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Plainsfolk (ffxiv)  


The flat landscapes of the Plainsfolk's home islands are dotted with the clan's traditional thatched huts, beneath which lie intricate networks of underground passageways. Their distinct hair coloration -- a myriad of earthy and grassy tones -- helps them to blend in well with their environment, acting as an effective camouflage against would-be attackers. The long, pointy ears of the Plainsfolk are extremely sensitive, said to be able to detect the faintest scampering of the prairie's various fauna.

They are a clever and opportunistic people, and crafty with their words. These traits have helped the Plainsfolk excel in the arena of business. The generally accepted view of Plainsfolk males is that they are a cheerful lot, with a weakness for festivals and celebrations. Meanwhile, the females are a vibrant lot, with a penchant for excessive conversation.

Final Fantasy XIV

This page last modified 2010-08-13 20:11:37.