Brin Ahlrine  

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Class: Unknown
Level: Unknown
Personal Data
Nicknames: None
Race and Clan: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Body: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Biographical Data
Religion/Philosophy: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Current Residence: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Other Features

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Tragedy at Ala Mhigo

e was born to a father who was a master of the lance and a mother who was an expert of the longbow. They made their living as mercs for hire, but once their first son was born (Leon), they decided to settle down in Gridania. Four years later, Brin was born. As Brin grew up, he found a fondness towards nature. His father, Veldhmonde, had hoped for another tough son, like Leon, but alas, Brin's heart was bound to the peace and tranquility of nature, not of battle and war.

One day, when Brin was 12 yrs. of age, his father and mother had decided to sell their wares up north in Ala Mhigo. Over the years, his mother had become a skilled carpenter, and after hearing word that there were many potential buyers up north, Veldhmonde had decided to bring all of the crafted materials up to Ala Mhigo. However, such a task required help of the entire family, so they all packed up what little they had and made their way up north. After only a a month of living in Ala Mhigo, Veldhmonde and Ineseletta had managed to sell all the goods that they had brought with them, turning quite a tidy profit. With enough gil to keep themselves living comfortably in Gridania for quite a while, they had decided to head back. Unfortunatly, before they could leave, the Garlean Empire laid waste to Ala Mhigo. Veldhmonde and Ineseletta did everything they could to escape with their children. Veldhmonde and his two sons had made it out alive, but Ineseletta had tragically been slain.

Sibling Rivalry

After the death of his mother, Brin's father returned to Gridania as a changed Elezen. His heart was filled with anger and grief. He felt that the future would hold dangerous times for his children, so he vowed that he would train them in the ways of the lance. While Leon was excited to build upon his skills in hopes of one day avenging his mother's death, Brin refused to use an instrument of death. Brin felt that fighting would solve nothing. Veldhmonde was disappointed in his son, but knew that he could not force his ways upon him.

Five years later, Brin's brother, who was now 21, had become quite skilled with a lance, while Brin continued to find solace in his plants that he grew and his prayers to Nophica. Over that time, Leon had grown to resent Brin, feeling that his refusal to fight was dishonorable to their deceased mother. Leon and Brin would constantly find themselves in arguments that their father would have to break up. It had come to the point that Leon had convinced Brin that he was in their father's favor, while Brin was a disappointment to his family.

The Loss of a Father

After news of the appearance of the primals had spread all throughout Aldenard, Veldhmonde and Leon prepared themselves to assist Gridania and the Wood Wailers agaisnt the beastmen who had become a local threat in the area. Brin could not stand being left at home, and felt compelled to follow his father and brother into the wild. Brin felt he had something to prove, as the distance he felt between himself and his father had grown to an unbearable degree. It was at that point that Veldhmonde and Leon had found themselves ambushed by a group of beastmen. The battle was fierce, and as Brin observed the fight nearby, he took a firm hold of a light wooden spear he had brought from home and took aim before letting his shot fly straight and true. The spear hit it's mark, but only served to agitate the beastmen. One of the beastmen brought his blade down towards the panicked face of Brin. Veldhmonde grappled the beastmen, keeping Brin safe from the fatal blow; however, his face still tasted the steel upon his face. With fierce determination, both Leon and Veldhmonde finished off the beastmen. They were successful, but still badly injured. Just as the three prepared their departure, one of the fallen beastmen who was still holding onto his life by a thread, took aim with his crossbow, and let the arrow take flight toward Brin. Veldemonde, reacting quickly to protect his son's life, leapt into the path of the arrow. The beastman took his final breath before passing away just as Veldhmonde fell to the ground, dead from an arrow that had unfortunately pierced right through his heart.

After that day, Leon forever blamed his brother for the death of their father. Leon could no longer stand to live in Gridania, as he yearned to become a great warrior and bring honor to his family. Ever since Leon left, Brin has never heard from his brother. Out of grief, Brin felt the need to disconnect himself from his life in Gridania. Over the next number of months, Brin spent his time out in the woods, away from all civilization. He lived off the plants he grew and continued to practice the art of carpentry that he had learned from his mother so long ago.

The Surprises of Life

One day, Brin was ambushed by beastmen. As the Elezen knelt down to say his last prayer to his goddess, he was miraculously saved by a mysterious adventurer who had happened by. It was a Lalafell of the Plainsfolk who appeared to be a skilled lancer. The Lalafell made quick work of the beastmen, as Brin watched in awe as such a tiny creature took down such hulking beasts. The Lalafell's name was Vilkor and after hearing about Brin's plight, he offered to train Brin, as he had once trained others long ago and missed the ripe opportunity to train someone with potential. Brin was unconvinced of the potential that Vilkor saw in him, and explained his disdain of such violence. After a long talk that went on into the night, Vilkor told Brin about how much dangerous Eorzea had become. Without someone willing to fight, those without the ability to fight in their blood would soon perish to the tyranny of the strong. By taking advantage of his heritage, Brin could learn to stand against the darkness that threatened to engulf the light. Eventually, Brin agreed to the training, but still did not have much confidence in himself as a fighter.

Years later, at the age of 27, Brin found himself back in Gridania, ready to start anew. However, much of what had happened between the time that Brin had begin training with Vilkor at the age of 17 and his arrival back in Gridania at the age of 27 is yet to be known. Interestingly enough, upon his return to Gridania, he has been a part of the elusive Crimson Blades for roughly the past five years.....or maybe even longer. However, this is unknown by all. His reasons for joining such a questionable secret society is only known by himself. Whether Brin has become competent with a lance or has become more set in his peaceful pacifistic ways is also unknown. The only thing that can be said for certain is that much had happened in those past 10 years. Only time will tell of the path this Elezen has chosen for himself.



Being deep underground, becoming corrupted with hate and violence in his heart, and does not fear being in cities, but does feel uncomfortable in a civlized setting


All nature (plants and animals), basking in the sunshine, carving wooden figurines, listening to the wind


Cities, highly populated areas, and those who take advantage of the weak


Has a green-thumb when it comes to gardening. Is very resourceful at finding his way through the wilderness...a pathfinder of sorts.


Brin is often soft spoken, but when he does speak, he makes sure to get his point across. He is very passionate about his love towards nature, and has little respect for those who abuse the land. He feels that forgiveness and understanding is a sacred virtue. Brin has much patience for those who seem to have lost his or her way, as he feels that everyone deserves a fair chance at leading a just life.




This page last modified 2010-08-14 03:29:34.