ZAM Weekly: The Best of the Week that Was

Take a look at the content you might have missed in another hectic week of gaming.

Each week we look back at some of the excellent content that might have flown under your radar here at ZAM. From the biggest news to the best original content, ZAM Weekly is here to help you catch  up.

First up, Julian "Mirai" Williams took a good look at the launch of the new PVP focused online game FORGE and gave his review.

Julian was suitably impressed by the frenetic action, with just a few bones to pick out of the mass of wild combat. You can read the full review right here.

Next up, Bill "Lethality" Leonard talked to the head of Project WAM about their community efforts to bring as much information on a range of MMOs into handy, easy to use Wikis. Bill talked to Tyler Malo about how "Wikify All MMORPGs" is progressing and how you can join in if you want to lend a hand.


It was an interesting week in eSports as MLG's packed December schedule continued. Callum "Caltu" Lawrence asked questions of two of the biggest names in shoutcasting to get a behind the scenes look at the excellent new shows for League of Legends and Starcraft II. Check out his interviews with Optimus Tom and Axslav.

Anyone who knows ZAM well knows Calthine, and she put on her snow boots to wade into the Frostfell holiday that arrived for EverQuest II. All the hints, tips and tricks you could need are awaiting you in the guide prepared by Calthine and Cyliena.

We also welcomed a new writer to the team this week. Josh "Vazzaroth" Hagood made a great first impression, including his excellent coverage of the first big post launch PlanetSide 2 update.

As a continuation of all things PlanetSide 2, I had an in-depth chat with Matt Higby on the phenomenal launch of the game and some of the plans that SOE have in store. Matt was as gracious and interesting to speak to as ever, with his thoughts on hacking, balance and possible UI changes being of particular interest.


The type of news story that seems to have happened all year, but never gets easier to write, occured once again when I covered the job losses at Trion Worlds. Best wishes to all the people affected who continue to go through a traumatic time.

Matt "Mattsta" Adams continues to produce quality news pieces, this week including his coverage of the Guild Wars 2 WintersDay build up. His latest article gives an overview of the dates and events to look forward to across a freshly snowy Tyria.

Our freshly promoted Senior Contributing Editor, Gareth "Gazimoff" Harmer, had another busy week. He began with his superb coverage of the end of subscription for The Secret World. Not only did we have all the details on the new direction for TSW, Gareth brought you the full lowdown on the reasoning behind the move in his interview with game director Joel Bylos.

Gareth then managed to squeeze in another great interview, this time with Rob Hill, the senior producer working on bringing Defiance to gaming, television and beyond -- what next, radio?

From a game already launched to one we're awaiting with interest, Michael "Ragar" Branham reported on the latest news to come from WildStar. Jeremy Gaffney gave a December state of the game overview and Michael was on hand to give his usual excellent insight.

To round it all off, we announced the ZAM Video Game Awards for 2012, including the Readers' Choice Award where you decide the winner. Be sure to leave your comment on what you think is the deserving game. Vehement bias is thoroughly encouraged.


And that was the week that was. Stay with us as we head into another busy period of gaming news.


Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor in Chief

Tags: News


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