
In Warhammer Online you begin at level one with 36 general backpack slots with you can access by hitting the 'B' key on your keyboard or clicking the icon located at the top of the screen.

Contents [hide]

Inventory Items

This is where you will keep your items, such as gear you obtain, talismans, gray trash drops, and anything else that strikes your fancy. Every 10 levels you will receive 16 additional slots.

Someone needs to organize.
Someone needs to organize.

Currency Items

Anything considered in-game currency, aside from gold, will automatically be placed into this bag which is accessible from your main backpack by clicking the little "bag with stacked coins" tab. All of your RvR medallions, Ordnances, Skulls of the Fallen, and similar items can be found here.

It taunts you with all the free slots.
It taunts you with all the free slots.

Crafting Items

This is a dream come true for most crafters. All of your crafting supplies, but not finished products, can be placed in this bag so your main backpack can remain free for loot. You will gain an additional 16 slots of space with each 100 levels of crafting you gain.

This one belongs to a Scavenger

Quest Items

All of the items you obtain that are used for completion of a quest will turn up in this bag. It grows to accommodate any number of quest-related items. Periodically, check this bag and click the contents. You might find that you've picked up an item that starts a quest or one that needs to be activated to complete an existing quest.

Not much questing going on here.
Not much questing going on here.

Warhammer Online

This page last modified 2011-10-31 23:16:04.