New Expansion is Announced

The suspense is over. Here is the press release I just received from SOE regarding the new expansion:
The Planes of Power
The launch of EverQuest® in March 1999 changed the world of massively multiplayer online gaming forever. Since then we have brought you a new playable race of lizard men called the Iksar in EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark™, ancient enemies and new adventures on the frozen continent of Velious in EverQuest: The Scars of Velious™, and a completely graphically overhauled world, the enchanting moonscape of Luclin, mounts, and a new playable race of noble cat people, the Vah Shir, in EverQuest: The Shadows of Luclin™. Now players will soon be able to access the most powerful deities in all of Norrath. We are pleased to announce the next installment in the best-selling, critically acclaimed EverQuest series, EverQuest: The Planes of Power™. An arcing storyline takes players on an epic adventure through the Planes of Power, home of the Gods of Norrath. Veteran players will face new challenges in each of the 18 newly discovered planes. Players of all levels will benefit from the Plane of Knowledge that hosts scores of new quests and opens portals to Norrath making travel easier than ever. Hundreds of new items, quests and encounters will keep even the most revered players challenged and enthralled. Battle the minions of Rallos Zek in the Plane of War; help Karana regain control of the Plane of Storms; overcome vile pestilence in the Plane of Disease! You're in their worlds now! EverQuest: The Planes of Power Features List:
  • 18 new planar zones that push your teamwork abilities to the limit
  • Hundreds of new items and monsters
  • Exciting new quests and challenges await even the most experienced players
  • Two planar cities that provide a hub for travel and player interaction
  • A central storyline links the content from every zone into one compelling quest.
  • Further character progression making players even more powerful
  • Included with the press release were two screen shots:
  • POP Number 1
  • POP Number 2
  • Also, the official website for the expansion is now live. To get to it, go to


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    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
    Finally my Erudite Paladin gets ta meet ya!!!
    #Anonymous, Posted: Mar 22 2002 at 3:47 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Someone had to say it. Rant on So none of the rest of us need too
    RE: Rant ON
    # Mar 22 2002 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
    I disagree with you...if you were playing back when Kunark came out, you remember the times of upwards of 3 emergency patches each day and 8-12hr patches twice a week! Velious was a little better and Luclin has gone off with barely a hitch! Sure there have been a fair number of crashes, but no more really than usual. The patches have been infrequent at best and only when they are introducing new content or fixing bugs. Even once RoK got stable and just after Velious there were weekly patches...other than the few emergency patches or fix patches (usually less than 3hrs in length and at MUCH more convenient times for most players), there have not been ANY regular patches!

    Granted, there still HAVE been alot of bugs and it seems alot more bugs causing conflicts with existing abilities, but overall, Verant has gotten a million times better with their expansions. Of course, customer service is still lagging, but ya gotta start somewhere ;)
    RE: Rant ON
    # Mar 22 2002 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
    You should have played the first week the game came out . You could never get on and when you, LD was extremly common. Was almost as bad as Luclin :)
    RE: Rant ON
    # Mar 22 2002 at 10:10 PM Rating: Default
    It is my opinion that SOE has done an extremely good job in programming and designing Everquest. If you know or have experience in the software industry you would know that there is NO software package in the world that has NO bugs. (Although Donald Knuth claims that the Tex Typesetting system is flawless.) Anyway, I would like to congratulate the programmers at SOE, as they have done a fine job. It is the End Users (or the person(s) who buy the software) that cause their own problems 99.9% of the time. They do this by not reading the requirements on the box, not reading about the software on the manufacturers website and most importantly not educating themselves about the use of a computer.
    RE: Rant ON
    # Mar 22 2002 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
    Welcome to the SOFTWARE industry!

