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Zones and Regions (WoW)  

Explanation of a zone. List of zones. Discussion of continents and regions within the continents.

The World of Warcraft is a big place, and the only way to make it easier to understand is breaking it into pieces. While the most obvious division is the continents of Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, and eventually Northrend, those areas are still much too large. Each continent is divided into many different zones, which has its own chat channels and map.

List of zones and regions:

Contents [hide]


Northern Kalimdor Central Kalimdor Southern Kalimdor
Ashenvale The Barrens Ahn'Qiraj (raid)
Azshara Desolace The Black Morass (instance)
Azuremyst Isle Durotar Dire Maul (instance)
Blackfathom Deeps (instance) Dustwallow Marsh Feralas
Bloodmyst Isle Maraudon (instance) Mount Hyjal (WoW)
Darkshore Mulgore Old Hillsbrad Foothills (instance)
Darnassus (city) Orgrimmar (city) Onyxia's Lair (raid)
The Exodar (city) Ragefire Chasm (instance) Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (raid)
Felwood Razorfen Downs (instance) Silithus
Moonglade Razorfen Kraul (instance) Tanaris
Winterspring Stonetalon Mountains Thousand Needles
Thunder Bluff (city) Un'goro Crater
The Wailing Caverns (instance) Zul'Farrak

Eastern Kingdoms

Lordaeron Khaz Modan Kingdom of Azeroth
Alterac Mountains Arathi Basin (battleground) Blasted Lands
Alterac Valley (battleground) Arathi Highlands Burning Steppes
Eastern Plaguelands Badlands The Deadmines (instance)
Eversong Woods Blackrock Depths (instance) Deadwind Pass
Ghostlands Blackrock Mountain Duskwood
The Hinterlands Blackrock Spire (instance) Elwynn Forest
Hillsbrad Foothills Deeprun Tram Karazhan (raid)
Naxxramas (raid) Dun Morogh Redridge Mountains
Scarlet Monastery (instance) Gnomeregan (instance) The Stockade (instance)
Scholomance (instance) Ironforge (city) Stormwind (city)
Shadowfang Keep (instance) Loch Modan Stranglethorn Vale
Silvermoon City (city) Molten Core (raid) Swamp of Sorrows
Silverpine Forest Searing Gorge Temple of Atal'Hakkar (instance)
Tirisfal Glades Uldaman (instance) Westfall
The Undercity (city) Wetlands Zul'Gurub (raid)
Western Plaguelands

This page last modified 2007-10-31 16:08:44.