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Zones and Regions (WoW)  

The World of Warcraft is a big place, and the only way to make it easier to understand is breaking it into pieces. While the most obvious division is the continents of Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, and eventually Northrend, those areas are still much too large. Each continent is divided into many different zones, which has its own chat channels and map.

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The land of Kalimdor once included the landmass now known as the Eastern Kingdoms. Now it is home to the Night Elves, Draenei and the Cenarion Circle in the north, while the Tauren, Orcs, and Darkspear Trolls live in the central regions. The southern portion of the continent remains largely wild and uninhabited, but is home to the insect race of silithids that threaten the continent out of Ahn'Qiraj.

Northern Kalimdor Central Kalimdor Southern Kalimdor
Ashenvale The Barrens Ahn'Qiraj (raid)
Azshara Desolace The Black Morass (instance)
Azuremyst Isle Durotar Dire Maul (instance)
Blackfathom Deeps (instance) Dustwallow Marsh Feralas
Bloodmyst Isle Maraudon (instance) Hyjal Summit (raid)
Darkshore Mulgore Old Hillsbrad Foothills (instance)
Darnassus (city) Orgrimmar (city) Onyxia's Lair (raid)
The Exodar (city) Ragefire Chasm (instance) Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (raid)
Felwood Razorfen Downs (instance) Silithus
Moonglade Razorfen Kraul (instance) Tanaris
Warsong Gulch (battleground) Stonetalon Mountains Thousand Needles
Winterspring Thunder Bluff (city) Un'goro Crater
The Wailing Caverns (instance) Zul'Farrak

Eastern Kingdoms

The Eastern Kingdoms consist of the human Kingdom of Azeroth in the south, the formerly-human kingdom of Lordaeron in the north, and the dwarven kingdom of Khaz Modan in between.

Lordaeron Khaz Modan Kingdom of Azeroth
Alterac Mountains Arathi Basin (battleground) Blasted Lands
Alterac Valley (battleground) Arathi Highlands Burning Steppes
Eastern Plaguelands Badlands The Deadmines (instance)
Eversong Woods Blackrock Depths (instance) Deadwind Pass
Ghostlands Blackrock Mountain Duskwood
The Hinterlands Blackrock Spire (instance) Elwynn Forest
Hillsbrad Foothills Deeprun Tram Karazhan (raid)
Isle of Quel'danas Dun Morogh Redridge Mountains
Naxxramas (raid) Gnomeregan (instance) The Stockade (instance)
Scarlet Monastery (instance) Ironforge (city) Stormwind (city)
Scholomance (instance) Loch Modan Stranglethorn Vale
Shadowfang Keep (instance) Molten Core (raid) Swamp of Sorrows
Silvermoon City (city) Searing Gorge The Temple of Atal'Hakkar[1] (instance)
Silverpine Forest Uldaman (instance) Westfall
Sunwell Plateau (raid) Wetlands Zul'Gurub (raid)
Tirisfal Glades
The Undercity (city)
Western Plaguelands


The beautiful planet of Draenor that was home to the Draenei, Orcs and Ogres has been shattered horribly, and all that remains is this husk of a world. Added to the game during the Burning Crusade expansion, Outland is designed for players from levels 60-70.

Auchenai Crypts (instance) Auchindoun (hub) The Arcatraz (instance)
The Black Temple (raid) Blade's Edge Mountains The Blood Furnace (instance)
The Botanica (instance) Coilfang Reservoir (hub) Eye of the Storm (battleground)
Gruul's Lair (raid) Hellfire Citadel (hub) Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Ramparts (instance) Magtheridon's Lair (raid) Mana-Tombs (instance)
The Mechanar (instance) Nagrand Netherstorm
Serpentshrine Cavern (raid) Sethekk Halls (instance) Shadow Labyrinth (instance)
Shadowmoon Valley The Shattered Halls (instance) The Slave Pens (instance)
The Steamvault Tempest Keep (hub) Tempest Keep - The Eye (raid)
Terokkar Forest The Underbog Zangarmarsh


Northrend is home to the Lich King and The Scourge. Although it is not presently part of the game, it was the setting for a large part of Warcraft 3 and its expansion, The Frozen Throne. Northrend will be the focus for the second expansion to World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King.

Known Northrend zones include:

Azjol-Nerub Borean Tundra The Dragonblight
Grizzly Hills Howling Fjord Icecrown Glacier
Lake Wintergrasp Sholazar Basin The Storm Peaks

Other Places

Beyond the three continents and Outland, there are other locations within the lore.

  • The Emerald Dream is home to the sleeping druids of the Cenarion Circle, and looks exactly as the original Kalimdor did before The Sundering. Although there are (or at least were) no humanoid races in the Dream, it is starting to fall under dark influences and may be a potential location for a future expansion.
  • The Undermine is the home of the goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel.
  • Kul Tiras is a naval kingdom that exists on some of the islands in the center of The Great Sea. Some of their marines can be found in Durotar and The Barrens.
  • The Maelstrom is the large swirling storm in the center of the Great Sea. Little is known about the Maelstrom, but it is suspected that the naga capital lies beneath it.
  • There are a great many other worlds in the universe. Little is known about most of these, other than that the Burning Legion has made it their goal to conquer each of these worlds. Before finally settling on Draenor, the Eredar tribe known as the Draenei fled from planet to planet chased by the legion.

  1. ^ also known as Sunken Temple

This page last modified 2008-05-19 12:30:26.