Cross-factioning hybrids!

Big news here regarding the future balance of the game, with the expansion:

"As we draw closer to the release of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, more of the secrets shrouding the draenei and blood elves are being revealed. In the upcoming expansion, you will finally be able to play classes that were previously unavailable to your faction. The blood elves have harnessed the power of the Light for their own needs, and the Horde recognizes the value of these renegade blood elf paladins. Meanwhile, the draenei have been granted the wisdom and strength of the elements, and a number of draenei now follow the path of the shaman." -Frost

And before you let loose with your OMGWTFBBQ, consider this quote from Eyonix:

"Something we have always held to as a core design philosophy is developing classes which are distinct from each other. This means developing a class with it's own abilities that clearly separate it from other classes in terms of how the class plays and operates, both for the player and from a design stand-point.

Early on in the inception of this game, it was a hot debate as to whether factions should have a specific class, which they alone have access to. Some wanted all classes to be distinct from each other, but accessible by all. Others thought that more flavor could be generated by keeping a class unique to a faction. Obviously, if you have one side with a unique class, you should probably give the other faction a unique class as well. Thus, Shaman and Paladins became those unique classes.

However, by linking them in a relationship as unique counter-points, options are closed for our main design goal, which is to keep classes distinct. We want factions to be balanced, but don't want to cut and paste abilities from one to the other and homogenize the classes. If we went that road, there would be little difference or need for a distinct class. We want classes to be different in more than just name-only or superficial appearances.

So, in our desire to keep the classes distinct and open up new possibilities for development of each class, shaman and paladins shall now be a playable class for both factions. This decision comes at a time when we have an opportunity to blend this decision into future development. Namely, with the new races in the upcoming expansion. Prior to the new races, the Paladin and Shaman lent themselves easily to their own factions and not that well to the opposite faction (Tauren Paladin? Gnome Shaman?) With the advent of the two additional races, the choice was made more clear in game design and lore.

In terms of game design, one of the options it opens up is for specific classes in dungeon encounters. We already have several encounters that highlight the abilities of a single class or make use of a classes specific abilities. Shaman and Paladins in the previous design could not participate in such encounters. If killing a creature required a Shaman, the Alliance could never beat the encounter and vice versa. This change allows the two classes to bring their own abilities into a situation which may highlight their class as an integral part of the encounter. "

So it seems as if Blizzard is doing this to protect balance in the most obvious sense, and allow for greater flexibility in other domains of the game. It's a sad loss to see some of the uniqueness of the two factions fall by the wayside, but it might really be for the best, overall.


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What morons
# Jul 25 2006 at 8:41 PM Rating: Default
This is so stupid, it really is not hard to have unique classes and still balance the game... there are entire games built around this design. Its a good thing these morons weren't the ones to balance warcraft 3... they would have given the races in Warcraft 3 all the same units (just different skins) to "balance" the game.

Due to the current trend of "fixes", I could even see them doing something just as stupid like handling the problems with the hybrid classes by doing something like, "due to balancing issues of shaman class being available to both factions, we are now going to merge the druid/shaman classes together to further enrich the classes."
Smart blizzard ideas...
# Jul 25 2006 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
I bet many fans are going to delete their accounts for that story ***** up...
Thanks a lot blizz
# Jul 25 2006 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
Well as many of the ones who posted notes here I'm a dedicated fan of Warcraft since it was born.. So now we have a new development in the game.. Blizz wants to balance the game, at the expense of Lore.. Well I personally find that horrifing... A game lives from its lore from the story you create for it.. Kill the story --» kill the game.. Nice going blizz grats on the not tottaly but pretty much f***** up idea... So in other words if they dont have ideas why do they just KILL the inicial one?.. I find this disturbing really... Hope they fall from bed and find out that this is pretty stupid and disapointing expansion so far...

Falkur -- lvl60 dr00d
Draeni = worthless
# Jul 25 2006 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
Also why does a game primarily based around using Swords and Axes ect have a new race crashland on a planet FROM OUTERSPACE and procede to use Swords and Axes.

The damn pandas would have made a better choice for an ally class
# Jul 25 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
This is so lame.

Blizzard finally gave into all the whiny pvp Alliance nerds screaming that Shammies are overpowered, and all the whiny Horde raiders who cry about not getting pally buffs. Their lore based reasons why the switch happend was stupid too. As it sounds the Blood Elves come off as crack addicted magic users while the Draeni are tree huggers.

