySabatons of MightLawbringer GauntletsGiantstalker's LeggingsGiantstalker's GlovesGiantstalker's BeltEarthfury HelmetGiantstalker's BootsEarthfury EpauletsEarthfury LegguardsEarthfury GauntletsEarthfury BeltUnkempt GlovesUnkempt CloakCenarion BootsGloves of ProphecyDragonstalker's GauntletsDragonstalker's Belt


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