Guildhead Your Way

Huge update for GuildHead Skill Calculator: improved tooltips, stats and more!

The talented developers behind Guildhead have been working tirelessly to bring you the best in tools and resources for your Guild Wars 2 experience.

We are proud to announce the latest batch of upgrades to Guildhead's skill calculator.


The new calculator places all the information you need at your fingertips, including stats, Conditions, Boons, Control abilities and even effects like stealth or teleport. In fact you can even activate the Thief stealth to see your stealthy abilities.


The bonuses you receive from traits beyond your stats are also clearly listed so you can get the complete picture as you build your spec. To help keep all that information easy to see, our tooltips have also been dramatically improved, not only showing you calculated damage and other details on skills, but the precise origin of them on the effects listed in the sidebar.

Along with your usual choice of weapons to show your slot abilities, you can now show your downed and drowning state skills to know just what your best plan of attack is in any situation.

The team has also added amulet choice into the array of options:


So what are you waiting for? Head on over to Guildhead and play with all the new toys on offer -- though remember, Guardian rules.

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