    RE: Rant ON
    # Mar 22 2002 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
    AGREED! 'Welome to the SOFTWARE indutstry!' You have to understand that an online game is up against EVERY DIFFERENT COMPUTER SETUP. You fool around with your computer and a game doesnt work, then you ***** about it.. Come on.. VI has done an incredible job of giving the players an incredible world, tons of quests, items to get, monsters to kill, groups to be in, people to meet. If you dont wanna be here, noone is stopping you, hell, noone knows YOU. The Planes of Power is just what is needed right now. For the people who havent reached lvl 50 yet. Guys.. The game is not that tough really.. People can powerlvl themselves to 50 very quick without BEING powerlvled by others, and without being twinked. You just need to learn your the zones. Okay.. Im done =)
    EQ is a Business
    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
    People have to remember that. SOE/Verant has to keep making money, and has to keep current players interested. What do you give a player who has a zillion plats, a fast horse, the ubberest armor/weapons, all the spells for his/her class and has killed every high level MoB there is?

    One thing I do like is the improvement in story lines and their interconnectivity. Norrath has some great stories, but Verant doesn't use them enough. We shall see what this ends up being.
    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:38 PM Rating: Default
    As if leveling 51X100 was not enough.
    It is ironic how several other games have many more options, levels, and zones than Everquest, but yet people rather play EQ. Why? Well, we all have our reasons. Mine is simply because Everquest is simple to play. The game mechanics are easy to understand, interface is great and Everquest is not flooded with millions of options. It's almost a perfect balance touching everyone’s interests whether it is high-end encounters, trade skills, or auctioning to the highest bidder.
    I have made many friends and enemies in my two years of gaming and at the same time I have been able to keep up with each expansion respectably. Unless I missed a release date of Planes of Power somewhere I only hope that the release date gives the "Veterans" (power gamers aside) time on advancing our characters from the last expansion before the next one comes out.
    With that said, I am also very excited to see what Verant has in line for the Veteran players.

    Xienna Esselarre
    League of Levity
    The Rathe
    Leveling past 60??
    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
    The refer to "Further character progression making players even more powerful. " I know that can be interpreted a lot of ways, like new types of alternate advancements to spend points on or new specializations, but it could definitely also hint at a new level cap. 65? 70? Are they being purposely vague? Am I reading too much into this? How would the rest of you feel about being able to level past 60? They've changed a lot of other things they said would/could not be changed, so why not a new level cap?
    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default
    Bit off the subject, but dont that usually happen here. I would like to see new ideas hit some of the unused zones in the game. Its sad to zone into LGUK and there be 3 people all the time. (There will always be a pissed off monk there lol). Lots of the old zones could use a makeover: Beholders, Mistmoore, Kerra Ridge, Hole, and maybe even sola. I for one would love to see a Cazic thule type twist on Mistmoore. Oh well...just my 2cp =)

    "Train to zone, bit of this bit of that"
    RE: Revamp
    # Sep 09 2002 at 12:54 AM Rating: Default
    dude on nameless server lower guk is always filled with 52+ soloing, and under 52 is lucky to find a single mob to kill past the icebones. common to see at least 3 lvl 60s at one time farming different camps there.

    the game will always grow and they will always change it becuase they are making a buttload of money, its the team of PhDs working on how to keep you hooked on EQ that will decide how to change the game, not some lost forgotten promise or policy of verant.

    ill tell ya i wish they would make a zone for uber twinks to go to to level faster because im tired of their little rich snob ***** killing all the mobs and not taking a hit while im fighting for every spec of mana and life in each fight. and when you ask them to group they say (with a whiney nasal voice) "nah i got my 3 computers and 100k worth of gear im ok thx." and throwing in "this is camped bro" while your medding in the shadow of their uberness.

    you know who you are punk, why twink a character - just buy one off ebay you little rich snot. (again, you know who you are)

    Edited, Mon Sep 9 01:59:19 2002
    RE: Revamp
    # Mar 22 2002 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
    The problem, er "feature", with those named remote zones is accessibility.

    Okay, okay, these areas are supposed to be challenging. But getting to them can be a real chore if you happen to be a certain class or race. Some of them are almost impossible to navigate for certain players once they actually do get there.

    Add the limited access and the bad navigational factors of these zones together and you have ... "Abandoned Ghost-Zones" (" Oh, look ... we're in Stonebrunt ... yippee. Let's wait a few days for a group. ").

