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botting (WoW)  

Using a Bot or Botting is using a third program that plays the game for you and with no involvement requires from the user aside from starting it up. Bots are often used to level up, farm items or even participate in battlegrounds while the user is away.

Botting is strictly forbidden by the World of Warcraft Term of Service and the penalty for botting are quite harsh, quite often involving a permanent ban with no grace period.

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I found a Botter, what do I do?

The best option is to simply open a ticket to a Game Master, usually as a Behavior complaint. Include any information about the botter, including his name, the type you spotted him and a brief description of the suspicious behavior. A GM will get in touch with you and ask some questions before starting the investigation.

Why Is Botting Bad?

Will Botters may not be hurting you directly, they do create an unfair advantage with those with low enough morale to use them.

If the Bot is used for gold farming, they might damage the virtual economy of the game.

Used for leveling, they end up creating a level capped character who's player often has very little actual experience of how to play his class. This may seem fine until you get in a party with him.

Used to gain honor in battleground, it creates a character who is fully decked out in epic pvp gear without having had to earn it.

Regardless of all this, even if you disagree with the reason above, Blizzard has the last call on what is allowed or not in their game.

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World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2008-05-23 09:32:42.