Ghostcrawler Answers Some Key Gameplay Issues

Just yesterday, Ghostcrawler answered a few questions on the forum concerning key aspects of the game. In particular, the poster grilled GC on things like 'Pure' versus 'Hybrid' DPS, Caster versus Melee classes in PvP, Spellpower on Plate drops, Tri Specs and a 'use' for Achievement Points. While Ghostcrawler's first two answers were fairly vague and uninformative, it's still good to know Blizzard's stance on Spellpower Plate, Tri Speccing and Achievement Points. You can check out all of the questions and answers after the jump, but if you're looking for 'real' answers to the first two questions, you may be sad to see that there isn't much.

Question #1: Pure VS Hybrid DPS:
I think the community as a whole understands and accepts the fact pure DPS classes need to do the most damage due to the inflexibility of their roles. My question is there is a large gap between certain hybrids and their counterparts in other specs. Currently, DK's and Feral cats compete almost, but not quite, with the pure dps classes. In no particular order, priests, moonkins, ret paladins, shamans, warriors lag significantly behind, or, at least currently in 3.1. I know you have taken steps to curb feral DPS, and you have removed some of the "Splash" damage of DK AoE, but is it your intent to bring DKs/Feral cats DOWN to the other hybrids, or bring the other hybrids UP closer to the to their kitty/death knight counterparts?

Ghostcrawler: DK and Feral dps should both be lower in 3.2 compared to 3.1. A few other specs received slight buffs, but overall we're pretty happy with the PvE dps balance. You have to look at a lot of different boss fights and break the data down in different and relatively complex ways before you can really stack rank damage done with any kind of authority. As soon as we add a new boss, it's all going to change anyway. Nobody's dps seems so low that it's a liability to bring them. The few damage-oriented specs that are low in PvE have alternative specs in other trees that work out fine. It's always going to be the kind of thing we tweak a lot -- it's a process not a destination.

Question #2 Caster DPS VS Melee DPS in PvP:
Even the most jaded of melee classes will admit ( I hope) they are dominating in PvP, which the possible exception of frost mages. In this author's view, it is because mages have the ability, much more so then any other class, to "open the gap" and prevent the melees from making contact. I've seen from your previous responses you don't want to have every other class have warmed over or simply reprinted mage skills, and I know I personally agree with you. But I think it's fair to say a little tweaking needs to be done to the casting dps classes, specifically, to make them not want to pound their desks in frustration. I know you don't want to give everyone Frost Nova, but it seems casters, from warlocks to shadowpriests to moonkins, desperately need a way to get out of the speeding truck we call melee.

Ghostcrawler: This is a really large topic that's beyond the scope of a brief answer here. In general I think the "melee owns casters" mantra is too simplistic. As you point out, Frost mages generally do well in 3s and Enhancement shamans are not generally feared to the degree rogues and DKS might be, so you already have to caveat it a lot.

Question #3 Spellpower Plate
I'd have to say a good 80% of the people who raid WoW are really, really sick of spellpower plate dropping in raids. When SP plate drops one spec of one class can use this, which means you have 29 out of 30 disappointed specs. God forbid two pieces of spell power plate drop from the same boss. The oft-suggested and effective fix would probably have a passive talent trainable by Paladins to convert Attack Power into Spellpower. I realize this would take some rebalancing of Paladins, ensuring Holy Paladins had mana(converted from Strength?) and roughly equivalent spellpower to heal. The talents Sheath of Light and Guided by the Light would probably need to be adjusted and maybe those spots in the talent trees might be a good place, and this is just me brainstorming, to have prot paladins run a little faster (they hardly need more threat or another tanking CD, come 3.2) and give Ret paladins an interrupt that they do honestly need.

Ghostcrawler: We would like to get rid of spellpower plate, but we don't have a great system yet to make loot work without it. We want Holy paladins to wear plate and we don't want them to be great at say damage or tanking without having to swap gear.

Question #4: Tri Specs
Give us an inch, we'll ask for a mile. Now that we've had a taste of the sweet life of dual specs, we realize how useful it is. And, for this we thank you. But I know there are classes who would like to experiment with the last tree of their class, or perhaps build a pure pvp spec without the not-quite compromise of the guild who require their hybrids to have both specs PvE optimized for raiding. I don't really think this would totally break your raid style encounters, do you? Any word on this?

Ghostcrawler: Talent spec is still supposed to be meaningful. We don't want characters to be swapping through talent specs the way they do gear sets in Equipment Manager or your favorite mod. The Dual-spec feature was intended to make it easier to flip between two commonly-used specs. It wasn't supposed to make spec not a commitment. It will be a long time, if ever, before we take this to more than 2 specs.

Question #5
My fifth and final question is about haste scal...just kidding. I don't I would be far wrong in saying the community as a whole would really like something to do with our achievement points. This would also make good business sense for you if you set the bar steep enough. Something unique in game, such as our names written in gold or perhaps a master ( in my case) priest class tag. Perhaps a passenger mount that flies or a 2nd hearthstone location. Something to do with our hard won achievement points I think would be a fun addition to the game.

