September 18, 2007

Updated Items: Plans: FrostguardMiniscule Diamond RingPattern: Phoenix GlovesRecipe: Superior Mana PotionSchematic: Ice DeflectorPattern: Reinforced Woolen ShouldersBlack War Ram ; Reins of the Black War TigerBarrel of Shimmer StoutBrown ElekkIncendia PowderSilver Piffeny BandTrogg Hand AxeGrips of the Lunar EclipseGrimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 3)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 4)Crystal of VitalityDeathclaw's PawGrimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 1)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 7)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 5)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 4)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 2)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 3)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 2)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 6)Plans: Iceguard HelmPlans: Iceguard LeggingsPlans: Iceguard BreastplateBloodshot Spider EyeSenir's ReportSmall Green PouchPattern: Frostweave TunicBand of the Eternal ChampionMartin ThunderCrystal of FerocityCrystal of InsightReins of the Swift StormsaberChromatic Mantle of the DawnRumbleshot's AmmoRemains of Cowlen's FamilyCowl of the Illidari High LordToy DragonLordaeron Medical GuideSpeckled TastyfishSoulforge SpauldersGreat Blue ElekkBlack BattlestriderEagle EyeIron Bound TrunkRazorsteel ShouldersStillpine Furbolg Language PrimerBroken Ravager FangStillpine GrainFel Cone FungusRusted Engineering PartsAquatic StinkhornBroken Ravager ClawRuinous PolysporeBlood MushroomRavager HideMurloc TaggerBroken Ravager CarapaceThe Exarch's OrdersThe Kurken's HideSunhawk MissiveFrostmane ShortswordGreat Purple ElekkGray ElekkPattern: Runic Leather BracersZergling LeashHippogryph HatchlingHelm of the Forgotten ConquerorChestguard of the Forgotten ConquerorHauberk of DesolationSoulforge LegplatesSoulforge BootsCho'Rush's BladeDarkshade GlovesLesser Arcanum of RuminationSoulforge HelmPattern: Runic Leather GauntletsAcidic SlimeEtched RuneThick Bear FurCask of EvershineBarrel of Thunder AleBarrel of Barleybrew ScalderRuned Golden RodSoulforge BreastplateDesecrated SandalsDesecrated BootsSceptre of SmitingFormula: Enchant Cloak - DodgeFormula: Enchant Gloves - Fire PowerFormula: Enchant Gloves - Frost PowerBile-Covered GauntletsPitchfork of MadnessBase of AtieshNeretzek, The Blood DrinkerDesecrated GirdleDesecrated GauntletsBand of the Eternal SagePattern: Lava BeltPlans: Dark Iron HelmDeath's EmbraceSyncretist's SigilProphetic AuraWarglaive of Azzinoth (Right)Resilience of the ScourgeRed FireworkPrimitive KiltHigh Warlord's Tome of MendingBrawler's BootsBlinding PowderAcolyte's DaggerAcolyte's RobeMalfurion's Blessed BulwarkRing of BlackrockGirdle of the Fallen CrusaderEmpowered LeggingsGloves of Rapid EvolutionLok'amir il RomathisRed Dragonscale ProtectorObsidian Edged BladeLeggings of TranscendenceBloodfang ChestpieceStormrage HandguardsFelheart PantsGreen FireworkRobe of the Shadow CouncilTwisted Blades of ZarakNether Shadow TunicTouch of InspirationGreater Magic EssenceRobes of RhoninShady Dealer's PantaloonsBlue FireworkGreater Inscription of WardingEtherlithium Matrix CrystalsGreater Inscription of VengeanceGreater Inscription of FaithGreater Inscription of DisciplineInscription of VengeanceInscription of WardingNovice's RobeRed Fireworks RocketShattered Power CoreAn Unsent LetterCloak of the Golden HiveStaff of DisintegrationRed Streaks FireworkRed, White and Blue FireworkMug of Shimmer StoutGilneas Sparkling WaterThe Twin Blades of AzzinothCaptured FlameGuardian StoneGolden DraenitePattern: Tough Scorpid BootsCataclysm HelmCataclysm GauntletsElementalist BootsThick LeatherScorpid ScaleCataclysm LegplatesBlack Silk PackCataclysm ShoulderplatesPhoenix-fire BandRing of the RecalcitrantFine Aged CheddarDevastationThe Thunderwood PokerCured Ham SteakSuper Healing PotionMutton ChopCrude Throwing AxeWild Hog ShankMote of ManaHaunch of MeatNeophyte's MaceNeophyte's RobeSweet NectarMoonberry JuiceAncient GreavesUnkempt GlovesUnkempt BracersUnkempt ShoesTough JerkyIce Cold MilkCataclysm ChestplateMedium QuiverShani's CrysknifeDib'Muad's CrysknifeTough Scorpid BootsPermafrost DaggerGrovekeeper's DrapeLong Redwood BowChoker of Bloodied FeathersConsortium Plated LegguardsSpaulders of DementiaDoom SkullGreaves of DesolationMyrmidon's HeaddressDeathforge GirdleRavenclaw BandWastewander Water PouchBoots of the ColossusFormula: Enchant Shield - Major StaminaCrafted Solid ShotAvian Cloak of FeathersHerod's ShoulderStillwater GirdleShard Encrusted BreastplateCrystal Band of ValorSteam-Hinge Chain of ValorNexus-Bracers of VigorMask of the Howling StormFaith Bearer's GauntletsBlood RingHowling SwordLong Silken CloakMail Combat ArmorMild SpicesGladiusLinked Chain ShoulderpadsScarlet GauntletsSimple FlourThug BootsThug PantsGatorbite AxeForest Mushroom CapCrested Heater ShieldPlatemail ArmorPlatemail LeggingsPlatemail HelmPlatemail BeltPlatemail BootsPlatemail GlovesPlatemail BracersHoney BreadSunstrider Book SatchelAncient Sinew Wrapped LaminaBlue Sack of GemsEternal RodAshbringerTCHILTON TEST RUBYIronspine's FistDraconic for DummiesNarain's RobeYellow Rose FireworkOil Covered FishWarp SlicerEmberweave LeggingsA Jubling's Tiny HomeDiablo StoneTome of DivinityTiny Emerald WhelplingThunder Bluff MarzipanOrcish Orphan WhistleBindings of ElementsRunic BreastplateRunic Plate BootsNemesis BootsMagical Crawdad BoxLurky's EggPattern: Molten BeltPattern: Corehound BeltPattern: Chromatic GauntletsBlood Elf Orphan WhistlePattern: Belt of BlastingParrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)Mantle of the Elven KingsCat Carrier (Black Tabby)Sprite Darter EggPink Murloc EggHead of NefarianHead of NefarianWhistle of the Emerald RaptorRat CageHuman Orphan WhistleSoulstone


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