The Scrying Pool: HoT Demo Impressions


Last week I had the chance to visit the ArenaNet studios to get an early look at the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns demo that players will be able to play at PAX East this weekend and again at EGX Rezzed in London the following weekend. Alongside being able to play the demo, I had a chance to interview Jon Peters and John Corpening, which you can read right here on ZAM.

The Scrying Pool Comics: Town Clothes


The Scrying Pool is a Guild Wars 2 column where I simply ask what if? Normally this is looking forward and what new features or story could come in a future update. For the first ever Scrying Pool Comic, I decided to take a look back at a system that was in Guild Wars 2, but was removed with the April 2014 Feature Pack.

The Scrying Pool: First-Personing


The Scrying Pool is a Guild Wars 2 column where I simply ask what if? Nothing is off the table as we dive into possible features and future content, looking at what currently exists in Guild Wars 2 before I answer my own what if question with how I think the feature and content should be implemented.

Earlier this week some fansites started to slowly trickle out their interviews from Gamescom. Some of the answers that the developers gave, such as no Super Adventure Box in the near future, sent the community into a fury. For this article, I wanted to pick out one of the topics metioned in GuildMag’s interview and ask:

What if Guild Wars 2 had a First-Person View?

The Scrying Pool: Ascension

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

Since the introduction of ascended armor last December, a common topic of conversation is the worthwhileness of ascended gear in general. The small stat increase over level 80 exotic gear is very minor, which has many people crying out for an improvement in either function or straight up stat increase to make the sizeable amount of effort worth the end reward.

The Scrying Pool: For Glory!

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

The March 18th patch, in a little over two weeks, is just a maintenance patch. It is not the big feature patch that is coming and will not include the balance or sigil/rune changes. The only announced inclusion in this patch is that Glory will no longer be earned in PvP, that PvP armor and weapon skins can no longer be obtained and PvP crafting is being removed. Glory itself is not actually being removed, just no longer obtainable, as existing glory can still be used to buy a few select items.

The Scrying Pool: Adopt a Pet

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

Cosmetic items have been a big part of Guild Wars 2’s gem store. Through this cash shop players have been able to buy new weapon and armor skins and things like unlimited use finishers and harvesting tools that have unique animations and flair. Something that I’m surprised hasn’t been sold in the gem store is new pet skins for the Ranger pets.

The Scrying Pool: Show a Little Skinning

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

The last patch for Guild Wars 2 was on December 10th. Among the Wintersday and Living World content that was released, players were able to start crafting Ascended armor. Ascended weapon crafting had come out earlier in the year and displayed what players could expect from ascended crafting: lots of lower tiered materials and time-gated crafting.

12 Days of Gaming: Eleven Months of Awesome

On the 11th day of gaming ZAM gave to thee the most awesome column ever, and last week was the 11th month anniversary of The Scrying Pool, my Guild Wars 2 column here on ZAM.

The Scrying Pool: GW2tv

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

Scarlet Briar is the main villain in Guild wars 2’s Living World. She first appeared in the August content and has taken center stage in almost every content release since. Now with every content, there is almost a lack of suspense as the tag line is just Scarlet did it.

The Scrying Pool: Claim the Hill

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

In Guild Wars 2, PvP is pretty limited. While there have been additional maps added since launch, there has only been the Conquest game mode.