SOE Downtime - May 2, 2011

All Sony Online Entertainment services, games, forums and web sites are currently offline. This downtime relates to the recent Playstation Network intrusion. No ETA is available at this time. Here is the notice from

Dear valued SOE Customers,

We have had to take the SOE service down temporarily. In the course of our investigation into the intrusion into our systems we have discovered an issue that warrants enough concern for us to take the service down effective immediately. We will provide an update later today (Monday).

During the downtime you are welcome to join us in ZAM's IRC chat. Feldon of EQ2Wire also has set up a ZAM IRC java applet that you can use.

UPDATE: A press release was posted on SOE's web site around 3:40pm PDT.


Post Comment
the 200
# May 02 2011 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
can someone say 200 unemployed SOE workers I'd say atleast 1 or 2 of them is angry enough to do some serious damage not about money or anything but to say we were important people and deserve better then what we got
# May 02 2011 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know what you are all gabbling on about. I am on the Somalian server and it is working fine...
# May 02 2011 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
im dislexic so the spelling is rubish but im giving up for today will try again afterwork tommorow hope every one including me is safe from the hack
Facebook posts by Amnerys
# May 02 2011 at 1:06 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
From!/EverQuest2/posts/10150165980083127 :

EverQuest 2 ‎[Amnerys] Any players that have concerns regarding their account status and security should contact CS at 1-858-537-0898 (10am – 7pm PST, Mon-Fri).

EverQuest 2 ‎[Amnerys] Please use the following phone numbers for your international area. Remember that these numbers are not toll free and are considered long distance from within each country. Players using the "Outside France" phone number will be subject to International fees. UK: (44) 870-600-0267 - DE: (49) 180-500-7774 - FR: Inside France: (33) 825-120-549 - Outside France: (33) 171-230-495
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

Facebook posts by Amnerys
# May 02 2011 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the information.

I called them around 2pm Eastern time, and the person I spoke with was not exactly helpful. I got a lot of "I don't know" and "check back in a few hours." This is ridiculous. I've been playing, like many of you, for years. And, they can't even show the common courtesy to give a straight answer.

Please excuse me while I throw my hands up in the air and shake my head in disappointment.
hackers strike everywhere so why should SOE be an exeption?
# May 02 2011 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
jeesh-- such an uproar over this event when it happens all the time. recently even the government accounts in Texas got hit and no one has mentioned suing them. the hackers are getting smarter and sometimes i wonder if their motivation is something other than money-- like maybe they are trying to show us what they are capable of-- what's next? military computers? (been done) our nation's power grid? (been threatened) instead of getting mad at Sony maybe we should remember that vigilance is the answer -- we are responsible for our accounts and even our freedom.

while there may have been more that Sony could have done, hindsight is 20-20 and now repairs have to be made. Sony is definitely accepting blame and accountability but there is only so much they can do.

and if you aren't happy playing eq-- go to another game. I have found that Sony always tried to take good care of me and my 4 accounts. they went above and beyond to make sure i was happy. so now they are offline for awhile -- big deal-- at least it isn't forever.

it bothers me to see in chat where people are knocking the game -- and on here. yes, you have freedom of speech -- but this is a private enterprise no matter what the size and they don't twist your arm to make you play it. i think sometimes people would gripe if you gave them a new rope to hang themselves with. grow up already.
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
hackers strike everywhere so why should SOE be an exeption?
# May 02 2011 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
[quote=iyeni]jeesh-- such an uproar over this event when it happens all the time.quote]

At this moment in time there has been no event. There has been no statement that either confirms or denies the hacking and leakage of personal information from SOE.
It has only been suggested that if you have listed personal information such as credit card info, it would be smart to take the necessary precautions in order to protect yourself. Everything is pure speculation until we recieve an official statement from SOE.

I'm crossing my fingers that the new measures being taken to enforce the security at SOE will also be detrimental to the users of "illegal" (though seemingly more frowned upon)third party programs. It would be more classic if we could go back to playing the game the way it was originally intended.
hackers strike everywhere so why should SOE be an exeption?
# May 02 2011 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
This makes a good deal of sense. If they knew personal information was compromised, I think they would believe it would have less cost to say that as soon as it happened than to wait until later. IF data was compromised and SOE said nothing to us, I would think there'd be grounds for a class-action law suit, EULA or not. The reason is if they say up front "personal data compromised, we could immediately freeze our credit, suspend credit cards, et cetera... we could take action on that. If data was compromised and they said nothing, you could find a judge who would agree that any money or ID theft at that point would be SOE's responsibility.

