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is ff11 going to have subscription fee reduced...?Follow

#1 Aug 10 2013 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
279 posts
was wondering if anyone thinks ff11 will have its sub fee reduced after ff14 released? i mean its been out for over 10 years? anyone think the 14 dollar fee a bit high for old game?

non flaming please just something I was always thinking about.
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#2 Aug 10 2013 at 3:57 AM Rating: Excellent
I doubt it.
Even an old game still needs people who needs to be paid to maintain it. :(
#3 Aug 10 2013 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
I also don't think they will.

XI is still profitable at that subscription rate. SE knows that as long as the game itself is making money, they're at the "market rate" for a subscription MMO - the amount of money someone is willing to pay for a monthly fee. Below $10 is usually the profitability dropoff point, $20 is too high. Between $10-$15 is the sweet spot, so most MMOs aim for that.

They'd need to see a massive drop-off in subscriptions before they lower the rate to try to entice more people to play.

That may actually happen, since a lot of people are planning to "switch" from XI to XIV. However, they've actually had a surge in XI in the last few months as people stopped playing XIV beta and wanted something to occupy their time until XIV proper began. September and October will be the deciding months as to whether XI still has the numbers to justify its price.

Then there's people like me who already have two XI accounts and will get a XIV account anyway on top of it without quitting XI., SE loves me.
#4 Aug 10 2013 at 8:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:

Then there's people like me who already have two XI accounts and will get a XIV account anyway on top of it without quitting XI., SE loves me.

Something tells me they love your money more then you. ;)
#5 Aug 10 2013 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
641 posts
Everquest's subscription fee is 15 dollars I believe, although that game is F2P these days.
#6 Aug 12 2013 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
1,726 posts
Janeash wrote:
Catwho wrote:

Then there's people like me who already have two XI accounts and will get a XIV account anyway on top of it without quitting XI., SE loves me.

Something tells me they love your money more then you. ;)

They should love her as a long-time loyal customer.
#7 Aug 12 2013 at 9:11 AM Rating: Good
They'd only drop the price of the game if it stopped being profitable, as a means of increasing subscription numbers. At this point, though, if the game got to that point, they'd probably just drop support for it entirely and focus their efforts on FFXIV.
#8 Aug 12 2013 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
If the game dropped to $5.00 / mo and eliminated the "mule" charges, I'd probably subscribe just to use it as a *****-around-while-chatting program. Today the game doesn't really interest me enough to justify the cost, as the current fee is waaaaay too high for what FFXI offers. The last time I returned to the game (this expansion) I lasted about 4 days, and most of that was spent trying to get my wife interested.

It's possible FFXI might benefit from a split subscription model, one cheaper "basic" account and one "premium" that could feature bonus cosmetic items & cooldown boosts to things like abyssea stones that don't really break gameplay. I think we'd see an option like this before we'd see a straight "price slashing", because square places a very high value on the final fantasy brand, to the point that they remake games 10 years later and charge more than the original game, so when they get in the whirlwind of MMO subscriptions, it's that much harder to pull the candy from the baby.
#9 Aug 12 2013 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
595 posts
They're not gonna drop the sub fee a month after a new x-pack. Anyone that says there's nothing to do is plainly not trying.
#10 Aug 14 2013 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
1,145 posts
Catwho wrote:

They'd need to see a massive drop-off in subscriptions before they lower the rate to try to entice more people to play.
They've already lost 2/3s of their active players, nearly half to 2/3s of their subscriptions depending on a person's viewpoint. At what point does 'massive drop-off' come into play for a reduced sub?

They're not ever going to reduce that fee until the day comes when they have two choices in their mind: Reduce fee to get more people to sign up for FFXI, or shut down the servers. It's a last resort for them. Game devs sometimes forget that their sub fee isn't a right to log into their game world. It's a service fee and that fee needs to adjust depending on the service they are providing. FFXI right now is worth 5 to 8 dollars a month, and 8 is pushing it for lightly updated, 11 year old MMORPGs.

Edited, Aug 14th 2013 11:47am by Voldermolt
#11 Aug 14 2013 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
They'll drop XIV again before cutting XI.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#12 Aug 14 2013 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
Voldermolt wrote:
Catwho wrote:

They'd need to see a massive drop-off in subscriptions before they lower the rate to try to entice more people to play.
They've already lost 2/3s of their active players, nearly half to 2/3s of their subscriptions depending on a person's viewpoint. At what point does 'massive drop-off' come into play for a reduced sub?

They're not ever going to reduce that fee until the day comes when they have two choices in their mind: Reduce fee to get more people to sign up for FFXI, or shut down the servers. It's a last resort for them. Game devs sometimes forget that their sub fee isn't a right to log into their game world. It's a service fee and that fee needs to adjust depending on the service they are providing. FFXI right now is worth 5 to 8 dollars a month, and 8 is pushing it for lightly updated, 11 year old MMORPGs.

