Blizzard Wants Feedback on Naxxramas Optimization

As we all know, server performance in Naxxramas hasn't been great, but it looks like Blizzard is working to fix that. Crygil posted the following information today, Feb. 2, on the official World of Warcraft forums regarding Naxxramas optimization :

In our continuing effort to improve the gameplay experience for our players, we’ve recently made optimizations, specifically to Naxxramas performance, based on feedback from players. With these changes, we are carefully monitoring server performance to gauge the change’s success. In addition to that, we would very much like to hear our players' personal experience in Naxxramas this week. We are asking players to post your feedback in terms of what if any changes in performance you’ve noticed in Naxxramas. Please make sure to include the realm you play on and the time frame you were participating in Naxxramas.

Have you noticed any performance changes in Naxxramas?


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Seemed okay last night on Stormscale
# Feb 04 2009 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
Beyond Northrend constantly crashing, Naxx last night was pretty much lag free. No real issues, a couple spotty parts on Faerlina (we had that happen last week and the week before as well), but all the rest of the bosses were quite playable. One shotted all of them.
Naxx...not Dalaran.
# Feb 03 2009 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
...We are asking players to post your feedback in terms of what if any changes in performance you’ve noticed in Naxxramas. Please make sure to include the realm you play on and the time frame you were participating in Naxxramas...

They are speaking specifically of Naxx. Which has been infamous of being a hot issue as its lagging out here and only here for many players.

Of course Dalaran is going to lag out. Shattrath was like that back in the hay day of Burning Crusade. Dalaran has even more players and more eye candy than Shattrath shoved into a much more confined area. The lag is not surprising.

I'm not trying to belittle your problems, but this post and the problem Blizzard is addressing at hand is Naxx and only Naxx. (then again, Blizzard isn't reading any of this anyway)

Edited, Feb 4th 2009 12:11am by ekaterinodar
# Feb 03 2009 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I never had any lag in the game before the server patch. When WOTLK first came out it was fine on MoK Nathal. Then they let alot of people transfer to our server and now it lags terribly on weeknights.

There are times the game is unplayable and several nights I don't don't do heroics because the lag bar seems to stay in the red. Since the newest patch it has been even worse but it really seemed to all start with the server transfers.
lag and gameplay issues
# Feb 03 2009 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
I can narrow my problems down to the date when they started. Patch-3.0 day. Before that date I was one of the lucky few that hardly EVER had an issue with WoW misbehaving. When I did it was the random rare occurrence associated with normal PC operation anyway.

However since Patch-3.0, I cannot ALT-TAB to and from my desktop to research items/Bosses/quests on the fly while I play without the game crashing every 3rd or 4th time I do it. Also...Lag...great oozing gobs of it everywhere. As I said before, prior to patch-3.0 I NEVER...N-E-V-E-R lagged...EVER while playing except for 'certain' times in Shattrath, and even then it was barely noticeable.

Now my experiences are not common with everyone else I know, but I wanted to paint you a picture of how different things have become since the 3.0 patch. Now sometimes combat is impossible and I have to 'hope' I'll survive encounters with mobs that were no threat to me before. I cannot click on any of my skills/actions because the timer is not done on them according to the UI, and when they are clear and the timer is done if I click on them, the game thinks they are STILL on GC because it hasn't even caught up to the UI...which was lagging to begin with!

I won't even mention Dalaran.....

Since patch 3.0 WoW has become a real PITA
Lag in Nax, Dalaran, W/e
# Feb 03 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
We were doing the 25 man yesterday, and during anub rekhan fight, when he used locust swarm, HALF the raid disconnected. I would understand if 1-2 people had bad lag or bad connections, but half the raid? thats obviously the server. We play on Exodar.

Me personally, I have a 1.5 Mbps connection, and I have had trouble with lag since day one. I have done so many things to correct it, with unbalanced results. Every time there is a new patch, I have to start all over. It's kinda lame on blizzard part, but what can u do. For example, if I have my addons on, there is about a 5% chance I can log in at Dalaran. I get about a 4-5 minute load screen, and then DC. I have 100 MS lag everywhere else, and my FPS is about 50-60 normally. This is really affecting the gameplay.
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