Changes to Honor with Xpac

So we ran across a neat little tidbit of information over at the Blizzard forums today. Per one of the "Blues", Eyonix, there are going to be some changes coming to the PvP system as a result of the new zones and items being released.

Taken from the following link :

As many of you know we will be featuring a new Battleground, a dedicated world PvP zone and all new PvP items in Wrath of the Lich King. In order to make the transition from The Burning Crusade to Wrath of the Lich King flow as smoothly as possible, all accrued honor points will be reset at the launch of the expansion. We do this to ensure select players do not have an unfair advantage at level 80 from stockpiling honor to instantly purchase the newest Wrath of the Lich King PvP rewards. For those with unspent honor points prior to the release of the expansion, we will be offering a few upgrades and special rewards in next content patch solely for purchase via the honor system.


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Blizz wants to get paid (more)
# Sep 24 2008 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
Blizz is trying very hard to get more players, and sadly they are pandering to the shallow end of the gaming market.
Those of us who earned our gear the hard way; because pvp and raiding are not easy, are becoming the minority.
Free Zhevra mounts and triple exp for recruiting players? How far behind is free epic gear? Are they entitled to make
money? Absolutely. Should some casual gamer playing 4 hours a week have the same gear as one who plays more often? Hell
No. There is decent pve gear from quests, better than the effort needed to earn it. Exceptional gear should only come from exceptional effort. Banking gear ahead is just smart. My 50s were dedicated to banking epic 60 gear, and my 60s were all about 70 gear. Blizz may hamstring me, but I see no reason not to have 80 gear by 80. It's like the joke" how is smoking like WoW? every patch gets you closer to quitting".
oh well...
# Sep 24 2008 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
this weekend is AV-weekend; burn as many AVs as you can; there should be only one more AV-weekend left before WotLK comes out. also, the Nov. AV-weekend should come after WotLK so; but what you can now and then grind it back after lich king
Why not tell us sooner?
# Sep 24 2008 at 5:08 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
My main gripe with this is why it wasn't announced sooner. We have all known that arena points will be wiped when the expansion hits, and whether good or bad we have had plenty of notice of this and have got used to it.

I ended up thinking "if they were doing the same with BGs then they would have announced it at the same time, so obviously they aren't."

Why not make this announcement at the same time? The reasoning is similar, the arguments are similar and I can't possibly imagine that Bliz would have made the arena decision without someone thinking about BGs as well.

Some of this expansion seems very well planned and thought out, whereas other parts of it smack of making it up as they go along, or back-of-cigarette-packet planning sessions in a bar somewhere.
# Sep 24 2008 at 3:39 AM Rating: Default
Let me get this straight.....all the people that put in the effort to work for honor & pvp points are getting screwed for their hard work...and all the whiners that are too lazy to put in that effort now ( and I very much doubt they'll put in that effort once they hit 80 ) are saying this levels the playing field. How is that? Whether at level 70 or level 80 , people are going to have to grind for the points. If some actually tried to plan ahead, they shouldn't be penalized.

As for the whole "Then, you ping 80, and immediately buy a full set of BG rewards and S5 gear, giving you a huge PvP (AND raiding) advantage over people who did not go into wrath with honor stockpiled. There is no PvE parallel to that, and here you are with a full set of lvl 80 PvP content got from grinding lv 70 PvP. Which is objectively bulldoodie." arguement , the arguement is itself "bulldoodie". Time spent earning points is time spent EARNING points. If they can get full pvp gear by dinging 80 , grats to them for the hard work.

FYI, I've only got a few pieces of pvp gear, and not much in the way of honor stocked up. But fair's fair.
play a game for fun?
# Sep 23 2008 at 8:06 PM Rating: Default
It's almost sad. What the 'pros' need to remember here is that WoW is a game. You play it for fun. Maybe you play it becuase IRL nobody will be your friend, but it's supposed to be a fun break from real life. Too many people make it work.

Example: the comment from someone who has nothing to play until the xpac becuase there is nothing left to grind. Ouch. Grinding is the worst part of the game. You invested a lot of time in your character and your gear. Why not log in and have some fun doing whatever (world PvP -hello Island dailies- or instance and lolchat on vent) with your game friends. Empty friends list? That's not blizzard's fault. If you like arena, do arena becuase it's fun and you're good at it. If you like killing other players, go gank noob lvl 70s.