XI would have to reach below XIV 1.0's end of life numbers, frankly. Between 20K to 50K accounts or fewer.
#13 Aug 14 2013 at 12:39 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Game could survive on 50k subs, but it probably wouldn't be the most enthralling and frequently updated experience. Probably wouldn't be much better/worse than now, actually.

Socially, I think it'd be a cool thing for SE to reduce the sub cost to $5 without mule shenanigans or even go outright F2P. Financially, they obviously won't do it as long as there are enough players (or suckers who can't bear to "let go" of their avatars) shelling out. Why? Well, XIV did its damage to the game's potential for roughly half a decade, both under Tanaka and Yoshi. Some kind of thanks is well beyond deserved and doubly so if their intent is to let XI fade into technological obscurity.

Of course, there are still a lot of other fixes I feel the game needs before I'd even consider paying to play it again. Monstrosity piqued my interest a bit as a potential solo-friendly activity, but I held out since XIV is close. Shifting away from the alliance ***** they're on right now is probably the best thing the game could otherwise do.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#14 Aug 15 2013 at 8:51 AM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
Seriha wrote:
Socially, I think it'd be a cool thing for SE to reduce the sub cost to $5 without mule shenanigans or even go outright F2P.

Even just including all 16 character slots for our $12.95 a month would be nice.
#15 Aug 15 2013 at 11:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Camiie wrote:
Seriha wrote:
Socially, I think it'd be a cool thing for SE to reduce the sub cost to $5 without mule shenanigans or even go outright F2P.

Even just including all 16 character slots for our $12.95 a month would be nice.

That's the most reasonable suggestion for a price reduction, I think. The problem is that the mules are used not just for storage, but to also get extra stuff. Extra mog bonanza numbers, extra login goodies, extra prizes. Even extra Gobbie treasure chest dailies! The mules sell things on the AH, bazaar, and often specialize in crafts or HELM that the main character doesn't have room to do.

Include all 16 slots for 12.95 but treat the mules like trial accounts. No tells, no AH, no interaction with the special events. Limit gil to 100K. However, let them continue to act as storage for main characters (since that's their primary use.) Allow someone to continue to unlock the mule to a "full" character for the extra $1 a month, as is done today.

That way SE still gets its revenue from the people who have 9 mules solely for the mog bonanza numbers, but the rest of us have 15 extra storage slot characters we can use.
#16 Aug 16 2013 at 3:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Hmm I can see your reasoning behind the price but I'd rather leave things the way they are if I had to deal with those types of restrictions to have 16 characters.
Personally I don't need that many characters and if I were crafting on a mule that needed to buy mats that cost more then 100k then I would have to login to my main just to buy something and send it back to myself. (Making the process of making something even longer that it should be.)

Also I forget what I have stored on 3 mules most of the time and occasionally end up buying the same thing again because I can't find it.
A lot of people these days will invest a little more time on their mules to increase invent space and even levelling whm up a bit so they can unlock a runic portal for a mog locker.

There's another thing that's bothering me a bit but finding names for so many characters will give me a headache and take more choices away for other people to use since you can't have Surnames in this game.

#17 Aug 16 2013 at 6:13 AM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, you can't be CloudSephirothXX any more, but there's plenty of non-name names you can give mules. Half the people on Bismarck have at least one Taru mule named "Lil- x" in which X is some variation on their primary character's name. I have Lilwho. I know of a Lildeku, a Lilulric, a Lildes, and a dozen or so more along that theme.

Name them after inanimate objects related to their function. My old Dynamis mules are Montiont, Lungonango, and Hundredbynebill. Lahurah has characters named Savestuff, Savecrystals, etc. I've seen cooking mules named Souschef and Executive, a leathercraft mule named Renfaireman, and a goldsmith character named Ooohshiny. Bazaar mules named Walmart, Savealot, and Buymythings.

Any word in any language aside from profanity is fair game. SE really doesn't care if you're breaking someone's immersion with a mule named "Meleegear."
#18 Aug 16 2013 at 9:30 AM Rating: Excellent
139 posts
They will only reduce the subs when the number of players active is reaching low enough to cause a problem for current players and merging servers is not an option. There is nothing to guarantee an increase in revenue if you lower subscription fees. It's like reducing your price to sell items quicker but you make less money per item so you might get less money if you aren't selling enough.

What reducing in fees will bring is increase in number of new/returning players for a short time but it would also increase the costs for server. So if you cut the price in 1/2, you should be selling at least more than double the amount to make up for the reduction in price. Set the price too low and you will lose money in the long run. Make it too high and it has no effect on increasing population and you just lose money.