Taking time to rationally think of the situation, they're pulling the website down to patch holes or to run forensic combs through the server to gather evidence of a crime. Sony would have nothing to gain and MUCH to lose if it was the latter, data was stolen, and they said nothing for several hours after they knew. It wouldn't make sense at all.

I, for one, am no more worried about my information's security than when I knew full well that giving my information originally involved a risk of this alleged magnitude. If I was worried about it, I'd buy game cards and give them false personal information.

That said, if SOE was compromised and they haven't said anything to allow us to take action... well, I hope God has mercy on their souls but judges everywhere throw the book at them and hold them accountable for every penny that could have been prevented.
hackers strike everywhere so why should SOE be an exeption?
# May 02 2011 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Limey, you are the calm voice of sanity...
hackers strike everywhere so why should SOE be an exeption?
# May 02 2011 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
so everyone is stressed out and on here were voicing it makes us feel better. at least me anyway. Im freaking out about my credit card my bf's, my moms, and my dads not to mention that almost every person in my extend family and most of my real life friends play the game so this is going to effect all of us if in fact our credit cards are stolen... so i think its awesome people are venting on here and voicing it and not beating there wives or yelling at there kids or holding it in.............. you may want to but we don't have to and you can criticize all you want.....
hackers strike everywhere so why should SOE be an exeption?
# May 02 2011 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
Perhaps not everyone has received the model customer service from SOE that iyeni has? I know that I cannot echo the statement: "Sony always tried to take good care of me and my 4 accounts" I've had a number of problems in my 10 years as a customer and I have found Sony to be master of the one way exchange in which I give them my money and may or may not receive all of the goods and/or services that ought to be rendered to me for that money.

It's easy for the half dozen or so of you doing so to chastise the rest for venting their frustrations if you happen to be getting what you're paying for, but not everyone is. If you are here suggesting that people not vent their anger (which is all they have, all they can do) because you love the service you get, I liken you to a rich man telling a poor man to stop complaining. Since you're account is OK, everyone else should shut up. For shame......

The truth is that iyeni is right; this is a private firm offering a product you are not forced to buy. However, once the product is paid for, it is the burden of the industry, not the customer, to render the paid for services, to ensure availability of those services and most importantly, to provide security for the users. "We are responsible for our accounts"....what an idiotic thing to say. Sony is responsible for our accounts. What exactly could I, the user, have done to protect my account from this incident? What an epic fail to talk as though somehow the customers should blame their selves for a multi-billion dollar conglomerate failing to preserve data integrity.

Do I smell a Sony employee?
hackers strike everywhere so why should SOE be an exeption?
# May 02 2011 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
DamonDusk wrote:
What exactly could I, the user, have done to protect my account from this incident?

Do I smell?

Use prepaid credit cards or use SOE game cards available anywhere to be paid for with cash. Too bad these services aren't available to everybody.
Edit: Apparently they ARE available to everybody.

Pre-Paid Credit card
# May 02 2011 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
This is the reason I use a pre-paid credit card to pay for my EQ habit. I keep just enough on it to pay for EQ and nothing else. If someone does happen to get it, oh well, I lose one month and not as much as they can rack up.

Edited, May 2nd 2011 1:23pm by RoninWare
Relican Windamere - Ranger, Hunter, Bastidge
Pre-Paid Credit card
# May 02 2011 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
That is So smart!!! Rangerish thing to do.... Well I think I am going to be doing that in the future.. on rift lol I am so spitful right now its horrible..... why did they fire so many people anyway!! couldn't they take a pay cut fist rather than **** on the little guys..... even if it wasn't there ex employees it pisses me off learning about it I wonder if thats why these hackers did this....
# May 02 2011 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
If not being able to play EQ for a day is the biggest problem you have, then life is pretty good. Go grind some real life skills. Read a book or something.
# May 02 2011 at 12:34 PM Rating: Excellent
710 posts
For me at least, it's not an issue of not being able to play (I can fall back on World of Warcraft or Guild Wars)

