WildStar M30 Patch Notes Officially Released

For WildStar fans, and even those who may have not been following WildStar as closely, it was big news that the WildStar Closed Beta phase began early last week.

With the pretty obvious announcement from Carbine Studios and the gossip happening around the internet, you would have had to be living under a rock to not know.

No offense to any Granok out there.

As we all know, with closed beta comes the signing of Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), but we also know that the internet sometimes has a hard time keeping secrets.

To no one's great surprise, unfortunately some beta information was in fact leaked.

Wildstar Wednesday Reveal: Arenas

Today the good folks at Carbine Studios released some more juicy information about their upcoming MMO WildStar.

While a lot of fans were glued to their computers hoping they might get a reveal on the two new classes or races that have yet to be announced (I was one of those people), we ended up getting some interesting new information regarding Arenas in this WildStar Wednesday news release.