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Tank (WAR)  

Tanks are heavily armored and well-protected front row party members whose role is to draw the enemy's attention (aggro) and attacks towards themselves with the use of taunts and other abilities as well as absorbing damage. They block their enemy's way and as such serve as meat shields for the spellcasters and ranged attackers in the back lines behind them. They usually engage foes with powerful melee attacks.

Tanks are most effective in group combats, able to deal with multiple opponents and reduce damage dealt against allies. They are strongest against lightly armored melee careers, and weakest when facing ranged attacks alone.

Verb: to tank

Standing still and taking a beating from enemies instead of running away or kiting. Solitary tanking is often used in group PvE situations to make the support character's task easier (only one person to concentrate on).

Tank Characteristics

Role: Close combat support

Armor: Heavy

Fighting style: Slow but powerful

Engagement style: Multiple opponents

Speciality: Ally protection

Strongest against: Light armor melee

Weakest against: Ranged magic

Tank Careers

Order of the Griffon: Knight of the Blazing Sun

Raven Host: Chosen

Oathbearers: Ironbreaker

Bloody Sun Boyz: Black Orc

Shining Guard: Swordmaster

House Uthorin: Black Guard

This page last modified 2008-04-17 23:45:25.