I want to know if the credit card information was compromised. I don't want to just jump to conclusions that it was - since two weeks ago my card was lost and I had just updated my information....
Is this Going to be Long
# May 02 2011 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
Is this down time going to be an all day thing a week or perminate whats the dealio i wanna play EQ :(
Is this Going to be Long
# May 02 2011 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
No one knows. You know as much as anyone else does right now.
euro 12 year refund? free time?
# May 02 2011 at 11:30 AM Rating: Good
343 posts
got up at 8am GMt on my day off for EQ now TEN HOURS later no update no info no communication.
i agree that sony needs to do what it needs to do, of course
what im saying is for over a DECADE european customers have had their PRIME TIME playtime destroyed since day 1, and all these patches fixes, downtimes add up to maybe 4 MONTHS extra to usa customers over the last 10 years or so, of Euro downtime while usa customers sleep the sleep of the innocent and are very rarely inconvenienced to the degree euro players are,
now i remember when i tried eq2 the only things i liked about it were no mercs, no monty hall iksar, no evils and best of all EURO SERVERS with downtime DIFFERENT to the rest of eq 2, they coem down at 2 to 4am GMT and be back up 8 to 10am GMT, was perfecet actualyl felt Sony cared about us,
but on EQ euro customers have been treated like dog **** for all eternity, even when there is a named euro server kane bayle, anton bayle.
dont really care about downtime but what i do care about is reembursement or some free playtime in recognition of the 8 extra hours every freakign week we have to pay for in our subscription charge.
GL sony hope u fix this, and hope player details are not compromised, but plz give some free playtime and double that for european players. One thing about Blizzard and WoW i remember, you got instant serverwide apology and instant free playtime on your account from day1 blizz had that with WoW, dont know if that is still the case as i quit when the ages 7 and under joke kiddy monty hall 1st expansion came out.
euro 12 year refund? free time?
# May 02 2011 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
Uh the way i understand it Europe has their own servers to play on on their own time. They would then be getting patches in their wee hours.
euro 12 year refund? free time?
# May 02 2011 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Jygga wrote:
Uh the way i understand it Europe has their own servers to play on on their own time. They would then be getting patches in their wee hours.

Yes we have Antonius Bayle ( a euro server ) but its patches are exactly the same time as US servers so we always lose the mornings + part of the afternoon
euro 12 year refund? free time?
# May 02 2011 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
i agree i pay for my subscriptien like 18 months at a time am tyred of being locked out i dont understand puters but im sure the could offer some form of reimbursment for all the lost time just hope that no one gets robed and the game becomes available soon
Keep a close Eye on those charges
# May 02 2011 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
It does not matter if you are Pro SOE or Con SOE, the fact is it is down today because they pissed off a rather elite group of hackers. (Not just a couple of kids in their basement). Your credit card info HAS been comprimised and people should take the necessary precautions. (Similar to as if it was lifted from your wallet)

Sony may now be trying to close the barn door after the horse has escaped...that will not help us if the people that now currently have our info decide to use it. Keep an eye on the charges.

Chappy on Povar
Keep a close Eye on those charges
# May 02 2011 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Chappychappy wrote:
Your credit card info HAS been comprimised and people should take the necessary precautions.

Cite your source from a reliable, credible source. Either that or stop making up information and passing it off as fact, which we both know you're doing.
Keep a close Eye on those charges
# May 02 2011 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Looks like you need a little help with looking up info Baeddon. I suggest using a little know product called Google and look up the following key words.

Sony Hack
George Hotz

Here are some common Facts with plenty to back it up

1) Sony admits to a 7 day delay in the PS3 system hack (73 Million need to worry)
2) The networks are currently down and Eqplayers admits to a serious security problem
3) has been no real info provided by Sony

My advice was to keep an eye on your credit card charges, and I stand by that advice 100%

Good luck with the Google seaches.

Chappy on Povar
Keep a close Eye on those charges
# May 02 2011 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Chappychappy wrote:

3) has been no real info provided by Sony

My advice was to keep an eye on your credit card charges, and I stand by that advice 100%

Yes, your advice was good and also so blatantly obvious that if someone needed to hear it, they have no business using credit cards in the first place. That was not my complaint.

