Rift Mob:Brougan Grote  

Brougan Grote, Silverwood, Argent Glade

located at: 6025,3080

NPC Dialog

"The Guardian leaders in Sanctum appointed me Steward of Argent Glade years ago. It is a duty I've come to enjoy."

What is Overwatch Keep? Overwatch Keep looms over Argent Glade to the east. It was once the meeting place of all Telara's races when they joined forces to defeat Regulos and the Blood Storm. It soon became the seat of high elf government, and the town of Argent Glade grew alongside it.

Is the High Elf Council still here? The high elf council moved to Sanctum when we joined the Guardians, but a powerful prince named Hylas Aelfwar dissented. He argued that joining the Guardians would only make the high elves weak in the fight against the Wanton hordes. Prince Hylas refused our pleas for unity and remained at the Keep, gradually building an army of adherents that he calls House Aelfwar.

What is the Aelfwar situation now? It is a fragile peace we have, but I fear a storm is coming. If Prince Hylas's power is allowed to grow, I shudder to imagine what horrors he would unleash in a misguided attempt to protect Silverwood from Wanton flames.

This page last modified 2011-04-19 10:48:29.