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Runes of Magic  

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Chapter II: The Elven Prophecy

Chapter III: The Elder Kingdoms

Special Buys
This weekend, Friday the 26th to Monday the 29th, are a few Special Offers in the Item Shop worth noting:
  • Fully upgradable wings for sale
  • Double Diamonds for all Diamond Recharge packages
  • Rare Runes for sale

WTH?! Ancient Treasures?
I was running around Sascilia Steppes last night on one of my newer alts and ran smack into a little camp and NPC I had never seen before. Of course I had to investigate!

Runes of Magic Has It's First Birthday!
A Short year ago, March 19th, 2009, Runes of Magic went live. I was there, and although I have not stayed in Taborea the whole year, I am very happy for them. :)

See this page on their site for all the events and festivities.

RoM Adds New Server
I have not been in-game for a few months and logged in today to see the announcement of a new server! So, RoM continues to grow. Good, good! Everyone give a welcome to the new EU server, Palenque!

According to that vast ocean of information, The Internet, "Palenque" means "palisade" in Spanish. It is also the name of a Mayan ruin in Mexico and the name of a tribe indigenous to Nicaragua and Honduras.

Wiki - Not just a job, it's an adventure!
Our very own Bludwyng is playing on Govinda and having a good time running around and collecting information. Quest Series pages are populated, at least with the names and sequences, for the lower-end zones of Howling Mountains, Silverspring, Sascilia Steppes and Dragonfang Ridge, with more to come. Most quests are still red-links but quests, mobs and objects are filling in fast. We could really use your help!

Patch 2.1.7: War and Parties
The release of Patch 2.1.7 (currently on Test) introduces the first wave of a new PvP battlegrounds-style play arena to RoM called Siege Wars, and the Spring live event, The Masked Ball, a daily quest event in Varanas City. The rollout of Siege Wars will continue up to the final push with the next expansion, Chapter III: The Elder Kingdoms.

Chapter II: The Elven Prophecy
Chapter II: The Elven Prophecy, Runes of Magic's first expansion, went Live on Tuesday, September 15th, 2009.

Runes of Magic
DeveloperRunewalker Entertainment Corporation
DistributorFrogster Interactive Pictures AG
Official Site
Official Forum

RoM Quicklinks: NewsGuidesZonesQuestsMobsItemsPOIsObjectsClassesFactionsSkillsLoreTitles SearchHelpSiteMapAdmin PagesTemplates
Runes of Magic

If you are new to ZAM, welcome! And if you have been with us all along, welcome to you too. This is the top, or Main Page, of the Runes of Magic Wikibase™ here. I am your friendly neighborhood wiki-ferret, Bludwyng, and I am here to help you, the players, make this wiki into a resource for all RoM players.

Players helping players is what this wiki is all about, so don't be shy! I will do all I can to provide you with whatever tools you need to make this place look and feel exactly the way you want it to, but I can't do all the work myself.

By the way, I am a player, too, on Govinda, so be sure to say hi to me in-game on Bludwyng (M/W) or Donal (R/S)!

Wiki News


  • 3/19 - Because the new default skin here is black text on a white background and Common quality items are white text, we have change Common to underlined black text so it will show up. Just be aware that the item colors are true to the in-game colors except for common, which is inverse.
  • 3/15 - I am making a pass through all the templates, updating and upgrading them both to look better on our new default skin and to make use of some wiki tools that were not around back when I originally wrote them.
  • 3/28 - New template: RoM Daily Quest, calls RoM Quest to do most of the work, but also adds some extra information just for Daily Quests.
  • 3/26 - I am debating whether we should have a Skill template or not. I am not sure a page for each and every individual Skill is worth it. Currently I am leaning towards pages like Category:Mage Skills that simply list the skills in a table.
  • 3/17 - Happy St. Patrick's Day! RoM Item is done. Due to the complexity and the variables I am sure you will run into items that do not fit. When you do, upload a screenshot of the item window to the item page and pm me with the URL and I will make the template fit it asap. The same procedure applies to all the templates, but Item is the one most likely to be inadequate.
  • 3/15 - POI and Object are done, and Resource Nodes are handled by Object.
  • 3/14 - Templates for Quest, Mob and Zone are done. In the next few days I should get templates done for Object, POI, Resource and Item.

Categories: Runes of Magic | Main Page
This page last modified 2010-03-27 21:41:04.