Ulduar Getting Nerfed

Blizzard has decided the first few bosses into Ulduar after Flame Leviathan to be more inline of what the difficulty for the instance. Some of the changes are already live and some will be going live in the near future.

More info after the jump.

Posted by Daelo here:

We're currently in the process of making further difficulty adjustments via hotfix to the following encounters:

Ignis the Furnace Master
XT-002 Deconstructor
The Assembly of Iron

The difficulty of these encounters is being lowered in multiple ways. Some of the adjustments are live already, others will be live soon. Note that some of the spell tooltips for the encounter will not reflect the hotfixes being deployed until the next patch. As the hotfixes are deployed, the Service Status board will be updated. You can check the current hotfix thread here:

Further adjustments are highly likely to some of the other encounters in Ulduar, but these were the highest priority encounters for us. We want to allow additional players to experience more of the cool Ulduar content.


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# Apr 29 2009 at 8:57 AM Rating: Default
ACVegas wrote:

but we don't want this to be our lives cause we have those already with family and jobs.

How long do you think its takes a well organized guild to clear naxx?

Maybe you're in a guild that takes
30 mins to figure out what we should run tonight
20 mins to get there
15 mins for buffs
5-10 mins for loot after each boss
45 mins of afk's and bios throughout the run

Even crappy guilds that barely know how to have 25 people in their guild logged on at raid time can clear naxx in two nights (~7 hours)

Basically I don't understand your argument. Raiding takes someone having no life is a tired meme :(
# Apr 29 2009 at 8:46 AM Rating: Default
when asked about their lack of enchants and gems, they say they are saving up for the 20,000g Mammoth Mount

LOL'd so hard...so many peoeple skip craftables,gems/enchants "well its not BiS so why bother" FFS :(

Dunno if it applies to who you said, but I see this a lot in fail pugs I go on with my alts
If only...
# Apr 29 2009 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
132 posts
If only some of the people posting here spent as much time learning how to use punctuation as they do learning how to run boss fights in World of Warcraft!

Fronglo, I feel your pain. I was fortunate enough to fall into a guild with good raiders that doesn't have completely retarded raid rules. As a matter of fact, I think they're pretty ideal.

1. Make it to the raid if you can. If you're not there on time, we'll start looking for pick-ups to fill the empty spots.

2. You get 2 contested wins (rolling against other people) for your current spec (exceptions made for people playing a secondary spec to help the raid). If no one needs the item for primary spec it becomes uncontested. You can win any number of uncontested rolls.

3. If your gear is green, under lvl 187, not enchanted, not gemmed or not enhanced if you have a profession that allows it, you get last priority on rolls.

That's pretty much it. Everyone in the raid follows those rules from the guild leader down to the pick-ups. Much better than the guilds that show preference for their maladjusted social misfits that have no life and only walk away from the computer screen to grab food, hit the bathroom, sleep or take their weekly shower.
why all the fighting
# Apr 29 2009 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
That is the one of the problems that is percived with WoW the war between "eliteists" and "casuals". There are plenty of us out there that don't want to be "raidflowers" and work hard to see all the content, but we don't want this to be our lives cause we have those already with family and jobs. While I have not seen uludar I can't wait too and don't care if we wipe over and over. I personally think there are a lot more people and guilds like me and my guild and we are the quiet ones jsut going out there and having fun. Once Blizzard stops listening to the whiners on both ends of it they will find the best balance for the majority
# Apr 29 2009 at 3:00 AM Rating: Default
the jump from kara (pre 3.0) to za is in no way the degree of the jump from naxx to ulduar is at present which really only leaves room for the hardcore raiders to progress while that average raid guild that can clear everything else has troubles

You realize that this is the beginning of the third week of Ulduar being released?

How much progression should anyone have at this point?

Everyone can raid progress to their own drive, skill, ambition, and time.

Ulduar will separate the skilled from the imbecile.

There is no room to carry anyone in raids anymore.

# Apr 29 2009 at 2:48 AM Rating: Default
You really have to commend Franglo for being so honest.

He could have read the newest notes from Blizzard about WoW difficulty being nerfed once again, but he chose to comment.

