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northrend daily quests guide  

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With the release of the new expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, many new daily quests were opened up for levels 71 through 80. A maximum of 25 daily quests may be completed per day per character. The reset hour is determined by the specific realm you are on but it never changes.

For many daily quests, such as Sons of Hodir and The Knights of the Ebon Blade, there is a quest chain that must be done prior to "unlocking" them.

The dailies are separated here by zone.

Borean Tundra

Faction Level Quest NPC Location Reward
Preparing for the Worst Utaik 64.0, 45.7 in Kaskala +500 Rep with The Kalu'ak, 20,300 xp, 9 86.
Drake Hunt Raelorasz 33.3, 34.5 - Coldarra +250 Rep with The Wyrmrest Accord, 20,100 xp, 4 70.
Aces High! Corastrasza 29.5, 24.8 - The Nexus +250 Rep with The Wyrmrest Accord, 13 23.

Howling Fjord

Faction Level Quest NPC Location Reward
The Way to His Heart... Anuniaq 24.6, 58.9 - Kamagua +500 Rep with The Kalu'ak, 20,100 XP, 4 70.
Break the Blockade Bombardier Petrov 29.0, 41.9 - Westguard Keep +250 Rep with Valiance Expedition, 20,100 XP, 4 70.
Steel Gate Patrol Steel Gate Chief Archaeologist 30.8, 28.6 - The Steel Gate +250 Rep with the Explorers' League, 20,100 XP, 4 70.


World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2009-02-15 15:41:42.