Project Gorgon Plans Big Things

Indie MMO has me from the go.

So, if you could make an MMO, what would you do? Would you try to be more like juggernaut World of Warcraft in hopes to compete? Woudl you spin off in your own direction and create something all new? Or would you pay homage to the classics while giving them a unique facelift?

The latter one spoke most to developers Eric Heimburg and Sandra Powers, Lead Engineer and Lead Systems Designer of Asheron's Call franchise. And so they have decided to launch their own game, an indie MMO called Project: Gorgon, which has launched its own Kickstarter. Promising big and impressive things, the site has to be read fully to understand. But they have promised emergent gameplay like NetHack, the community of Asheron's Call, and the core system of the venerable EverQuest. You can tell they have a love for classics. 

There's still 15 days to go on their Kickstarter, so let's see what happens when this cooks a little longer.

Julian "Mirai" Williams

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