Ghostcrawler: Achievements are not intended to improve player power. They are supposed to be a totally optional path to achievement. Even though they don't improve player power, they are still enormously popular, so we don't think we need to do anything to make them more enticing. Other games may use their achievements as a form of character progression, but we think we've got that covered already with things like character level, gear progression, reputations, etc. The 310% speed mounts were an exception, but they've also been an extremely controversial and problematic exception and I'm not sure we'd handle that the same way if we could do it all again.

We will continue to explore "vanity" or "prestige" rewards that don't inflate character power. We still wouldn't require you to spend points as a form of currency though. Generally, except for tweaks we make to the system, achievement points should only go up.


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# Jul 21 2009 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
The few damage-oriented specs that are low in PvE have alternative specs in other trees that work out fine. It's always going to be the kind of thing we tweak a lot -- it's a process not a destination.

So basically....

Paladins: Heal
Warriors: Tank
Druids: Heal
Shamans: Heal
Death Knights: DPS

...thanks for not listening to the hybrid-community about being forced into one specific role if we want to raid...

Question #3 Spellpower Plate

Easy fix here, figure out a good ratio and make Str increase spellpower (Holy tree only; deeeep holy). Probably something like 1:2 (1 str = 3 spellpower) ratio would be good. And also make this same talent increase intellect (1:1 would probably do)

# Jul 21 2009 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
You'd have to have a "melee damage is reduced by %" or it only apply to armor and not weapons otherwise a Holy Paladin would be able to dish out similar damage as a ret paladin all the while healing like the insane dedicated single target healer it is.

Its a weird solution, but I have to say its worth a shot. Although I do like having little - no competition on gear...
# Jul 21 2009 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
[Mental Strength] (replaces Holy Guidance)

"The paladin sacrifices brute strength in exchange for divine might. Reducing all damage done by %, but increasing spell power by %* and intellect by %*."

*which would be figured out using ratios

-Hows that? :P
answering what he heard and not what was asked
# Jul 21 2009 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
Don't have much of a problem with the answers, save for a couple, where they just prove that they're not paying attention to the complaints of many specs. In the case of priest, its like saying : 'oh, well, you have two other specs right? those are good specs, you should play those' that's not the point. if you give a class a spec, and give it a purpose, then why not give it at least something to make it as viable or at least appealing?
Its not fair really to make generalized comparisons like GC has either. Simply saying that 'with a new boss, the data that you've collected is now moot' what? so, your saying that with -one- new boss a class or spec that is suffering from some sort of deep seated flaw is going to suddenly perform that much better? or that classes that are performing stunningly now, will suddenly not perform stunningly? does he even play this game at all, or, better yet, has he been playing it for any great length of time? that if you continually keep feeding a flawed system or a keep lulzing it up with a 'favored staff pet' class, the sentiments of 'hey, please fix this spec/class' won't ever go away? the only way a class/spec will perform better or worse is if they ( the development team ) get off their lazy asses and do something to change what is already there, not adding a new boss. unless that bosses job is to simply stand there and take it, with no need on the players part to move or defend themselves against mechanics.

What one shadow priest saw...
# Jul 21 2009 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
*takes a deep breath and counts to 10*

GC Answer 1:

Well... we know that you really would like to do something besides just heal there priesty... but your damage is supposed to be less than stellar and you should be happy about that dear one... *pat**pat* If you get too frustrated, you can always go back to being a holy... *snort* sorry... discipline priest. After all, you have one... *cough* I mean two... specs that actually do something.

GC Answer 2:

What? You don't enjoy being split open and left a bleeding pool of gore upon the ground? We know we don't want to really do anything to fix that caster/melee imbalance so you should go and re-roll as a mage or go play a Discipline spec silly priest! I can't be bothered to try and make the other specs of your tree do anything... Next question!

GC Answer 3:

What? A legacy oversight about making a class of armor that originally was the realm of only 2 classes and now 3 and we can't figure out an effective mechanic to change it over so that holy paladins aren't made less than spectacular because we can't figure out a way to make spellpower actually be useful to more than a single spec of a single class... but bare with us for now... at least you get shards, right? We will hopefully figure this out by the end of time... just be patient. But then again, I am just spit balling ideas to placate you all for now.

GC Answer 4:

Ah! I actually almost made sense in the fashion that we have given you an inch and you will take a yard. Look, we know we really do emphasis both PvP and Raiding and everyone would really like to do it all... we understand that many of you are in guilds that do want you to be able to pick up healing or damage dealing or tanking during a raid at a moment's notice incase something goes wrong but we will admit that most don't raid so much like in old days where any time not raiding was gathering up materials for the next raid... so that means you all want to go off and do the PvP we have given so much time to and have already pretty much told you without so many words that you can't go PvP with a non-optimised PvE spec (Ahem... watch a shadow priest these days and how they curl up in a ball and cry more than half the time)... so we still want you to spend hefty amounts of gold to go swapping between many many many a spec... yeah, we see you druids over there waving at us... pass us the gold you have been saving up for our gold sink.

GC Answer 5:

Its a statement to show off how much you have done... its not money... there are rewards in it already... be happy. Come on, we give you points for hitting lvl 10 for goodness sake! You get points for walking across the street pretty much... yeah, there are hard achievements but you get points for learning a profession! And then actually doing said profession! But... we might... we might not... but don't hold your breath... its not good for your health.

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