Cross-factioning hybrids!

Big news here regarding the future balance of the game, with the expansion:

"As we draw closer to the release of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, more of the secrets shrouding the draenei and blood elves are being revealed. In the upcoming expansion, you will finally be able to play classes that were previously unavailable to your faction. The blood elves have harnessed the power of the Light for their own needs, and the Horde recognizes the value of these renegade blood elf paladins. Meanwhile, the draenei have been granted the wisdom and strength of the elements, and a number of draenei now follow the path of the shaman." -Frost

And before you let loose with your OMGWTFBBQ, consider this quote from Eyonix:

"Something we have always held to as a core design philosophy is developing classes which are distinct from each other. This means developing a class with it's own abilities that clearly separate it from other classes in terms of how the class plays and operates, both for the player and from a design stand-point.

Early on in the inception of this game, it was a hot debate as to whether factions should have a specific class, which they alone have access to. Some wanted all classes to be distinct from each other, but accessible by all. Others thought that more flavor could be generated by keeping a class unique to a faction. Obviously, if you have one side with a unique class, you should probably give the other faction a unique class as well. Thus, Shaman and Paladins became those unique classes.

However, by linking them in a relationship as unique counter-points, options are closed for our main design goal, which is to keep classes distinct. We want factions to be balanced, but don't want to cut and paste abilities from one to the other and homogenize the classes. If we went that road, there would be little difference or need for a distinct class. We want classes to be different in more than just name-only or superficial appearances.

So, in our desire to keep the classes distinct and open up new possibilities for development of each class, shaman and paladins shall now be a playable class for both factions. This decision comes at a time when we have an opportunity to blend this decision into future development. Namely, with the new races in the upcoming expansion. Prior to the new races, the Paladin and Shaman lent themselves easily to their own factions and not that well to the opposite faction (Tauren Paladin? Gnome Shaman?) With the advent of the two additional races, the choice was made more clear in game design and lore.

In terms of game design, one of the options it opens up is for specific classes in dungeon encounters. We already have several encounters that highlight the abilities of a single class or make use of a classes specific abilities. Shaman and Paladins in the previous design could not participate in such encounters. If killing a creature required a Shaman, the Alliance could never beat the encounter and vice versa. This change allows the two classes to bring their own abilities into a situation which may highlight their class as an integral part of the encounter. "

So it seems as if Blizzard is doing this to protect balance in the most obvious sense, and allow for greater flexibility in other domains of the game. It's a sad loss to see some of the uniqueness of the two factions fall by the wayside, but it might really be for the best, overall.


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# Jul 24 2006 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
Lame. I liked it the way it is now. If you want a certain class be a certain race and certain faction.
# Jul 24 2006 at 1:40 AM Rating: Default
yeah they should make that any race could go on any class xD tauren warlock O_x
# Jul 24 2006 at 12:17 AM Rating: Default
Well if they are going to do this, why not make tauren rogues?
# Jul 24 2006 at 12:17 AM Rating: Default
Well if they are going to do this, why not make tauren rogues?
Looking forward to it.
# Jul 23 2006 at 7:08 PM Rating: Default
I never really cared about Warcraft lore. If I'm going to spend my time reading and occupy space in my brain with fiction, I'll read a real book. So there's that.

It seems to be that they really want to have some raid encounters that hinge on the specific abilities of the paladin and the shaman; these encounters will be fun to learn and will give paladin and shaman players a fight that they can enjoy as much as rogues get to enjoy Vaelastrasz.

Leveling to 70? No.
Countless other ideas? No.
Horde/Alliance - Paladins/Shamans? Yes.
# Jul 23 2006 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
This is the worst idea blizzard have ever had. Period.
I thought the whole point of paladins and shamans being faction specific was to make the factions different from each other if they take away this then what’s to stop some more whinny gamers ask blizzard to change something else they think is "unbalanced". Now the only thing that make a horde character different from an alliance character and vice versa is racial abilities and what race looks the coolest. And another thing, blizzard has completely screwed up its own law on this if the blood elves are "evil" why the frik are they using HOLY abilities. Eventually all the veteran players that played before TBC will leave and that will probably be more than those who came after TBC so this whole idea is really just setting blizzard up on a death spiral and not really helping anyone in the long run. And another thing have you guys heard about another of blizzards "brilliant" ideas? They are thinking of bringing out a new class called hero class that will be available to all races for noobs that will have a INTENTIONAL advantage over other classes, yer this might sound good at first but what is to stop a veteran player (providing there are any left) of picking up this class and completely and utterly wiping everyone else out. Eventually other will see this and everyone will make a new character with the hero class. With everyone using a single class the only point of race is to use racial abilities so blizzard will come up with another "brilliant" idea to make the game more accessible to noobs and they will then make a single faction that everyone can play. PvP will disappear from everywhere and then blizzard will have to make every character able to attack every other character and every level 60 will have a brilliant plan to go to a starting area and kill all the level 1-10s but they wont be the only one and the starting area will become a battlefield of high levels fighting over who gets to kill the lower levels. Every other area will be deserted, PvE will disappear, trade will stop and the servers economy will come to an end eventually every player will be broke after repairing so PvE will start again and PvP will die as soon as they have money they will all start PvPing again and it will continue in this vicious spiral until everyone realizes how rubbish the game has become and will all start playing warhammer online ultimately blizzard will go bankrupt and it will be the end of a once beautiful game.

