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EQ2 Zone:Kylong Plains  

Ryjesium Peaks (West)
The Dreadlands (Center)
Waning Thicket (East)
This expanded zone covers the following EverQuest zones:
  • The Burning Woods - now called The Stone Wood, this includes the Ryjesium Peaks.
  • The Dreadlands - Still called the Dreadlands (this is the center map).
  • Firiona Vie - part of the center and east maps, but the only POI is Firiona's Vista, which is on the center map in the north-eastern area with the Wyverns.

Escape Point: 763, 2, 307 near Dreg's Landing.

Beware of Dominus Atrebe, an 83^^^ Epic(x4) Sarnak found south of Sulassk Post!

Contents [hide]

Solo Named Mobs

While you are adventuring in this zone, be sure to be on the lookout for the following extra opportunities for XP and status!


Waning Thicket

Ryjesium Peaks

Other Resources:EQ2iLootDB Human-Readable Link:

This page last modified 2008-07-14 23:18:25.