Revision as of 2007-12-09 20:54:52
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EverQuest II  

Welcome to Allakhazam's EQ2 Wikibase

What is a Wikibase?

The flexibility of a wiki with the advanced search capabilities of a database, and we call this new, hybrid animal... Wikibase!

As a new feature at Allakhazam's, there is much work to be done here. Our goal is nothing short of total integration of the traditional database you have grown to love and depend on, with the wiki providing total access to quest descriptions, mob notes, and other helpful information.

Initially, all wiki panels on DB pages will have the text that appeared in the DB, but that is only the starting point! Wiki links can be added to improve site linking of related information. Corrections from the messages section can be used to update the text.

If you see a page with incorrect or incomplete info, you don't have to grumble or email a CM to fix it, just click Edit and do it! YOU have the power, now!

Please keep the wiki text clear, concise and to the point. Chat, comments and general discussion belong in the messages as always! Please see the Guidelines for the wiki-rules!

Expansion: Rise of Kunark (GU40)
Rise of Kunark went live on November 13th, 2007.

See the Rise of Kunark page for all the goodies we have for you!

Frostfell is coming!
A patch in the next couple of weeks GU41 (which is on Test now) will ring in the return of Frostfell to Norrath! Can you help Queen Bunny to save Frostfell from the evil exploitation of McScroogle Corp.?
Badger Badger Badger...
There is a repeatable quest in Fens of Nathsar called The Bellywhumper Harvest. The Bellywhumper Burynai need you to help restock their supplies by gathering one of two possible groundspawn items in the Field of Bone... rocksnakes or boneshrooms. Yes, Virginia, the badgers want you to gather mushrooms and snakes!!!

Sing it with me... Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushROOM!

Most Wanted
  • Stubs - list of pages that have little or no content, or are in need of additional content, waiting for a contributor!
  • Character Subclasses - Most of our class info is either blank right now, or copied from EQ2i (which gives us a good starting place). Won't you help round out your class?
  • Now that we are "live" we have alot of work to do. Thanks to the DB and the automatic inclusion of all that, we have alot less to do than a normal wiki startup would have, but the connecting tissue of this wiki is pretty thin right now. I will concentrate on the design and the tools, if you will help provide the content! Deal? - Bludwyng

Wikibase Help

Allakhazam EQ2 Team
Community Managers Calthine
Raven Darkwing
Wikibase Admin Bludwyng
News, Blogs, and Random Nuttiness

Categories: Main Page | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2007-12-09 20:54:52.