Scavenging, WoW Style

Lok'Tar Humans! We of the Allakhazam Content Team at ZAM are running an iLvL219 contest over the next couple of weeks to celebrate the Hallows Eve event in World of Warcraft.

This means you have some work ahead of you for the BoP drops in the chest. That's right, you are being sent on a quest to find 20 various items within the world of Azeroth between Thursday, October 22nd at 12:00pm PST and and 11:59am PST, October 31st (Halloween). The loot will be some enhancements to your profile in the form of [Enchant Account:Premium (1 year)], [Enchant Account:Premium (6 months)], [Enchant Account:Premium (3 months)] and [Greater Allakhazam Loot Card: 2 Months of WoW Game Time on Us].

Yes, you heard us, we are giving away some premium loot and possibly even a game card to one lucky winner of the Scavenger hunt. So grab that epic mount or swift flight form and head over to our official wiki page and rules page to check out the details. Remember, this quest is for both Alliance AND Horde alike so you can hold off on camping those enemy corpses long enough to check this out.

If you've never played World of Warcraft, there's never been a better opportunity to do some premium searching and maybe even some free game play for that epic loot we all love!!

To get started, visit the official contest page and take a zeppelin on over to our Rules page to read up on the detailed rules for the contest.


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another us only contest...
# Oct 23 2009 at 1:46 AM Rating: Default
Why am I not suprised? Seriously Blizzard, you need to find a way to extend these contests to other countries. I realize that each country has their own laws regarding contests, but it shouldn't be that difficult to find middle ground in this; or at least make a public attempt at it.
another us only contest...
# Oct 29 2009 at 8:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Actually, anyone can win the free premium. The game card is only allowable in the US. That's due to laws in other countries and contests here.
another us only contest...
# Oct 24 2009 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
You do realize that this is an Allakhazam contest, not a Blizzard one, right?
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