Guild Wars 2 Breaks 2 Million Sales

NCSoft and ArenaNet confirm huge sales milestone after direct sales resumed.

If you want to know what satisfaction born of hard work looks like, Seattle would be a good place to go this morning.

NCSoft and ArenaNet can take a well-earned pat on the back after announcing that Guild Wars 2 has broken 2,000,000 unit sales.


Most likely feeling happier than a laughing Asura, the following statement was made by Mike O'Brien, ArenaNet's president and co-founder, in a press release this morning:

"Reactions from around the world justified the time and care we put into developing Guild Wars 2 and making it into the game it is today. And this is only the beginning. We're continually fine-tuning the game to deliver the polished experience that our players expect, and we’re already working on new adventures and experiences to introduce into this truly dynamic online world."

The 400,000 concurrent player record set over the headstart weekend has been repeatedly matched in the first two weeks of the game's life. Considering that ArenaNet suspended sales of the game to ensure server limits were not taxed beyond the sanctity of player enjoyment, the figures are quite astonishing.

Congratulations to the Guild Wars 2 team and stay here at ZAM for more news, views and videos from Tyria. Also, be sure to head to Guildhead for all the GW2 tools and resources you could wish for.

Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor in Chief


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