, Cross-Language BGs Begin in Europe

Wryxian has made two informative posts today on the official European forums that may be of interest to our European readers. The first is that the account features are now completely live in Europe, which means players can merge their WoW accounts into their account to log into the forums, the Armory, and the game using their account.

Also, the first cross-language battlegroups have been created today, which combine battlegroups of different languages into one pool of players. So far, two cross-language battlegroups have been created: English and Spanish players will play together in Cruelty/Crueldad, and French and German players are united in Embuscade/Hinterhalt.


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# May 27 2009 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
This seems interesting, but if it's cross language I assume they will put a translator in? If not it'd suck to be the one english guy on a spanish BG.
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# May 27 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Excellent
295 posts
From the cross-language BG FAQ:

Q: Does this mean I am going to find players from different language realms on my side?
A: No, each faction will be comprised of players from realms of the same language as yours. You might participate in a Battleground where the Alliance is formed by players from English realms and the Horde is formed by players from realms of another language, or the other way around. You will not find players from different language realms on the same side in the Battlegrounds.
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# May 28 2009 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
Well that makes sense then, but I would've found that hillarious if my idea was the right one (which it wasn't nor will it ever be) still kudos to Blizzard for sparking the first World War of World of Warcraft in Europe lol.
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