It's a game, quit grinding and have some fun!
AP to?
# Sep 23 2008 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
I take it arena points will be reset aswell? also does anyone know if this is going to happen to everyone or just level 70's? I herd a rumor going around about them ******** over twinks by giving exp for every BG you win when wotlk drops anyone know if theres any truth to that rumor?
AP to?
# Sep 24 2008 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
There was a rumor about getting exp for winning bg's some time ago. Never happened then. Haven't heard much about that lately.

Would be a great idea in my opinion. Mainly because I like to run those BG's and getting exp while doing so would be awesome. Seeing the twinking problem reduced by making them have to level eventually would be a great bonus.
cruise control
# Sep 23 2008 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
i think there is too much QQ about this.

i hope they revamp the honor/award system to more like how it was in vanilla WoW. i played my a$$ off to get my rank and my gear. nowadays people can casually play and lose while still ending up with the same rewards as someone more dedicated. i call shenanigans. same thing with the badge system. people grind Kara every week for badges and walk away with BT quality gear.

also, its pretty lame how i can twink my warrior at lvl 19 and pwn noobs everday. then powerlevel to 70 and buy a full set of Merc/Vind without touching arena or 70 BGs. the gear 'cruise control' from tBC needs to be switched off in WotLK.
cruise control
# Sep 23 2008 at 5:52 PM Rating: Excellent
253 posts
i think there is too much QQ about this.

i hope they revamp the honor/award system to more like how it was in vanilla WoW. i played my a$$ off to get my rank and my gear. nowadays people can casually play and lose while still ending up with the same rewards as someone more dedicated. i call shenanigans. same thing with the badge system. people grind Kara every week for badges and walk away with BT quality gear.

also, its pretty lame how i can twink my warrior at lvl 19 and pwn noobs everday. then powerlevel to 70 and buy a full set of Merc/Vind without touching arena or 70 BGs. the gear 'cruise control' from tBC needs to be switched off in WotLK.

You obviously do not understand what Blizzard was trying to do by introducing badges and changing the Honor system. They were catering to the more casual player - the majority of players in other words - so that they too, could have very cool gear and not only the select few who chose to put an insane amount of time in the game. If you really want to be "better" or stand out from the crowd in any way, do something truly astounding in real life, such as being very good at sports or being an amazing artist of some kind. And please stop whining about Blizzard making your toys available to the masses.
cruise control
# Sep 23 2008 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
I have to agree - I still think the casual player has a severe disadvantage in getting gear in WoW and it's really starting to turn me off to the game (although the fact that I'm posting here kinda says I'm not a supremely casual player, I guess :P).

Still, as I was planning on stockpiling honor myself, I think this is a wonderful idea. I can play the game as it is now and worry about grinding later.

That said, reading a good many of the comments above, when exactly did this game become work? You should have fun playing it. Don't take it so seriously!
cruise control
# Sep 24 2008 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
You obviously do not understand what Blizzard was trying to do by introducing badges and changing the Honor system. They were catering to the more casual player - the majority of players in other words - so that they too, could have very cool gear and not only the select few who chose to put an insane amount of time in the game. If you really want to be "better" or stand out from the crowd in any way, do something truly astounding in real life, such as being very good at sports or being an amazing artist of some kind. And please stop whining about Blizzard making your toys available to the masses.

i'm a 4 handicap golfer, can dunk, and have plenty of well produced amature video on the web. this has no bearing on WoW pvp honor system, nor is it anymore astounding.

effort in should equal reward out.

Blizzard is changing the gear and rewards to reflect this it should be
# Sep 23 2008 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Thanks blizzard now do I not only have any reason to do Arena, looks like now I don't need to bother with battlegrounds anymore.

Honestly right now is a crappy time to be lvl 70 IMO. No point to grind anything because it will be obsolete and/or taken away. I am about tempted to just let me time run and start again when the expansion comes out.

At least they are not taking our marks away.....yet.
# Sep 23 2008 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
29 posts
At least they are not taking our marks away.....yet

sorry to tell you but...
All Honor Tokens will be wiped as well. This reset should happen right before the launch of Wrath of the Lich King.

Ok so it's reset
# Sep 23 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
I only pvp rarely so it doesnt hurt me that bad but i see where other people are going to have issues. but guess what not much u can do so spend the points twink what u can and forget about it
# Sep 23 2008 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
275 posts
And what is the advantage, exactly?
You'll have better gear than the next guy for maybe a week at the most until he can catch up?
When we are talking about serious players that are on 20/6 with 100,000+ Honor Kills, what does it matter if for a few days they have marginally better armor?

