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useful macros (WoW)  

This article is a compilation of macros that players have found useful, as well as a source of potential inspiration for your own macros. For more information on how to create macros, see macro.

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General Macros

Random Mount

/castrandom [flyable, nobutton:2, nomodifier:shift] Tawny Windrider; Green Windrider
/castrandom Black War Kodo, Black War Raptor, Red Skeletal Warhorse

This macro will select a random mount from a list of eligible mounts in your bag; if you are in a place where you can use a Flying Mount, by default it will use one of those unless you override the macro by either using the right-mouse button or pressing Shift as you activate the macro.


/use [target=player] Heavy Netherweave Bandage

A simple macro that will force you to bandage yourself and only yourself; useful if you constantly forget to detarget people before trying to bandage yourself, like I often do.

Shoot or Throw

/cast [equipped:Thrown] Throw; Shoot

Another simple macro, this one will automaticially select either "Throw" or "Shoot" based on your currently equipped ranged weapon. Useful if you use different kinds of items in different sets of gear, such as a tanking throwing weapon and a DPS bow.

Lucky Charms

/script SetRaidTarget("target",8)

This script will (assuming you are promoted or the leader of the party) mark your current target with a Skull. Can be combined with other macros, such as every time you taunt marking the Taunted mob with a Skull as the DPS target.

Assist the Tank

/focus [modifier:shift]<br> /assist [target=focus]

This macro will let you assign someone to assist by targeting them and holding the Shift button as you hit the macro, and from then on whenever you use the macro you will target their target.

Raid Macros

None yet!

Class-specific Macros

Macros that are specifically used for one class or another, although many of the techniques here can be applied to other classes.


See Druid Macros


See Hunter Macros

Steady Shot

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=2.5 Steady Shot, Auto Shot
/castrandom [target=pettarget,exists] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

The immortal Steady Shot macro, holy grail of Hunters! This is a basic 1:1 Macro; for more detailed information on how to use this macro (and which one to use), see Shot Rotation.

Aspect Toggle

/castsequence Aspect of the Hawk; Aspect of the Viper

A simple macro to toggle between the two useful Hunter aspects. Can be modified for any variation.

Aspect Consolidation

/cast [button:1] Aspect of the Hawl; [button:2] Aspect of the Viper; [button:3] Aspect of the Monkey

The other simple way to treat aspects, this will activate a different aspect depending upon how the button is pushed. This example uses mouse buttons, but you could also use the shift/alt/ctrl functions.

Simple Misdirect

/focus [help,modifier:shift]
/stopmacro [modifier:shift]
/cast [target=focus,exists,help] Misdirection; [help] Misdirection; [target=pet,exists] Misdirection

A useful macro; if used without any modifiers, it will attempt to Misdirect your focus target, and if that is not eligible your current target, and if that is not eligible your pet. If used with Shift it will attempt to Focus your current target.


See Mage Macros


See Paladin Macros


See Priest Macros

Simple Shackle

/cast [target=focus,exists,nodead,nomodifier:shift] Shackle Undead
/stopmacro [target=focus,exists,nodead,nomodifier:shift]

This macro will allow you to set a target as your shackle target then cast it upon them whenever you hit the button, no matter who your current target is. Hitting the Shift button will also force a Focus shift to your current target (can be modified to either ctrl or alt if you so choose, or even replace it with button:2 to refocus on a right-click).


''See Rogue Macros'


See Shaman Macros


See Warlock Macros


See Warrior Macros

This page last modified 2008-06-07 09:49:35.