WoW Blog: Ebonspine - 6 Down, 1 night

Mount Hyjal and Black Temple. A slap in the face followed by success. Last night was an interesting night to be had. My guild has come a long way from when I joined. Early Karazhan through to our current MH/BT setting.

Our goal was to trash the first 4 bosses in MH, followed by Naj'entus in BT. Needless to say this went much better than expected. I had my heart set on the Halberd of Desolation(which did not drop), so I was very focused, and full of hope that we would make it with no wipes.

The trash waves can be very taxing, however we have a great flow for the first two in the Alliance Base. Our pally tank is amazing and does a great job. First 8 waves go by and Rage Winterchill strolls into the zone. Death and Decay and Icebolts are the major factors in the fight. Mostly everyone has their PvP trinkets, however noone made the call to equip them.

I feel everyone was either zoned out, or too zoned in and I think only a couple actually had their trinkets equipped. About 2 minutes in to the fight 1/3 of the group were dead. Popping TBW to escape my first Icebolt was a life saver. Seems the healer for my group was down already. 50%..... 40%... 30%... people dropping like flies. My pet had died several times due to AoE, Death and Decay, and the lack of my 2pT5 bonus that was replaced by some T6 pieces.

Final 10% and it is myself, our main tank, and the MT healer left. Healer gets Icebolted and drops. The MT pops a shield wall and I keep plugging away. 5% I get Icebolted. Luckily from rezzing my pet 2 seconds before I pop TBW again to get out of it. 2% our MT dies and I am the last man standing.

1%. Death and Decay. I am dead center of it and have half health. 3 seconds later I am dead. 2 seconds after that Jaina kills the boss.

The experience was a reality check for everyone that we need to pay attention, be prepared, and just because we 1 shot him every week it is no reason to be lax.

The rest of the night went without a hitch. We dropped Anetheron, Kaz'rogal, Azgalor, Naj'entus, and at 11:31 we dropped Supremus. An amazing night with 12 badges, tons of gear for everyone, and a great feeling of accomplishment.


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# May 29 2008 at 1:37 AM Rating: Decent
Nice! ^^
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