Rant. Over
# Jul 23 2006 at 5:18 PM Rating: Default
all complains from alliance players that hate that the horde get the paladin instance advantage that alliance had have from the start. Cant wait for our first l70 paladin and just slack at instances as alliance have done from the start. And I will just laugh when you get the damn bubble against you in pvp. LOL what i love this.
# Jul 23 2006 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
Total Cop Out. Amazing way to try to "fix" the class balance... Easy route and the only path for lazy designers.


In terms of game design, one of the options it opens up is for specific classes in dungeon encounters. We already have several encounters that highlight the abilities of a single class or make use of a classes specific abilities. Shaman and Paladins in the previous design could not participate in such encounters. If killing a creature required a Shaman, the Alliance could never beat the encounter and vice versa. This change allows the two classes to bring their own abilities into a situation which may highlight their class as an integral part of the encounter.

What a crock....

It should say.. If an encounter requires a shaman it would take the horde 5 times as long to figure it out and get past. Then I might believe this post.

p.s. Cop Out..
Impossible to balance without mirroring? BS!
# Jul 23 2006 at 10:58 AM Rating: Default
What a lazy, lame ***, weak, boring way to balance a game. They should be ashamed of their lack of creativity and willingness to take the easy path. It may be more difficult to balance different skills to the same powerlevel, but thousands of games including all versions of starcraft and warcrat managed to do it to a level acceptable enough to make millions of players happy. Their previous balance was good enough to make millions of players happy on WoW and I'm guessing there wasn't a rallying cry from the player base demanding more blandness in WoW.

This is such a shame they wimped out in this change so they can say they acheived balance and give themselves an easier time making dungeons. If they just HAVE to remove the uniqueness of skills for the sake of balance they could at least rename them to something more logical. I prefer a game that has a bit more storyline than Chess or Checkers.

This is a 'New Coke' moment. I hope they realise this before its too late.
horde pally???
# Jul 23 2006 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
ummm a few things come to mind..........exorcism, turn undead, holy something, locate undead, point is, what about the specific spells that hurt undead?
Impossible to balance without mirroring? BS!
# Jul 23 2006 at 10:54 AM Rating: Default
What a lazy, lame ***, weak, boring way to balance a game. They should be ashamed of their lack of creativity and willingness to take the easy path. It may be more difficult to balance different skills to the same powerlevel, but thousands of games including all versions of starcraft and warcrat managed to do it to a level acceptable enough to make millions of players happy. Their previous balance was good enough to make millions of players happy on WoW and I'm guessing there wasn't a rallying cry from the player base demanding more blandness in WoW.

This is such a shame they wimped out in this change so they can say they acheived balance and give themselves an easier time making dungeons. If they just HAVE to remove the uniqueness of skills for the sake of balance they could at least rename them to something more logical. I prefer a game that has a bit more storyline than Chess or Checkers.

This is a 'New Coke' moment. I hope they realise this before its too late.
# Jul 23 2006 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
Whiners: 1, Blizzard: 0
many many words....
# Jul 23 2006 at 5:54 AM Rating: Default
hmmmm.....well....they....damnit xD
ok, firstly i wanna say this: what the f*ck were they thinking????
secondly, about the draenei. well, not a real draenei began the shammy thing and the real draeneis adoppted that thing....well it can be, but it really messes the story for me thought....
bloo elves pallies.....hmmmm....cant think of a word for maybe the BE should have a reputation deacrese to normal with all the other hordes, and draeneis with the allies? thats just a thought i dont think blizz will get out of this one...

by the way the bllod elves in the horde are a mistake too. i'll give you a hint: Raventusk village(forest trolls in the hinterlands if im not mistaken)they're like the only ones forest trolls that are working with the horde, but they HATE blood elves 'cause they driven them form Quel'talas or something like that.....