So far the only thing cool ive seen coming out of Burning Crusade are the flying mounts.

# Jul 25 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
XDDDD as i see here are two sides: the ones that think that blizzard made a mistake, that they are lazy and so on and the ones that are happy about the new class or jsut don't cre about it. Xaltinye you said the game isn't real, yes thats true, BUT the players are, and all of the game is on the players if there were no players blizz would just ****'up with the game. Many players play for the story, others jsut like rpg, some dont hve anything to od and others that are playing are still saying "its only a game, why are so upset about the palli/shammy thing?" gets back to the PC and plays on his shammy dude, 'cause in the start he thought it will be an unique one.
Stop your bitching
# Jul 25 2006 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
The people complaining about this decision remind me of sheltered children on a farm when they are expected to work for dinner -- you want to see a lack of creativity, completely disgraceful storyline butchering, and lazy bullsh!t fixes to foundation problems that exist within a game then go play on Everquest for a while and see just how good you got it with World of Warcraft and Blizzard. Save the drama for your mamma and game on !
Whine much?
# Jul 25 2006 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
You guys are unbelievable. You whine about everything. The changes will be good, wait and see. By having each faction have access to each class, then designers can put in encounters they just couldn't beforee. It opens up a whole new world. Yes, it was nice having a separation of the factions, but it never really made much sense to me. Why were all the primitive races on horde faction? Why couldn't one haved made bargains with the Alliance? Why are paladins only considered good and just? They are warriors with abilities granted to them by their god, be it an evil or good diety. Granted most games make the evil paladins have a different name, but this one chose not to do so, so live with it.

As far as the lore goes, it's Blizzard's story. They can change it as they see fit. I've seen it happen in many books, movies, games, etc. It happens. I mean, after all, history is written by the winners, yes? Add new races to the melting pot and they will have different versions of what happened and it's going to conflict with what is currently "known".

Lastly it's a game, end of story. You guys sound just like the EQ whiners and complainers on this board at the height of that game's popularity whenever something "important" was changed in that game. This game isn't real, never will be real, you don't even own your character, Blizzard does. Either play the game as it is and will be or don't. It's simple really.
# Jul 25 2006 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default
Lazy and money thirsty bastards! That's all I have to say about Blizz!

All that was unique about this game, they are about to kill and make it like any other MMORPG (other that the content). I'm sure this will come back and bite them in the **** sooner or later.
How to kill an original game
# Jul 25 2006 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
Lazy money (saving) thirsty bastards, that's all I have to say.
# Jul 25 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
Yeah blizz took the easy road here by deciding to "balance" the game by making horde paladins and alli shamans. This just shows that blizz doesn't really care anymore and that their creativity has run dry. The lore changes are so ridiculous its become just whatever the hell they feel like changing now. BE are supposed to be evil, but yet can be paladins?!?!...that aside the whole blood elf on horde thing in the first place throws out all the warcraft3 lore as well where they were alliance allys. Whatever blizz you guys are just making this crap up as you go. Even if you dont care about the lore you should realize that this is lame, makes no sense, and that blizz is once again being just plain lazy and redundant. It was cool that alliance and horde had their own identity and uniqueness but now that is gone.
I'll have to live with it ...
# Jul 25 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
Having the two sides different was something that I had always liked about WoW and set it apart a little from other games. Well, that's just my opinion and Blizz is going to do what they want regardless, so I'll have to learn to live with it ... *shrugs*

And today was yet another Tuesday that I couldn't get my WoW fix before going to work ... I wish that Blizz would find a way to fix that ... @_@
# Jul 25 2006 at 6:00 AM Rating: Default
We are all gonna die
All I am going to say is!
# Jul 25 2006 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
# Jul 24 2006 at 8:33 PM Rating: Decent
So I guess they will make PVE harder? Doubt it. I mean really, pallies & shammies on the same side? Talk about your group buffs...This is only going to make PVE ez mode.

I wonder if they will make the existing raid instances 45 man? MC/BWL/AQ40 are all currently set for 5 of each class. 9 classes means someone gets left out?

