Ingress: Take the Mystery with You

Niantic Labs' mobile augmented reality app promises to make your world a game.

We don’t usually venture into the wild and wooly world of mobile gaming here at ZAM, but a currently in beta game crossed my desk and perked my interest enough to move me off the beaten track.

In fact, Ingress is all about movement, a game for Android mobile phones, based on two factions seeking the answers behind a mysterious energy that permeates the world around us.


An intriguing mix of mystery and skullduggery, with the interactive convenience of an ARG, Ingress reminds me of Fringe in its Sci-Fi styling and The Secret World with its use of puzzles and pursuit for secret power lying just under the veneer of the every day world.


Developed by Google’s Niantic Labs, the game aims to turn the environment around you into a virtual playground, dynamically responding to players via the battle for control over territory, with more populated areas focusing power more acutely and contributing more to your faction’s score.

Choose between The Enlightened and The Resistance to become embroiled in a global storyline, which plays out via the cryptic clues on the Project Niantic website or while on the move, wherever you travel through the app’s game system.

While not the first game to employ real world interactivity, Ingress’ augmented reality has a sleek UI and a strong sense of intrigue that looks quite absorbing.


Would this be a game you would like to while away your journeys with? And, furthermore, would you be interested in more mobile app coverage here on ZAM?


Let us know in the comments below!

Scott "Jarimor" Hawkes, Editor in Chief




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