    Adding xp bonuses and new treasure to these areas has worked before ... so that's probably what will be done again to draw in people. But this particular trick is a very temporary fix.

    You may be psychic with regards to Mistmoore ... it may be next in line to get uber-fied like CT to draw in the ToV crowd. Sadly, modifying zones in this fashion is probably the only way they will see regular use. Nothing ... and I mean NOTHING, can stop the EC - Oasis - LOIO - OT - Dreadlands - KC juggernaut! ^_^

    "What?? There's more than six playable zones between levels 1 and 50?? VISCIOUS LIES!!"

    Khemosaabe "Tonto SPAM" Longbow (of Cazic Thule server)
    Lvl 55 Ranger and Slayer-of-Bunny-Wabbits
    "Napalm Sunrise!"
    RE: Revamp
    # Mar 22 2002 at 8:37 PM Rating: Default
    you are rigth about this Khemosaabe it is true about the hole accessibility of this zone but guess what i think witht he xp bonus and other factors trown in (like sony saying that plane of knowledge is going to make traveling easy around the world) who know maybe this is going to bring more action into this zones. i started a sk as soon as the last patch came out to test a theory on how fast i can lvl but anyways i did notice that befallen was seen more activity than before we even got to get 2 groups and clear lvl 1 and lvl 2 completetly with out losses !!! ( that is a bunch of lvl 6 7 and 8 so i belive it was fair but anyways i belive people out there should start going to these zones me as a guild officer when ever somebody asks wer shoudl they go lvl i tell them go to befallen you can lvl there good or go to mistmore.
    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:15 PM Rating: Default

    Edited, Fri Mar 22 15:13:28 2002
    Well, there you have it
    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:11 PM Rating: Default
    Ladies and Gentlemen of Norrath...

    Meet the REAL answer to Verant's Patch of not to long ago.

    Verant Lacky 1: "Why are we going to make an UBER expansion, when so few are up to that level?"

    Verant Lacky 2: "I know! Let's remove Hell Levels and make it real easy to get to UBER levels. Then, the dopes will have to buy POP."

    *Lackeys laugh their butts off, while driving their new Lamborghini's*

    Oh well...Gnome SK's are cool.
    RE: Well, there you have it
    # Mar 22 2002 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
    hum your post dosent make sense but anywasy i think this would be great like the other post said maybe now velks is going to be open lower member guilds!!! there is a lot of lvl 60 out there lanys server at least has a lot i think the expansion i going to clear out and let us not so lucky to be in a uber guild be able to find a group in theses al ready over camped places!!!
    RE: Well, there you have it
    # Sep 09 2002 at 1:01 AM Rating: Default
    yea anything to get the rich snot little punk uber guilds out of the way of the regular people who are trying to enjoy the game.

    its those little punks with 3 accounts and computers that spend 23 hours a day playing that verant caters to by making the game harder for the rest of us- regular players who actually have to work for a living.

    i say give the little punks more expansions and raise the levels to 70 or 80th level and get the lil uber snots out of our way so we can enjoy the game again.
    RE: Well, there you have it
    # Sep 09 2002 at 1:05 AM Rating: Default
    they should do a new expansion: Planes of the Little Snot Punks. 61 - 500 lvl. make everything no drop, and make the little snots pay with the new expansions with their lunch money.
    RE: Well, there you have it
    # Sep 09 2002 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
    theyre just little pukes i tell ya

    Edited, Mon Sep 9 01:57:33 2002
    RE: Well, there you have it
    # Mar 22 2002 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
    Just wanted to clear up a common misconception, SOE has stated that the amount of tang (experience) needed to level to 50 hasn't been changed or reduced. They've simply spread it out more evenly between 30 and 50.
    More Space
    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
    More high lvl space is a great idea, afterall everyone is going up in levels(usually).

    At last maybe the Lvl 60's will vacate Velks and more of us will have a chance of a group :)
    RE: More Space
    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:58 PM Rating: Default
    Amen, brother.
    # Mar 22 2002 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
    44 posts
    Further Character Progression making players even more powerful....

    lvl 70 warrior LFG?
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