EQ2 Quest:Seeking a Tradeskill Profession  

With GU 43 this quest has been removed fromt he game. Go right to any Tradeskill Tutorial NPC to start your training.

This quest begins the Tradeskill Tutorials. It is new to the game with Rise of Kunark, and replaces all previous tutorials.

Receive this quest by examining the note Starting a Tradeskill Profession. You receive this note automatically if you start in Kelethin, Neriak, or Timorous Deep, by talking to a tradeskill trainer on the Outpost of the Overlord or Queen's Colony, or by zoning to Qeynos or Freeport if you skipped talking to the trainer. If for some reason you do not have the note, the Tradeskill Delegate will sell you one.

Follow the instructions in the note, which vary according to where you start the game. Find a Tradeskill delegate. In Neriak, Kelethin, and Gorowyn they are near the primary crafting areas. In Freeport and Qeynos they are inside the village tradeskill instances. A directory of Tradeskill Delegates is available at the Tradeskill Tutorials page.

After speaking to the delegate they will give you the choice of a harvesting training quest or going right to the crafting process training.

Choosing Harvesting leads to Tutorial: Learning to Harvest. Note that if you skip this quest you cannot go back and do it. Choosing "tell me what I can do with it all leads to Tutorial: Forging Ahead

This page last modified 2010-07-22 14:01:12.