My complaint is that you said "your credit card HAS been compromised". That's not true. It's potentially true for 10,000 people, but for the aggregate is not true. You were making up information and presenting it as fact. As you said, at the time, Sony released no information so unless you had an insider source, there's no other explanation to your making up information. What you had was a hypothesis, not factual, accurate information. There's a difference between something being reasonably safe to assume and actually true. A reasonable hypothesis, but not actually citable because the source of your "facts" was some hypotheses that may or may not be true.

"Act as if your credit information is at risk" -- Good advice
"Your credit card information could possibly have been stolen" -- Reasonable logic
"Your credit card information HAS been stolen" -- Outright lie

As a side note, when presenting a point, it is not the audience's duty to do research that you failed to cite. I believe that using a source and not giving credit is called plagiarism and is illegal. Since you had no source other than presenting information you imagined as true as fact, plagiarism doesn't apply.

Bottom line, I'm not saying your advice is irrelevant or even bad; obviously it's solid advice. What I'm saying is watch that line between hypotheses/theory and actual fact. In the real world in an applied setting that actually matters, it might mean the difference between success and failure. :)
Keep a close Eye on those charges
# May 02 2011 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Looks like the above alla post confirms that credit card info has been indeed comprimised as i said ..(Source THIS web site)

It is not required to cite sources for what can be considered Common information, or what others may refer to as Common sence or "obvious".

For example if i said Osama is dead or there was a royal wedding would you ask me to quote the source. Since it's plastered all over the news I would think not. further i have not seen a lot if source sighting in your blabber, why not practice what you preach.

Chappy of Povar

Keep a close Eye on those charges
# May 02 2011 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Chappychappy wrote:
Your credit card info HAS been comprimised and people should take the necessary precautions.

Cite your source, please. If you can't, please make up information yourself.
Keep a close Eye on those charges
# May 02 2011 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Your credit card info HAS been comprimised and people should take the necessary precautions. (Similar to as if it was lifted from your wallet)

Probably smart to assume the worst.

Call your credit card company and report your card stolen (not lost, stolen). They will cancel that account and immediately issue you a new number. If you have automatic bills and stuff that hit that card, make sure you change them.

Call one of the credit reporting agencies and put a fraud alert on your credit report. They will notify the other two automatically. This lasts for 90 days, unless you extend it (in writing, 30 days before it expires.)

No word on whether Sony will pick up the tab for any credit protection (companies tend to do this when they have been hacked, so it stands to reason they will.)

If you get any e-mails that are suspicious, ask for personal information and such, don't click on the link. If you're not sure, call the company directly and ask if they sent the mail out.
Not Sony's fault? Yeah right
# May 02 2011 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
What is with all of these posts saying this was not Sony's fault? They were using an outdated version of the Apache web server that had known vulnerabilities. They should have patched these, any idiot could have done these updates but they chose to ignore it.

Yes, I am a server administrator and software engineer.

The real crime on Sony's part is that they did NOT encrypt the personal information! This is security 101 people! How in the world could the information such as birthday, cc number and security questions not have been encrypted??? There is absolutely no excuse for this and it is negligence on their part. The class action lawsuit for this lack of basic security has already started at

Again, there is no excuse to use outdated and vulnerable software on their servers and there is DEFINITELY no excuse to store our private information in an unencrypted format. If they had encrypted it like every other company does then it would not matter if hackers did break into the database.

Anyone saying "this is not SOE's fault" does not know what they are talking about. SOE is completely at fault here. This is 100% negligence on their part and it is going to cost them a lot of money.

When you are responsible for 77 million accounts and promise 77 million people that their personal information is safe with you it is expected that you will be diligent regarding keeping your server software patched and up to date.

It is expected that you will be diligent regarding storing the personal information in an encrypted format.

SOE did the opposite, instead of being diligent they were negligent. Negligence is the basis for lawsuits asking for compensation. They are going to get a nasty, nasty, nasty bill in court soon enough. You can take that to the bank.

The Rothken Law Firm ( has already started the class action lawsuit and you can bet that Sony will be settling soon enough. I added my name to the lawsuit because I expect SOE to pay for me to get identity theft protection for at least a couple years. It is the very least SOE can do after they decided to place our personal information on the Internet without even the most basic security precautions in place to protect us.

Not Sony's fault? Yeah right
# May 02 2011 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
The class action suit is for allegedly not encrypting data. There is no actual evidence that they were not encrypting data. The only thing that is known for sure is that they got hacked. Also, you could have your Apache patched to the latest build and still have vulnerabilities. Even worse, you'll have a false sense of security. Who do you sue then, Yeah, I am a Linux server admin too.