I would have rather seen some new classes specific to the new races. Typical Blizzard cop out tho. Instead of writing content and quests for end game they force you to farm endless rep. Nothing new, more of the same. All we can hope is that Outlands looks entirely new...
# Jul 24 2006 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
So I guess they will make PVE harder? Doubt it. I mean really, pallies & shammies on the same side? Talk about your group buffs...This is only going to make PVE ez mode.

I wonder if they will make the existing raid instances 45 man? MC/BWL/AQ40 are all currently set for 5 of each class. 9 classes means someone gets left out?

I would have rather seen some new classes specific to the new races. Typical Blizzard cop out tho. Instead of writing content and quests for end game they force you to farm endless rep. Nothing new, more of the same. All we can hope is that Outlands looks entirely new...
WTF Bliz...
# Jul 24 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Default
Lol.. Make the game easier for your programmers. Now the horde and Aliance are effectivly the same... Oh, so big deal only one race can use these classes... no real effect for game overhead... Common... Would of been better to provide two brand new classes that only these two races could be, (ie, enchanter, Illusionest, Conjurer, etc.), but hell that would be way Too Too Too Too Too difficult... What have Programmers Create Something Totally New...
# Jul 24 2006 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
What will be of shammys in raids now?
For the Horde!
# Jul 24 2006 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
This is amazing, I'm for the Horde all the way and they really need something like a paladin. Sure Priests are good but they have their own spot. Honestly it needed to be like this from the beginning but better late then never! Can't want to see what the rest of the expansion is going to be like!
For the Horde!
# Jul 24 2006 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
GTFO, the last thing the horde needs is the drama that comes with the plate wearing pally.
# Jul 24 2006 at 1:15 PM Rating: Default
yeah draenei will be the race who will have both pallies and shammies on their side.

and yes maybe your talky talk makes some sense and is true but we still hate blizz and we still want them to not do pallies on horde and shammies on ally xD
Alliance? Just hush.
# Jul 24 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
Will this mean that Draenei can be both palladin and shammy? I've seen Draenei pictures in pally armor.

To anyone who complains about this, I ask one question. Are you alliance? If so, shhhh. Ask ANYONE who has had experience end game and they will tell you staight up that alliance have a HUGE advantage in raids due to the pally. Shamans get resigned to nothing but heal bots (heal and mana tot). They can't remove debuffs off players, and they have little in the way of buffs for a raid. That is why you always hear of alliance being able to take down bosses before horde. Not because the horde players aren't any good, but because the alliance has a huge advantage when they get to end game. Blizzard has tried to have balence in the game, saying that there is no 'good' or 'evil' faction, just that there are two factions. Pally and shammy were supposed to be equivilant classes, but they stop being equal when you get to raiding, and raiding is easily 50% of the game.

I agree the justification for the two races having the classes is kinda weak, but as far as balence goes, this is a good thing.
# Jul 24 2006 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
While I can understand their reasons for doing this (dug themselves a hole for 'balancing' the game and now are trying to dig themselves out), I have to say this is an annoying solution. Part of the reason is apparently some encounters will require the raid to have certain classes. That means a time sink in terms of getting toons levelled and kitted. Also means annoyance for guilds that far on in the game in having to swap favourite characters to fill the new slots (and never get the char you levelled from the start into X tier kit) or recruit new folks to fill the gaps (and force regular raiders to sit out). Dumb solution.
# Jul 24 2006 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
well ogres....theyre like...ammm....well they would be a good back-up for the horde, but let me ask you a simple question: WHERE THE HECK WOULD THE STARTING ZONE BE? xD its a simple thing but not so simple to make one and not effect the lore,map or something else related to it.
and you ask what happened to them....well, nothing a band of them were taken by silvanas control, some of them live in the hinterlands, in kalimdor the desolace. theres a village of them living in dustwallow march that are helping the hordes.
by the way if youre asking a historycal type question, the big part of the ogres left the horde since the Second War 'cause they thought that the orcs are too weak for allies.

And yep, blizz is lazy :D
# Jul 24 2006 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
They have had so much time to work on this expansion. The real answer would have been new classes for each faction specific to the 2 new races. The blood elves are night elves without the purple, and the draenei are taurens with different heads.

Its a shame that so many people don't care whats served up to them. Can't say anything about the rest of the expansion yet, but I think the new races/classes is a pathetic attempt.
New Races
# Jul 24 2006 at 9:12 AM Rating: Default
What ever happened to Ogres??
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