An Achievement a Day 4  

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Tragedy Strikes

I was motivated to go back and do some old stuff. I'm finding out that this is rarely a good idea while you still have new stuff to do, since you end up with an overflowing quest log of dailies, current quests, and old quests. It also creates a conflict of progression -- unless you have hours each day to spend, it kinda sucks. Right now, I don't have hours to spend. Here's to waiting for the impending Summer.

Of course, the worst event happened on May 18, when I had an all-day server outage. So much for a true consecutive days streak. I've decided that on days that I miss (for whatever reason,) I will need to atone. Considering I haven't been able to find someone I trust to play as a surrogate if I'm going to be gone for the whole day, I'm sure there will be others.

  • May 17: Explore Azuremyst Isle.
  • May 18: NONE. The server was down. There was absolutely no way to fix this. I earned multiple achievements the following day to compensate.
  • May 19: 2000 Quests Completed, Ambassador of the Alliance, 5 Exalted Reputations. The 2000 quests was all queued up to be finished within a few minutes of logging in, which is exactly what happened. Only it happened a day late due to the server outage. So the "consecutive days streak" is in spirit at this point rather than true and literal. Literally, I went 137 days.

The Rep Grind

The Azuremyst bit from the last few days was part of trying to get my Alliance rep to exalted. I had three to go. I also have a mind to finish off SSO and Kalu'ak, and work on Timbermaw and Argent Dawn as well. We'll see. Lots of other randoms ahead as I work off of minimal playtime while preparing finals.

  • May 20: Explore Bloodmyst Isle. And today I finished up the Draenei lands I started three days ago. Actually, they were really done yesterday. I just didn't hearth or explore the Warp Piston.
  • May 21: Lower Blackrock Spire. And I got two pets!
  • May 22: Explore Felwood. I started working on Timbermaw rep today.
  • May 23: Make Love, Not Warcraft. World PvP for the win. I was flying back to Astranaar to sell (what's with no vendor at Emerald Sanctuary?) and there was some Horde loser attacking the villagers, so I ganked him. He didn't release, so I hugged him. I thought it was an appropriate message.
  • May 24: They Love Me in That Tunnel. And now I finally finished the job.
  • May 25: Explore Badlands. A quick fix after a load of nuthin'. I tried fishing a bit today, but not much luck with it.
  • May 26: Call to Arms! Been sitting with the last quest in my log for a couple days, but couldn't get around to actually winning a WSG til today. We rolled.
  • May 27: The Violet Hold. First time main healing an instance in like three years...
  • May 28: 1000 Honorable Kills. After one ridiculous AV where I got about 150 HK's, I decided to finish this off. The last 30 were much harder to get...
  • May 29: King of Dire Maul. Cleaning out some quests. I just have Dragonblight quests to do now.
  • May 30: Veteran of the Wrathgate. I decided I wanted to do something special for day #150. Oh yeah, and I finally got to level 79.
  • May 31: Might of Dragonblight. Only had time to do a few loose quests, or I'd be done with the zone.
  • June 1: Azjol-Nerub. This is the lowest LK instance I haven't done yet, so I was all about trying to get this one done.
  • June 2: The Fishing Diplomat. I was *extremely* disappointed that I couldn't fish during the diplomatic mission to Orgrimmar, so I did it the old-fashioned way. I got corpse-camped after about 100 fish, so I doubt Old Crafty is forthcoming, but I'll try again tomorrow.
  • June 3: Ragefire Chasm. Got flushed out again, but they let me leave. Nice Hordies...
  • June 4: 100 Dalaran Cooking Awards. Increased my recipe count by 23 afterwards, too. I had been holding off on buying the recipes...oh yeah, I had to get cooking to 400 as well.
  • June 5: The Northrend Gourmet #1. So now that I've got these cooking recipes...
  • June 6: Grand Master Fisherman. I've been fishing a lot in the last week.
  • June 7: Stratholme. I decided to hit the old world and work on some rep. Soloing Strat as a priest is no joke, and because I wanted the rep, I couldn't just sneak by everything.
  • June 8: Working Day and Night. Alchemy is finally over 375.
  • June 9: Explore Winterspring. After questing in Felwood and Winterspring, plus several battlegrounds, this was a logical finish.
  • June 10: Explore The Barrens. A quick finish to a day spent doing other things.
  • June 11: Explore Silverpine Forest. 5 minute achievement today -- I thought I was going to be away for the next two days, and so I was setting up to do Tirisfal and the two nearby instances in quick fashion.
  • June 12: Explore Tanaris Desert. Another day spent like the Barrens day: doing other things that didn't give me an achievement.
  • June 13: Grizzled Veteran. Starting to work on Grizzly Hills now. Level 80 is imminent.
  • June 14: Level 80. After 165 days, I finally reach level 80. Goodbye, 70-79 bracket.
  • June 15: Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich? Fun fact: Using the Torch of Retribution lets you hit stuff without causing them damage, for free unarmed skill-ups!
  • June 16: Tuskarrmageddon. And after many many days of collecting little wolf puppies, I have my fishing rod and Pengu.

Goodbye, 70-79 Group. Hello, Lots of 80 Stuff

OK, so now that I'm out of the battlegroup for the "easier" battlegrounds and have to play with the big boys, how long will it be til I go back? Still, it does open the door for a number of other things...I just wish I had the cash for my epic flying.

This page last modified 2009-06-29 15:57:53.