The class action suit will not benefit anybody but the lawyer anyway. If you win, I hope you enjoy the $2.70 you will get from the lawsuit, if you even get that much. I once participated in a class action suit against Honda because seat belts in my car were not actually working, an issue a lot more threatening than a stolen credit card. We won, and I think my cut was like 22 cents. The stamp they used to mail me the check cost more than the check they sent me.

Anyway, while nobody likes getting a credit card stolen, you're more likely to have your number stolen by a pot-smoking waiter that takes your credit card out back of the restaurant and then tries to use it to order pizza. This happens every day and is the most common credit card fraud. And if you're with any decent bank (Bank of America, Chase, City, American Express, etc.) they will not hold you accountable for any purchases you didn't actually do. They will even run an investigation of their own.

And most important of all, SOE doesn't ask for your social security number. So the sky isn't really falling.

Not Sony's fault? Yeah right
# May 03 2011 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
13 posts
It's entirely possible the data was encrypted... but the hackers got the encryption keys as well. Encypted data without being able to decrypt is is useless. (unless you're just comparing hashes)

Oh, and I plan to participate in the class actions, fully prepared to exercise rejecting settlements I think are unfair to consumers OR Sony. (if enough people opt out, a judge can reject a class action settlement I believe)

Edited, May 3rd 2011 3:43am by Kaenneth
Hack a Fur Ball
# May 02 2011 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
4 posts
Well they did Hack SOE logged out an only had 15 of 17 Expansions , and now Loyalty Points ,, Then couldn't get back in ,,, Sux Cause I think I died in The Gounds also .
posted about 2 mins ago on facebook lol
# May 02 2011 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
Dear valued SOE customers:

We had to temporarily take down SOE services during the night. In the course of our investigation into the intrusion of our systems, we have discovered an issue that warrants enough concern. We will provide an update later today.
# May 02 2011 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Uggh.. sure was hoping to play. Hopefully it won't be down to long. BTW Sony, I would be willing to assist in finding the hackers and pulling their finger nails out with pliers!!!!
Remember that what they tell us will also inform the hackers
# May 02 2011 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
While you may want an update as to what happened...I would prefer to have less information rather than more... The less the hackers know about what went on and is ongoing, the better...imho.
Remember that what they tell us will also inform the hackers
# May 02 2011 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
Hackers don't tend to rely on mainstream information.. :)
Make amends
# May 02 2011 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
i dont want the 1 month free service, i still have 1 year and10 months left on my 3 accounts, what i want is $100 in free station cash so i can buy a bunch of EXP potions and grind the hell out of it and i want my J5 merc tank fixed to the way it was before the merc tank got bugged.
# May 02 2011 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts ... -web-site/ and ... ldren.html
From what i can tell they brought everything down again today for further forensic investigations and probably to fix some things. They could also transfer over to the newer systems that is going into the new building they have been building for a few months now, and this might just be the perfect way for them to blame something else other then what the real problem(if there is one) or use the PSN hack for an out for the move/change. And maybe not. Only thing for sure is there is some SHAAAAAAAAdy things going on here that they are very limited about with the info.
95 cleric Docshady
95 Wiz Boomshady
95 Monk Ninjashady
95 bard Harmonizer
# May 02 2011 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
Wow..some of you out there are just plain babies.go ahead..get it out of your system..howz that working for you?..get over it...momma would be proud.......get a life...and the rest of you..thanx for the information..
nothing better to do
# May 02 2011 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
oops MT

Edited, May 2nd 2011 12:45pm by woredor
# May 02 2011 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
double post /blush

