
...i.e., "Sub"... mistress of ellipses and future madame of the finest establishment Nevada has to offer... loan approval pending. I'm pretty boring. I don't have my own country, just a renovated dungeon and a cave in the mountains which are well-guarded by hordes of rabid red fox. There is nothing exemplary on my Alla record and I seek not enlightenment nor a religious dawning, but just a laugh or anything with entertainment value.

I came to Allakhazam as the biggest MMORPG noob possible... read about MPK, skillchaining, etcetera, and decided that just wasn't of interest or import to me. From there I ventured to the race forums where I was surprised to find that by choosing the mithra race, I was really a teenage boy fapping off to my own tail which lead to the realization that girls, much less women play games... *insert Shaggy zoinks*... dear gods I'm male! So I hit 73, delevel to 72, threw a temper tantrum and ranted at the PLD and threw my controller off the apartment balcony and into the pool.

WoW... I blame it on South Park which I blame on my b/f which I blame on being drunk at the wrong party, right time. So I spend most of my forum time now trying to explain to people the differences of FFXI and WoW and explaining how it's pretty redundant to compare them... I got bored and ventured into the faction forums where I proceed to lay down virtually the same argument of redundancy about who has more chromosomal issues... the horde or alliance. There becomes no point in trying to contribute anything when one of the most pertinent responses is "*insert faction of choice* FTW!". *sighs* I then start posting my "stoopids", those little jokes you find in your e-mail from people you haven't seen in 10 years. ...damn, I got dumped in the OoT for that and then Mindel thought I was iron deficient, that was a terrible day.

Because of my often spontaneous moodiness and bitchability, I have provided Allakhazam an emergency contact number by which my children can be reached to throw me a little slap of maturity as I have been known to regress to potty-mouthedness in times of forum frustration. Oftentimes lurking and quiet during semi-educational, political and/or personal debate threads, I will once in a while throw in my own opinion or conjecture that usually is looked at with a raised "WTF" eyebrow. I can be quite a chameleon blending into the loudest of wallpapers and tend to enjoy bordering on introversion while fighting my attention whore tendencies, thus leading to a bland and gooey "just there" type of OoT existence.

This page last modified 2007-10-15 15:11:16.