Let me bullet point his comments.

Too high repair bills, due to wipes on easy raid bosses.

Can't get past 25man Saph or KT.

Don't want to join a guild with better players, cause of strict loot rules, and they ask players show up for scheduled raids.

WoW should continue to release content the majority of players can see.

Players of WoW who want more of challenge should go play something else.

First and foremost, you can't get any easier raid content than 10 or 25 man Naxx. Well, I guess OS with no drakes up, but an actual raid no, you can't.

How easy should WoW be Franglo?

By your own account of playing, you and the guild you are in, seemingly have a problem on Thaddius. The whole fight revolves around players moving from point "A" to point "B" depending on your polarity. There is no challenge to that fight.

There are bosses in Zelda with more challenge than Thaddius.

You also stated you don't want to network with other raiding guilds, because you feel they have too many rules, or hoops to jump through to be a part of their guild. Well honestly when dealing with +25 players that want progression raiding, rules and standards are going to be part of that. Probably why your guild can't figure out how to move from Point "A" to Point "B" on Thaddius.

See the problem with people like Franglo is, they never want to take the time to actually learn boss fights themselves, they just want to be a raidflower, on the fringe of the raid, doing 1700dps, coming to raids unenchanted and ungemmed, when asked about their lack of enchants and gems, they say they are saving up for the 20,000g Mammoth Mount, and that the raid better not wipe too many times, cause that will cause repair bills, and take away from their savings for the Mammoth Mount.

Another problem with people like Franglo, is they cry and scream: "I want to see content!"

Well you can actually see WoW content, and you don't even need the game or subscription. Just watch the clps of boss fights on youtube, or go look at screenshots on the web. Cause honestly, the more Blizzard nerfs content to please the imbeciles, downing bosses will be as gratifying as watching other people down raid bosses on youtube.

What these people want is easy access to epic loot, so they can strut around Dalaran and be like : "OMGZ!! CHECK OUT MY EPIXS!!!!

What they don't understand is if WoW is so easy, everyone they are showing their epic loot to, has the same epics, it loses it's value of accomplishment.

When Ulduar was released, my guild had 25man Naxx on farm. Of the 20 or so people that were on that day, I could only get 6 others to come with me to Ulduar, and we pugged 3 other people. The first week we downed Flame Levithan, Razorscale and Deconstructor. None of us knew the fights beforehand, and we spent a lot of time, gold, and energy downing those bosses over the course of the entire week. It's been my funnest time playing WoW yet.

However during the week, the majority of people who didn't want to run Ulduar, were complaining during the week that the best players and those who lead the 25man Naxx raids, were in Ulduar, and that they were not getting in their 25man Naxx runs.


As did all the others who were in Ulduar, and we joined other progression guilds.

Oh and if you think WoW is too hard, go play Wii "Watching Paint Dry, While Saliva Falls Out Your Mouth" and leave us Elitists alone.

Edited, Apr 29th 2009 6:51am by Redrockets
# Apr 28 2009 at 10:20 PM Rating: Default
4,445 posts
Well I have no problem with this. I get sick of expensive repair bills because people can't follow instructions. Just like a couple of days ago I got a expensive repair bill over thaddius in Naxx. Now I have all ready taken the time to learn this fight in the past but as life goes people come and go in guilds, especially when you have enough people to do 25 man content. I always thought Thaddius was one of the easier bosses personally. I think the very first time I did him I was dumb and died but it was a simple LEFT or RIGHT mix up. Last time we did it I watched 5 times as we wiped as the same people got themselves killed within 1 min of engaging him. The people who lived where doing plenty of DPS and each time we got him down to between 10 and 15%. However when you lose 6 and 7 people every time it really hurt you on this boss. I have yet to get through 25 man Saph or Kael due to similar stupidity.

Of course the first thought would be join a better guild. Well that would be all fine and dandy except your hardcore "Elitest" guilds generally have very strict loot rules and attendance rules. I refuse to sign up for a website and fill out a application longer then the average Job Applications. Also I am not going to give up my RL so that I can make a raid. Back when I played eq1 I was actually in a raid that kicked me because I didn't make a raid on a friday night due to being gone with friends in RL.

