February 6, 2015

Here are some Friday night updates for you. Enjoy your weekend!

New Items: Brasse's Bitter BrewJagged Iridescent SwordJagged Iridescent DaggerPrivateer's Kraken RingTrue Heart Robe OrnamentChair of Love OrnamentRobe of Lovers Embrace OrnamentInnoruuk's Spiked Heart OrnamentStool of Love OrnamentRobe of Lovers Past OrnamentRaiment of Roses Ornament

New Recipe: Scroll: Zealous Light Rk. II

New Zone: Tirranun's Delve: Calling Emoush

New Bestiary: a Stillmoon charmera Stillmoon dirt tendera Stillmoon forest wardena Stillmoon granite keepera Stillmoon gravel wardena Stillmoon harmonya Stillmoon instigatora Stillmoon laborera Stillmoon loremastera Stillmoon novicea Stillmoon seera Stillmoon stone castera Stillmoon stone winga Stillmoon teachera Stillmoon wakemakera Stillmoon watchera Stillmoon water magea Stillmoon water servanta Stillmoon waverushera Stillmoon witchdoctora Delve championNethran peta Delve clerica Delve drakea Delve evokera Delve shamana Delve sneakunconscious mystica cave poisonera crevice weavera granite bishopa granite defendera granite sorcerera kirin way keepera Snowfoot antagonizera Snowfoot heathena Snowfoot shadowan ascent cliff casteran ascent conjureran ascent divineran ascent ice priestan ascent ice wingan ascent rock healeran iron watcher

Updated Zones: Lavaspinner's LairTirranun's DelveThe Ascent: Drake EggsStillmoon Temple: Sickness of the Spirit

Updated Items: Wretched Skull RingBasilisk StewPristine Kirin BrainImpure Goblin BloodPolished AnthraciteSilverwing Emblem

Updated Quests: Shadowknight Epic: Innoruuk's CurseBeginner Researcher TestNorrath's Keepers Tier 2a: Defend the Kirin ContactNorrath's Keepers Tier 2a: Recover the Lost MapNorrath's Keepers Tier 2a: Turn the Tides of the SandNorrath's Keepers Tier 2b: Sickness of the SpiritNorrath's Keepers Tier 2c: Calling EmoushDark Reign Tier 2a: Army of StoneDark Reign Tier 2a: Blood from SandDark Reign Tier 2a: Reap the Kirin MindDark Reign Tier 2b: Drake EggsDark Reign Tier 2c: Calling EmoushTDS Progression #2: Gathering Clouds

Updated Bestiary: Joren NobleheartBronto ThudfootGrachnist the DestroyerEmoush the DestroyerMystic ShiflorMystic GriknokMystic BraggleGoblin CookGoblin ServantGoblin KingHigglin DiggerchopStillmoon Forest KeeperWong Lia drakeStormwheel


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