The Burning Crusade approaches

The story so far...

Then and Now:
Conflict and Triumph in the World of Warcraft

Two years have passed since the founding of Durotar...
Although the armistice between the mighty Horde and the noble Alliance has held, tensions between the two factions continue to mount as worldwide conflicts draw the two sides closer to all-out war. Fighting has erupted in the strategic battlegrounds of Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, and Arathi Basin, and more recently in Eastern Plaguelands and Silithus.

Even as these old enemies have renewed their quarrels, many ancient threats have resurfaced to menace the beleaguered races of Azeroth. As if spurred by unseen forces, dark agents have labored to push the world closer to the brink of oblivion.

Within Blackrock Spire, the legacy of the black dragon Deathwing continued to unfold as Nefarian followed in his father's contemptible footsteps. With the aid of his sister Onyxia and the orchestrations of their human personas, Nefarian worked toward replenishing the black dragonflight. To that end, he created chromatic dragons: unspeakable hybrids of both red and black dragons.

Meanwhile, the priests of Hakkar enacted primitive rituals on behalf of their fiendish blood god. First, priests at the Temple of Atal'Hakkar succeeded in calling forth the god's avatar. Then, within the crumbling ruins of Zul'Gurub, priests summoned the bloodthirsty, diabolical Soulflayer physically into Azeroth.

Nor was the spread of evil limited to the physical realm alone. Several green dragons, once Ysera's trusted lieutenants, have been corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare, emerging from dream portals across the world to threaten the very lives they once protected.

Throughout Silithus, insect swarms surged as if guided by some malignant, ancient intelligence. Behind the gates of the Scarab Wall the merciless qiraji stirred once again. Empowered by the Old God C'Thun, the qiraji prepared their legions for a worldwide assault to avenge their bitter defeat at the hands of the night elves a thousand years ago.

Worst of all, the Lich King's icy grip descended upon Azeroth once again as the Scourge renewed its assault against living and undead alike. Foreboding necropoli recently appeared over several major cities. Alliance and Horde forces mobilized and drove the Scourge back. Nevertheless, questions remain. Was this defeat truly a setback for the Lich King? Or did this first attack further a different goal for the Scourge? Whatever the case, Kel'Thuzad is clearly setting the stage for a full-scale, apocalyptic invasion from his seat of power in Naxxramas.

The heroes of the world have bravely faced these challenges and more, struggling to ensure the continued survival of their races. The greatest perils, however, remain unseen. Many of these new threats have the inhabitants of the world wondering if peace will ever find a home in Azeroth...

Read the rest of the story at


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# Sep 10 2006 at 10:48 AM Rating: Default
missing T
# Sep 07 2006 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
6,678 posts
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
# Sep 07 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default
its a copy and past effort it is supposed to be Two but the "T" is a .gif
# Sep 07 2006 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
406 posts
[EDIT]: Nothing to see here

Edited, Sep 7th 2006 at 8:11pm EDT by DartMatsuraki
# Sep 07 2006 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
Ummm first word Wo? is it supposed to be so?
# Sep 07 2006 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
Or suppose to be Two as that sounds more story-like.
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