August 31, 2007

New Items: Yellow Bryanite of StaminaGreen Woolen RobeRed Bryanite of Strength stuffStormcloth PantsStormcloth GlovesStormcloth VestStormcloth HeadbandStormcloth ShouldersStormcloth BootsThorium GreatswordGreater Holy Protection Potion ; Netherflame RobeNetherflame BeltNetherflame BootsLifeblood BracersLifeblood Leggings

Updated Items: Pet BomblingBundle of CardsParrot DroppingsBoneclenched GauntletsAncient TabletNoggenfogger ElixirCollection PlateMinor Darkmoon PrizeFake MistletoeOrnate Mithril PantsGallant's WristguardsRaw Brilliant SmallfishHibernal BracersOgre Splitting AxeBlindweedTruesilver OreGothic Plate HelmetRighteous SpauldersDuskwoven AmicePink Mageweave ShirtTuxedo JacketTuxedo PantsLeggings of the CorruptorChieftain's BracersMantle of the AvatarBreeches of the AvatarGloves of the AvatarDeathmantle ShoulderpadsTracker's LeggingsDestroyer GauntletsSerpent Spine LongbowFrayed Tether of the DrownedMantle of the Tireless TrackerRing of Sundered SoulsRenegade CircletBanded ArmorIvycloth RobeRod of the Sun KingThe Nexus KeyArena MasterAcidic WalkersPhoenix-Ring of RebirthAdamantine Kite ShieldMindstorm WristbandsIronstar RepeaterFoe ReaverChainlink TowelTriprunner DungareesMasons Fraternity RingRoyal Seal of Eldre'ThalasBelt of Divine InspirationMantle of the CorruptorCrystalforge GreathelmSoul-Strider BootsGirdle of the InvulnerableWarboots of ObliterationElemental RaimentForgotten WrapsIronaya's BracersStoneweaver LeggingsStonevault ShivGnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600Ring of Arathi WarlordsIcon of the Silver CrescentTalon Lord's CollarLight-Bearer's Faith ShieldAzure-Shield of ColdarraSash of Arcane VisionsBands of NegationThick Bronze DartsDestroyer ShoulderguardsPauldrons of the Solace-GiverElixir of AgilityUltrasafe Transporter: GadgetzanJusticar ShoulderguardsArena BracersMaulgar's WarhelmBladespire WarbandsLight-Woven SlippersLibram of the Eternal RestTabard of the ProtectorHeavy Mageweave BandageExtravagant Boots of MaliceGoblin Jumper Cables XLShermanar Great-RingBlue Diamond WitchwandShackles of QuagmirranRomulo's Poison VialRoyal Seal of Eldre'ThalasQuagmirran's EyeAmani Throwing AxeBig Voodoo CloakTough Scorpid LeggingsRugged LeatherFlask of Big MojoHibernal MantleAbacus of Violent OddsBlack PearlSha'tari Wrought GreavesTruesilver ChampionStar RubyLibram of WrackingResplendent GuardianAvian Cloak of FeathersHeavy Runecloth BandageRunecloth BandageCitrine Ring of Rapid HealingFigurine - Living Ruby SerpentFirebloomStormy Star of EluneSolid Star of EluneGaea's AmiceDarkmist PantsGreater Magic WandGnomish Cloaking DeviceGoblin Rocket LauncherInscribed Flame SpessariteRough Blasting PowderTotem of RageThorium SettingHeavy Knothide LeatherRuneclothIblis, Blade of the Fallen SeraphSextant of Unstable CurrentsRing of the ExarchsStar of EluneRiding CropRing of the Shadow DeepsPauldrons of DesolationLightforge BracersGolden PearlMagister's BindingsHorizon ChokerRunecloth ShouldersFrost Metal PauldronsImperial Leather BracersFel Iron Chain BracersBand of SorrowFel Iron Chain GlovesKhorium BarFel Iron BarLiving RubyShamblehide ChestguardThe Stalker's FangsSteel BarGoldthornConquerer's BandMithril OreFelscale BootsBlack-Iron BattlecloakBlood Knight TabardDeep PeridotVindicator BracersBlackened Defias ArmorMercurial StoneRing of the Eternal FlamePrimal ManaPrimal EarthArcane DustRuby Pendant of FireAzure MoonstoneBrilliant Golden DraeniteGolden DraeniteGlowing Shadow DraeniteRadiant Deep PeridotMaster Hunter's BowBlood GarnetStormshield of RenewalSwampstone NecklaceArathi Basin Mark of HonorElixir of Ogre's StrengthCaptain Sander's ShirtTraitor's NooseHeavy Netherweave BandageNetherweave BandageLightforge BeltDevout BracersBlackstone RingIronstaff of RegenerationSlippers of SerenityEssence of UndeathForest ShroudAzerothian DiamondDense StoneHuge EmeraldPrimal AirRevenant BracersSeal of WrynnMantle of DoanRobe of DoanMagni's WillTalvash's Enhancing NecklaceBlazing EmblemImperial Plate BeltHeavy Silver RingBelt of ValorCabalist SpauldersGossamer BootsGossamer PantsArcane CrystalBlue SapphireArcanite BarMagister's BeltKnight's CrestFeather-Wrapped BowTwilight BootsBattlemaster's BreastplateNatasha's Battle ChainDesign: Necklace of the Diamond TowerWarlord's Chain ShouldersAlterac Valley Mark of HonorFlame SpessariteRitssyn's Lost PendantPrimal WaterPrimal FirePhantom ArmorHelm of NarvJudgement LegplatesDark Iron BarNecklace of the Diamond TowerBloodfang BeltSapphire SignetFigurine - Black Pearl PantherJungle RingThe Scarlet KeyGranite RingStygian Bone AmuletGlobe of WaterEssence of FireHeart of FireEssence of EarthCore of EarthBogslayer GauntletsLinken's BoomerangWildheart BeltShadowcraft BracersMaster Builder's ShirtDevout GlovesCyclopean BandMagister's GlovesBeaststalker's BindingsHand of JusticeForce of WillScaled Draenic GlovesThe Jade EyeBlackveil CapeDark Cloak of the MarshGoblin Mining HelmetFelblood BandProphetic CanePotent CapeSimple DressChained Essence of EranikusSoldier's ShieldSoul DustDeviate Scale BeltTranquility StaffAssassin's BladeFlameseer MantleScarlet WristguardsDraenethyst WandPauldrons of Brute ForceWarforged Chestplate10 Pound Mud SnapperBone Collector SwordGold Link BeltTelaari LongbladeArchaedic Stone


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