Are Humans *Really* The Good Guys?

Sam Maxted speculates about run of the mill baddies in MMO's being anything but the barbarically evil force we've been told about. Are Humans really the good guys? Find out in our hysterical editorial.

Everywhere we look in MMOs, Humans are the good guys. They stand united under a single banner and represent all that is good and right in the world. Standing shoulder to shoulder with their allies (or, in the case of dwarves, shoulder to crotch), they fight valiantly - and successfully - against the forces of evil. However, as I'm sure you're aware, this often isn't the case in the real world. It's at this point that I'd like to ask how accurate Human's portrayal is in MMOs and whether the "evil" races are just victims of propaganda.

Truth be told, we know that Humans are far from noble. Jails are full to bursting, children are bullied at school and bankers have all our money (or at least they did, until they lost it down the back of the sofa or bought another corporate jet). All this points towards one thing: as a species, if we think we can get away with something, we'll probably give it a go. How else can you explain doping in sports events, or kids cheating on their tests? This attitude permeates all levels of our society, from convenience store robberies to political scandals at the highest levels of government.

Continuing along the same lines, we only need to look at the leaders of various countries to see that Humans aren't all good and noble. Whack jobs like Stalin and Idi Amin keep managing to get into power, with the only bonus being that since the Middle Ages, they're stopped short of marrying their cousins. Unlike in MMOs, Humans also don't have a world leader - a single person that we can look up to and aspire to be. We're also unlikely to have one, as anyone managing to get themselves into this position would be at worst another whack job, and at best a reject from Pinky and the Brain. Given that this is the case, I find it unlikely that human monarchs in MMOs are really as noble as we're led to believe.

Only a species obsessed with world domination could've come up with Pinky and the Brain.

People can even become drunk on power in MMOs, given half a chance. After all, how many times have you heard about guild leaders going on power trips, or seen people complaining about ninja looters in the public chat channels? Not only this, but player courtesy's on the decline and publishers need to have strict User Agreements and Rules of Conduct to keep us in check. Without these restrictions, there'd be nothing to prevent the assholes among us from ruining things for everyone else and stealing everything that isn't nailed down. Should this ever happen, it would prove two things: firstly, that bankers like their online games and, secondly that MMOs' portrayals of Humans can't possibly be true. However, it's not just Humans that are the issue here - could the representation of the so-called "evil" races be just as biased?

Traditionally, it has been more difficult to play an evil race in MMOs than it has to play a good one. Travelling in the early days of Everquest was a pain in the butt for Trolls, Dark Elves and Ogres, with all the major ports being under the control of the "good" races. Sure, things have got better since then, but in many ways "evil" races are still treated as second-class citizens. Simply because they're branded as evil, many players don't want to play Orcs and the like, instead opting for races that don't look like they've been hit in the face with a frying pan.

An accurate representation, or anti-Orc propaganda?

Speaking of which, why are Orcs usually portrayed as being stupid, savage and butt ugly? We only have Humans' word for it that they're like this, so can we really trust such a one-sided portrayal? Propaganda has been used to great effect throughout the years and, while there may be the occasional moment of insight into what's really happening, some people become so accustomed to hearing a particular opinion that they start to accept it as their own. Well, I for one am sick of the rampant speciesism in MMOs today. It seems that in this case, racism has gone out of the window: black and white have got together in order to gang up on green.

For all we know, Orcs and the other "evil" races could be peace-loving creatures, forced into war against Humans and their allies, defending themselves with whatever weapons they can cobble together. We only have humans' word for it that Orcs are evil, bloodthirsty and stupid - something designed to make is easier on our consciences while we slaughter them like animals. I put it to you that these races are more intelligent than they've been given credit for and are merely defending their land against foreign invaders.

We don't want to admit it, but Humans are frequently selfish, unpleasant and capable of such atrocities as The Jerry Springer Show, Elf Online and anything involving Simon Cowell. In short, Humans can be real bastards and we're only getting one side of the story in our MMOs. In the absence of any Orc-developed MMOs, we only have Humans' take on what the other races are really like. History is always written by the victors, so it's likely that Orcs, Trolls and the like are victims of a massive smear campaign, designed to make ourselves look better.

The true face of evil?

So the next time you create a character in an MMO, you might want to think again about whether Humans are really the good guys, or if they're cold-hearted bastards bent on world domination. Please spare a thought to the Trolls and Ogres of this world: are they really the monsters they're made out to be, or just misunderstood and misrepresented? I know what I think, so I'll leave you with the following thought:

Go good. Go green.


The editorial you've just read contains views that are the opinion of the author and not necessarily the views of Also, you might have noticed the above is in fact very silly and the author mainly plays the "good" races in MMOs, like everyone else.

SAM "azerian" Maxted


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WoW for the win!
# Apr 24 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
That's one of the (many) reasons why the Warcraft universe is so awesome. It doesn't paint the humans as perfect. They made internment camps for the Orcs in Warcraft 3, and several of the Human rulers and generals have been racist towards Orcs and other members of the Horde. Not to mention, as we all know, the Lich King is a former human. :-) Sure, a lot of people who have never played a Warcraft game before probably look at the race options in the game and go "Oh, Alliance are the good people and Horde are the bad people!" but if they were to do some digging they'd find out that that isn't true. Plus it also helps that with the BC expansion we now have a "pretty" race for the Horde and a "weird" race for the Alliance.
WoW for the win!
# Apr 24 2009 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
That's one of the (many) reasons why the Warcraft universe is so awesome. It doesn't paint the humans as perfect. They made internment camps for the Orcs in Warcraft 3, and several of the Human rulers and generals have been racist towards Orcs and other members of the Horde. Not to mention, as we all know, the Lich King is a former human. :-) Sure, a lot of people who have never played a Warcraft game before probably look at the race options in the game and go "Oh, Alliance are the good people and Horde are the bad people!" but if they were to do some digging they'd find out that that isn't true. Plus it also helps that with the BC expansion we now have a "pretty" race for the Horde and a "weird" race for the Alliance.

For what it's worth, neither did EverQuest 1. Humans were merely tolerated in their cities if they were of an evil deity or profession (shadow knight/necromancer of Bertoxxulus, Innoruuk, etc. etc.), and agnostic Dark Elves could manage to find themselves accepted in at least Freeport, if I remember correctly.

So not all dark elves are portrayed as evil, not all humans as good in EQ. Just saying.
# Apr 24 2009 at 1:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Excellent story!

# Apr 25 2009 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
psstt!..they do know its a game?
# Apr 25 2009 at 7:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
elrikbloodaxe wrote:
psstt!..they do know its a game?

psstt!.. yes

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