March of the Eagles Announced

No, you are Napoleon.

Paradox Interactive has unveiled their newest RTS/management hybrid, March of Eagles. In it, you will go through the steps of the Napoleonic War, as your favorite (I guess?) European power in 1805. Features include:

* Rule a major European power from 1805 to 1815 and ride out a decade of tactical innovation and strategic duplicity. 

* Take advantage of your generals' unique skills to be sure they are in the right place when rival armies meet. 

* Recruit vast armies from your population or build a navy to contest the rule of the seas. 

* Build coalitions to strengthen your hand and use diplomacy to undermine your enemies 

* An army marches on its stomach, so keep your supply lines secure while your forces master new tactics and new modes of fighting in an era that revolutionized warfare. 

* Up to 32 people can go online and duke it out for mastery of Europe.

And if you want in on this, the beta signups are open up until September 6th. Anyone want to read War and Peace to get ready for it? 

Julian "Mirai" Williams

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