# Sep 23 2008 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
96 posts
Actually, I'm glad someone brought this to light before the damn patch went live. I have everything I can possibly purchase from BG's, and plenty from PvP. So, thinking I was being smart...I grinded 75,000 honor, 100 each of the four tokens from AV, EoTS, AB and WSG, and I'm near 3500 arena points. I don't necessarily see how doing a reset of everyone's points makes it fair. Why not reset everyone's gear? I chose to spend countless hours grinding BG's and arena in hopes that I could get a bit of a jump start when the new patch/xpac come out, now I'm being penalized for it? I really don't see how it's any different from someone who was raiding to get gear, while I was grinding boring *** BG's to get gear.

Oh well, I guess that's just four more mounts and some other lame *** garbage I'll never use. Thanks Blizz.
# Sep 23 2008 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Sep 24th 2008 3:44am by juniorApollo
# Sep 23 2008 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
170 posts
They did say that honor points could be used for buying some stuff that they put in the next patch.

Harsh on those who saved honor and I think that they could have given greater notice. I have got all my pvp stuff, bar 2 rings on my lock so I pvp for fun rather than honor (farm too) but I can imagine that those who have stockpiled points will be a bit upset.

Really I think everyone knew this was coming as I think they did it for TBC, also they mentioned a while ago that arena points rget reset too.
# Sep 23 2008 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
How is it 'unfair' that someone has spent time in the BG's earning points ? An advantage maybe but not unfair by any means.
# Sep 23 2008 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
241 posts
I don't pvp so i can see both sides of this Tommy.

for those who do pvp alot it will seem unfair to reset the honor cause they spent all the time getting it. which i agree does take alot of time. blizz should offer special items for those who do pvp alot.

that said with the new pvp area i can see why blizz is reseting the points. some players do not pvp at all and would be at a total disadvantage in those zones in the way of not having pvp gear at all. or the ablity to buy all the really good stuff right away if the points were not reset.

Again blizz to make it totally fair to the pvp'ers should offer special items so those pnts dont go to waste
# Sep 23 2008 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
i still hardly see how that is "fair", i pvp frequently and im not complaining about it at all, what blizz wants to do is fine, but if someone wants to complain about not having the gear but others do, then i guess they should have stockpiled honor like millions of other people did when s4 was announced.

its like saying, yeah, you pvp'ers worked hard (those of us that actually play the bg's and not sit in a crack in the wall whining at our team), and you non pvp'ers didnt work at we need even out the playing field because one group of people decided not to pvp

either way as long as they have cool rewards for our honor im happy with it (pets, new mount?, some fun trinkets or something like that), blizz just likes to give people crutches to lean on imo
# Sep 23 2008 at 12:53 PM Rating: Excellent
370 posts
Huh, I think you guys are missing the point. So someone grinds raids forever, has a full set of T6/T6.5 gear, and the expansion hits. all their fancy gear? obsolete by lvl 77, and they are at square 1 when they get to lvl 80 heroics/raiding.

Spend months grinding bgs/pvp/arena, have a full set of season 4 and you've maxed out honor, marks, arena points. s4 gear becomes obsolte at 77, just like T6. Then, you ping 80, and immediately buy a full set of BG rewards and S5 gear, giving you a huge PvP (AND raiding) advantage over people who did not go into wrath with honor stockpiled. There is no PvE parallel to that, and here you are with a full set of lvl 80 PvP content got from grinding lv 70 PvP. Which is objectively bulldoodie.
# Sep 24 2008 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Tsarducci, i agree with your comments somewhat. But please dont mistake the meaning of welfare epics. Welfare in the sense that any idiot who can simply click join battleground can get them. But the amount of time to gear up can be EXTREMELY difficult. Specially if your in a suck battlegroup, losing AVs 95% of the time while dealing with mindless retards in various BGs. Moreover, by the time said player gets PvP epic'd out, you'll be above and beyond IMO. Also, dont lose sight that PvP gear has important grinding stats wasted on Resilience and Stamina(possibly armor too).

70k honor would get you a two hander and a couple rings, thats bout it.

Edited, Sep 24th 2008 11:19am by AxeLadin
# Sep 23 2008 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
For all of you that have a problem with this, don't whine to us. Go and join the nearest AV and go complain to the nearest AFKer you can find, because this one is due solely to them.

Thanks for ruining it for everyone else.
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