DayZ - Standalone Release Delayed

Sad for all anxious fans, but possibly good.

I know, I know - the words "delayed" make you want to pull on your hair and roar, but keep in mind what delays can mean. It can mean more content, and better content. And, in this new post from the developers, that's what DayZ developers hope to appease. They delayed it not to get it finished later, but because they decided to completely rip out the engine and redesign it from the ground up.

This means a new inventory system that's more survival-horror like, with more realistic item scatter and damage location relevant to that. To quote from the update, "If you shoot a player in the head to take his night vision, you damage the night vision." Plus, there's a UI overhaul as directed by community personality turned DayZ developer Kju, and a ton more art assets being redesigned.

So, with those circumstances, I'm sure you can understand if it's going to take a few months longer.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

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