Arenanet Releases: Rytlock's Critter Rampage

Earlier this month Arenanet introduced Guild Wars 2 players to the overwhelmingly popular Super Adventure Fun Box; a nostalgic walk down memory lane that brought back some of the 16-bit gaming experiences that veterans of the genre have come to know and love.

Best described as a 3-D version of Zelda: A Link To the Past (and a mix of other 16-bit titles) built within the Guild Wars 2 engine, the Super Adventure Fun Box was an April fools joke that, to many people's surprise, actually found its way in game.

Well it looks like Arenanet might have some other adventures heading your way as they introduce you to a browser based platformer aptly named: Rytlock's Critter Rampage. Starring, you guessed it, Rytlock Brimstone.