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EverQuest II  

--Current Events--

Nights of the Dead is Live!
Nights of the Dead went live on October 22, 2008! Scheduled to run from 10/22/08 through 11/3/08, this year we have new quests, a Haunted Mansion, and spooky crafting!
Game Update #49 is Live!
Game Update #49 went live on October 7, 2008! Breaking Ground is now live.

Nights of the Dead, the annual Norrathian halloween-ish celebration, is scheduled to run from 10/22/08 through 11/3/08.

The Summer-Long Living Legacy World Event
On June 2, 2008, SOE launched a huge promotion to honor the millions of past, present and future EverQuest and EverQuest II players. Called Living Legacy, the promotion features events and new content all summer and a plethora of goodies for all players.
Most Wanted
  • Category:EQ2 DB pages with no images - Do you like to take screenshots? Do you want to help us add images to Zone, Quest, Item and Mob pages? Then, this category is for you! Also, be sure to check out Bludwyng's A Photographer's Guide to Norrath.
  • Stubs - list of pages that have little or no content, or are in need of additional content, waiting for a contributor!
  • Character Subclasses - Most of our class info is either blank right now, or copied from EQ2i (which gives us a good starting place). Won't you help round out your class?
  • Now that we are "live" we have alot of work to do. Thanks to the DB and the automatic inclusion of all that, we have alot less to do than a normal wiki startup would have, but the connecting tissue of this wiki is pretty thin right now. I will concentrate on the design and the tools, if you will help provide the content! Deal? - Bludwyng

Wikibase Help

Allakhazam EQ2 Team
Senior CM Calthine
Community Managers Raven
Wikibase™ Admin Bludwyng
Complete Allakhazam Staff Listing
News, Blogs, and Random Nuttiness
EverQuest II

Categories: EverQuest II | Main Page
This page last modified 2008-10-23 08:39:36.