.....damnit i hate blizz for f*cking up the story like that, i played WC,WC2, WC3 and the expansion(frozen throne) ONLY for the story 'cause it was fun and intriguing and i know play WoW only to realize what happened after 7 years from the things that happened (thats another ****** thing that blizz done).

ok enought talking the time will show what will happen(not really we know that now thought)if someone wanna talk about the f8cking things that are happenin' or about WC sned me a message on skype(nick : velnio_vaikis).
by the away if you have any books about WC(on pc) please contacty me, i really nedd those ;)
class extinction?
# Jul 23 2006 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
well, this brings 1 thought to my mind.... now that both sides have all classes....

wont that mean shammy or pally will be kinda.... exed out?

i mean, now that pally and shammy arent... well special anymore, 1 might be less favored then the other... just a thought :P
Lacking effort
# Jul 23 2006 at 4:26 AM Rating: Decent
217 posts
My biggest gripe is the way they keep altering the lore of Warcraft, which is the main reason I bought this game in the first place. I'm not too bothered if they attempt to give reasons for why this is, such as the Draenei's one.

However, I think that Blizzard really aren't trying enough for the Blood elf reason. Why are the Horde stuck with two "necessary evils" or "alliances of convenience"? The blood elf excuse is nigh on exactly the same as the undead one, and it really demeans Thrall and the Horde in general, in my opinion.

I didn't fully appreciate their reasoning till I saw the Eyonix quote, but now I guess it's understandable. It's just lame that they're taking the uniqueness out of WoW. Of course, at least we still have racial traits (Everyone knows that Wisp Spirit is just as good as Will of the Forsaken or Hardiness).
Seems wrong
# Jul 22 2006 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
I hate facing 5+ shammies in WSG, but this doesn't work. Should have given the BE's spellbreakers and the Draenii some new class within their lore, but ... not shaman. Oh well, guess we'll see all the 15y/o's running to play the new sexy BE's anyway... balanced out the stupidity ftw!
Just a thott
# Jul 22 2006 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
Why not make everyone happy and not give the b.e.s teh pally but give the Undead the deathknight.They could have all the same skills as pallys but just have different looking equipment. Just a thought
Forgot to add
# Jul 22 2006 at 8:01 PM Rating: Default
I forgot to add to the post below. I understand why they did this but I still think they could've done better fitting it to the lore of the game. The draenei one actually isn't bad. You could make a case for shamans fitting in for draeneis. While the lore could be better, it's believable. The blood elf one is less believable from a lore standpoint. I wish Blizzard would change it and make it better before release.
They had to do this
# Jul 22 2006 at 7:58 PM Rating: Default
There's too much imbalance in high end encounters otherwise and it really constrains the kinds of encounters they design. Viscidus, for example, is actually the hardest boss in AQ40 for Alliance, while being relatively easy for Horde. Paladin abilities like JoW, BoK, BoM, make a huge difference in fights like Patchwerk. Blizzard doesn't have freedom to design encounters because the advantages/disadvantages of both classes really do make it much harder/easier for one side or the other regularly. The only other option for Blizzard to completely homogenize the abilities of shaman and paladin to reflect each other.

Understand that this change isn't meant for those instances and encounters that are a joke on the difficulty scale. Lots of 5-man instances, you don't even need a tank anymore. This is for those encounters at the top end where people are pushing the scale and have to maximize raid output of dps/hps.
# Jul 22 2006 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
I seen the blood elf female as pally and the Draenei male as shaman, the B.E looks good, the "D" sucks
# Jul 22 2006 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
I seen the blood elf female as pally and the "D" male as shaman, the B.E looks good, the "D" sucks
# Jul 22 2006 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, i hate it... Redicolous and pathetic. Rewrite starcraft lore instead, would be easier to accept!
gg blizzard l2original
# Jul 22 2006 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
3,152 posts
Rehuhu of Kujata
its a good thing
# Jul 22 2006 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
GOOD, This is the best thing that can happen. Totems, Blessings & Auras FTW!
# Jul 22 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
Anyway, for me is not that shocking, i dont like to much pallies, the same with shammies.

Anyway, we will se a lot of shammies allies, thats for sure (noobish people U_U) and for the horde, well, i think less than shammies.

Ill keep with my BE whatever with this
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