Ensidia Downs 25-Man Algalon; Zarhym Responds

Ensidia has defeated the 25-man version of Algalon, giving the high-profile guild the world first for the accomplishment. According to Ensidia's Web site, "It is not an easy fight, it's highly gear dependent and is a significant difficulty increase over the 10 man version." Information on the loot is available on MMO-Champion.

Zaryhm has also been quite active in this thread on the kill, discussing how Blizzard reacts to these noteworthy fights. After congratulating Ensidia, Zarhym said, "It's quite high profile if a guild is about to be the first in the world to kill a boss, and we occasionally might check it out to see how they're doing and what in the encounter, if anything, might need additional review."

The blue poster said that if a bug was ever noticed during a world-first fight, the goal is to fix the bug, not to intervene and change the outcome of the attempt. "And for those wondering, none of the raid groups ever know we're watching. It was a situation where someone was keeping tabs and called a few others into the office to check it out," Zarhym said


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# Jun 04 2009 at 9:40 AM Rating: Default
Gratz on the first guys/gals.
Nice to see the comment from the Blue about fixing... not nerfing. So many things feel nerfed.

LoL at the 'calling others in the office to watch' Not the first time I've heard of mmo owners watching raids, but always makes me wonder if they get a peeping tom debuff ;)

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