Edited, May 2nd 2011 12:43pm by Rangergate
Waiting patiently..
# May 02 2011 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
6 posts
OMG people, yeah SOE could have kept us in the loop with what exactly was going on, but they are not the ones who did the hacking, they are trying to fix the problem, so let them take the time needed to fix it. We will get reimbursed somehow, I am not concerned with that in the least, I am concerned that our personal information will be once again secure. Its not the end of the world if I can't play EQ for a little while, hell there are things I can do in or outside to keep me occupied until servers are back up. Personally I am getting tired of people slamming SOE over things they had no control over, the hackers should be shot and p***ed on IMO...they are the ones who ruined it for us players, not SOE. So if you're going to threeaten to quit any and all Sony games, then by all means quit...but this EQ gamer is here to stay!
Waiting patiently..
# May 02 2011 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
Rarthin wrote:
OMG people, yeah SOE could have kept us in the loop with what exactly was going on, but they are not the ones who did the hacking, they are trying to fix the problem, so let them take the time needed to fix it. We will get reimbursed somehow, I am not concerned with that in the least, I am concerned that our personal information will be once again secure. Its not the end of the world if I can't play EQ for a little while, hell there are things I can do in or outside to keep me occupied until servers are back up. Personally I am getting tired of people slamming SOE over things they had no control over, the hackers should be shot and p***ed on IMO...they are the ones who ruined it for us players, not SOE. So if you're going to threeaten to quit any and all Sony games, then by all means quit...but this EQ gamer is here to stay!

Well said!
SOE customer support
# May 02 2011 at 10:32 AM Rating: Default
I dont know what sonys problems are like all of you i awaite in anticipation the news on whats happining but i must admite i am appaled at the customer service im from uk so im used to queing and mabye not getting what i ordered but i thought the US was the land of customer service ?
SOE customer support
# May 02 2011 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
India is the land of customer service. The US is the land of outsourcing...
SOE customer support
# May 02 2011 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Be nice if they could at least let us know if our accounts/cc details are secure - I dont want to find out tomorrow that my bank account has been wiped :(
Nothing better to do
# May 02 2011 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Has anyone on EQ had issues with there merc tank not holding aggro and keeps running away from group to die? i believe the hacking may have caused that and when i petitioned it and called the only reply i got was there is nothing wrong with it. ********** at least be honest with us, its the least you can do. now what am i suppose to do? sit back and ***** and complain?? NO im going to go outside and look around and see what i have missed for the past 11 years i have been playing EQ. LMFAO. OOOO and another thing---> soe better get there servers up or we all just might do what the Egyptians did when there government shut down there internet and phones !! It will be beautiful.
Nothing better to do
# May 02 2011 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Very cool now i know im not the only one i also traded my J5 merc tank 3-4 times and still the same prob, this is what happenes i single pull with my monk and the J5 merc does fight and when the mob is at 80% i send in my monk to fight , well my monk gets aggro immediately and i have also just put my monk right infront of the mob but i do not attck and still get hit when my J5 merc should have already got the aggro. thank you for repies, P.S. i have sent in many bug reports so hopefully when EQ comes back online i can get back to fighting the way i use to before the 12 year anniversity thing started, cuz thats when it all started.
tank merc
# May 02 2011 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
yes my tank merc drops agro in the middle of fight runs off i put him as main tank and he still does it i traded it in 3 times for new one but they all do it and at 10,000 p each cant keep trading it in
Nothing better to do
# May 02 2011 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
here we go i just saw how i can reply i do have the J5 merc and i single pull with my monk, there is definately somethen wrong with the J5 merc, i only fight one at a time. thank you for replies.

Edited, May 2nd 2011 1:06pm by woredor
Nothing better to do
# May 02 2011 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
@ Woredor "Has anyone on EQ had issues with there merc tank not holding aggro and keeps running away from group to die?'"
Depends on what Tier your merc is. At lower tiers it's confidence is low and it will run away and let you die if you pull too many mobs. This applies to all classes of mercs. This is not a bug, but is as designed. T5 merc quests are done in Korrascian Warrens (sp?). Hope that helps.
Nothing better to do
# May 02 2011 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
early mercs do this apparently if you check out the merc info it tells you that what they do i had a simmlar problem on one of my tunes i changed the merc but i dont understand what whent on sorry
free 30 days of service
# May 02 2011 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent if I'm reading this right we are going to get 30 days of free service
free 30 days of service
# May 02 2011 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts
I think the 30 days is referring to the free 30 day PSN+ they were giving to PSN users, but I may be wrong.
Do what you have to do.
# May 02 2011 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
254 posts
I have already cancelled the debit card I was using for EQ2, and when SOE services come back online, I plan on changing all of my passwords (again).

Better safe than sorry, you know? It took a five minute phone call to order up a new card, and will take another few minutes to connect the new card with some of the other accounts the old one was linked to. A small price to pay to avoid the off-chance that someone wants to use my information for a free trip to Aruba.
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