FFXI is in a tough spot to do anything about their subscription fees as it has more problem than just the game itself. SE payment page isn't exactly friendly to everyone. They sometimes having people getting rejected for payments and unable to pay. Normally, it's not a problem but it does make it more difficult to gain a lot of new/returning players when you are in a niche market like SE games.

Edited, Aug 16th 2013 11:41am by Oddwaffle
#19 Aug 16 2013 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
What may be more likely, depending on the success of XIV ARR/2.0, is that they re-visit the idea of giving you a couple bucks off XI if you also subscribe to XIV. If they're getting an enormous revenue from XIV and they're concerned at the number of folks who fled XI to play XIV only, they can afford to offer a $9.99 sub to XI for someone with an active XIV subscription too.

SE wants people to pay for (and hopefully play) both games, and if XIV steals too many people from XI, they have a vested interest in getting those people back to paying for XI. Offering a combo discount is the smartest thing to do.
#20 Aug 19 2013 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
Catwho wrote:
What may be more likely, depending on the success of XIV ARR/2.0, is that they re-visit the idea of giving you a couple bucks off XI if you also subscribe to XIV. If they're getting an enormous revenue from XIV and they're concerned at the number of folks who fled XI to play XIV only, they can afford to offer a $9.99 sub to XI for someone with an active XIV subscription too.

SE wants people to pay for (and hopefully play) both games, and if XIV steals too many people from XI, they have a vested interest in getting those people back to paying for XI. Offering a combo discount is the smartest thing to do.

They could copy Sony's idea of an "All Access" pass. Play the one you like for $13 or $15 or play both for $20 or whatever. Most people would probably just pay the $20 because it's such a good deal, but then still actually play only one game unless their preferred game is down. They'd be collecting an "extra" $5-$7 a month, but in most cases they wouldn't actually be providing an extra $5-$7 worth of service.

Edited, Aug 19th 2013 12:41pm by Camiie
#21 Aug 21 2013 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
My problem with XI sub fee is they drastically gutted the amount of money they put into development and reduced the dev team for this game by a huge amount too. They are asking for the same amount of money for a tiny amount of investment it used to get, XIV dev is sucking the life out of this game. I came back to the game 5-6 months ago but it just was an insult to pay for such a mediocre service (compared to what it was a few years ago) so I unsubbed.

Of course the game has nowhere near the players it had 4-5 years ago either now and most of what remains are extrememe hard core that don't need to get a cheaper game to stick around...they would probably stick around if they doubled the fee infact.

They don't really care about this game anymore, their whole drive is XIV. The only way I can see a reduction happening is if they want to try ween XI players onto XIV and offer a discounted XI for playing XIV. The intention being to get you to swap to XIV.
#22 Aug 21 2013 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
9,526 posts
Well SE needs to do something. I usually wouldn't be on the FFXI is die-ing bandwagon, but I've been on NA prime time this week and there is next to zero shouts and the shouts that happen are usually for 1 slot only and that for a "3-4 song bard" or something equally ridiculous.

I joined a voidwatch shout and it took us 2 hours after I joined at 8 people to get 12 people... it's terrible. It basically makes the game unplayable.

I mean, the game is fine I guess if you have an active LS and/or just want to solo, but this is bad. They better put in a dual sub deal or XI is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Edited, Aug 21st 2013 9:00am by Olorinus
#23 Aug 21 2013 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
At this point, I don't think a discount would bring me back. XIV is doing a lot right this time around, and unless end game is horrid (which it wasn't in 1.0), I just don't see the appeal of XI. They've given it that XI feel, with updated graphics and mechanics. That being said, SE still wins and gets my money.

#24 Aug 21 2013 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
641 posts
The FFXI forums responses:

"Yeah that would be nice, but we can't do it."

The FFXIV responses:

"Guess what? We're implementing it in the next patch!"
#25REDACTED, Posted: Aug 22 2013 at 1:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) In total honesty, I think FFXIV will get a sub reduction (even go f2p) before FFXI will.
#26 Aug 22 2013 at 6:50 AM Rating: Excellent
preludes wrote:
In total honesty, I think FFXIV will get a sub reduction (even go f2p) before FFXI will.

I bet it will happen within 6 months, FFXIV looks nice and it does some stuff well but overall it's going to burn out real fast. It does many things horribly badly (the combat is sooo bad and the leveling is among the worst of any mmo I've played), I think it will be burned at the stake by reviewers and overall it's just not gonna go down well will mmo players or even FFXI players.

If any of you are thinking to play FFXIV don't hang up your FFXI hat, keep it in reserve for when the shine wears off and you see it for what it really is.

Considering I played 1.0 until the end and enjoyed it, I'm not overly worried. That being said, XI will always linger around in my head, I just don't see the point right now.

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