Fishing Guide  

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Great Guide
# Oct 03 2010 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
6 posts
First off, Thank you for the well put together guide. I understand some of this was speculation but this early in the game; Most everything is speculation. :)

Some things I've noticed. I'm not sure if I'm missing something or they've changed the fishing since this was posted but here goes.

There is talk (here and other places as well) as though you have to fight to get the fish on your line THEN fight again to catch it. I have yet to encounter this. I will often get "You feel a nibble" but then I'm given an option to either Wait, Jig, or Cancel. If I just wait until I get a bite, then I get to play the hot/cold game. I don't bother jigging unless I'm really excited about something I heard on the radio, or actually get a bite.

Some thing I'm wondering. Could it be possible that the 'zones' spoke of in this article, if they exist, could change depending on your rank? It seems to me that as Rank 1 in Grade 1 water, The sweet spot seems to be much smaller and harder to get. Rank 8 in grade 1 water it seems easier, as though the zones have widened. Something to think about.

I hope this helps.

PS( You spelled Mikhalia wrong.

just kidding *grin* )
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