I seriously doubt they will nerf the content so that it is insanely easy. Should also keep in mind the reason WOW is so popular is the fact most people who put forth a little effort can enjoy most of the game. I know I hated (and quit playing) Everquest 1 because I got sick of buying expansions and only getting to see 20% of them. The requirements to access alot of the content was just absurd. I mean being forced to complete dozens of 72 man raids to access a zone, requiring huge raids to get 2 pieces of loot it was really crappy. That is prob why 2 or 3 servers on WOW has more players then the entire game of Everquest now.

If you think WOW is too easy there are much more advanced and difficult games out there. Leave us alone and go play one of them.
# Apr 28 2009 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
its funny that 90% of the people i come across on Khadgar server that talk about how easy raids are, are the people that cant form a cohesive thought. they are the people that randomly end up in your pug, complaining about how they hate pugs when you whipe, and make smart comments when you call them out on not doing the most basic part of the fight.

example? just the other day me and my wife figured we'd try the new vault boss in a pug, 10 man because 25 man is a joke, a warlock named Darsi was going on about how he hates pugs because we were whiping, when mousing over him on recount revealed he hadnt once attacked an add to prevent the aoe whipe, when called out on it he calls it "my opinion" and i leave it at that because people like that are morons and dont diserve my time

my point? not everyone is in a hardcore raid guild that spends most of their time on wow testing the new bosses on ptr, not everyone is in a guild that can make up for your disguised shortcomings, ulduar to an average guild is in no way easy, and tbh, 9 out of 10 of you that say it is are the people that are cocky jerks on the game that dont know much more than key smash dps, if you know what your doing, then grats to you, but every cocky "lawl raids be easy!" idiot i come across i can point out things that they constitantly do wrong and refuse to listen when i bring it up

the jump from kara (pre 3.0) to za is in no way the degree of the jump from naxx to ulduar is at present which really only leaves room for the hardcore raiders to progress while that average raid guild that can clear everything else has troubles

content SHOULD be worked for, but at present, atleast 2-3 people in every group that clears shouldnt be there by that standard

if you seriously want a challenge and want to talk about how easy raids are, leave that speed clear no whipe guild group your in and pug it, untill you do that then your just calling getting dressed in the morning easy when your mom picks out your clothes
NO U blizzard
# Apr 28 2009 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
I am really getting tired of the "right to see every single thing in the game"

there are 1000s of things to do. Stupid achivments, about 10 instances/raids pvp...so much to do

Why was it so bad that sunwell wasn't seen by many people before 3.0? Did it really effect anyone?? If you are a roleplayer you can just watch the videos on youtube to get the story, but it gave people that enjoy min/maxing a chance to have some real fun, and feel like you where doing something no one else would for a while, if ever. I never got KJ down pre 3.0 and after a month of attempts I felt like I was having more fun than I've had on anything in Lich king. This mass aoe raid **** is awful, and most encounters you have very little movement...

I'm not looking for EQ hard style of raids, but seriously WTF was wrong with sunwell? It wasn't designed with everyone in mind so of course everyone couldn't clear it! ohh noes 1% of the entire game is not accessable to me QQ

Also in before Bodi
Kologarn nerf?
# Apr 28 2009 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
We did Kologarn in 10 man today. Was he already nerfed? Cause he was really easy.
# Apr 28 2009 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
In my opinion, you have to earn the right to view the "cool new content" just like you have to earn the right to get the uber loots. There will be plenty of time for fail players to roll Ulduar before the next big raid instance is released.

Blizz is going to great lengths to avoid BC-difficulty raids, for whatever reason.
I need to enter a subject
# Apr 28 2009 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
They're basically nerfing all the bosses we 1 or 2-shot rather than the boss we've spend 6 hours wiping on now.

World of Disneycraft
# Apr 28 2009 at 6:26 PM Rating: Good
1,368 posts
As a die hard casual, I'm getting a little tired of not being able to play Warcraft fast enough to actually find a challenge. By the time I get to Ulduar, will Blizzard staff be walking people through?

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